How to get the Master Ball in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet have a ton of Poke Ball to choose from, but none are stronger than the one-and-only Master Ball. Here’s how trainers can get this powerful Poke Ball during their adventure.
The Pokemon series always has some traditions that carry through every Generation, like the choice between a Grass, Fire, or Water Starter Pokemon.
Series veterans will be happy to know that Pokemon Scarlet & Violet brought back another tradition in the form of the Master Ball, which players can only get one of in a single playthrough.
This is because the Master Ball is the only Pokeball in the game that will catch a Pokemon no matter what, without fail. Here is everything trainers need to know about how to get the Master Ball in Generation 9.
Where to get the Master Ball in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Considering the Master Ball is one of the strongest items in the game, players will have to fully complete the main story in order to earn theirs.
This means beating all eight gyms and the Elite Four, defeating every Titan Pokemon with Arven, and shutting down every Team Star base in Paldea.

Once players have completed each of the three storylines, they will embark on ‘The Way Home’ storyline and travel through The Great Crater of Paldea (Area Zero), where the game’s Paradox Pokemon reside.
After finishing ‘The Way Home’, players will wake up in their dorm room at the Academy and be called to Director Clavell’s office. Here, he will give you one Master Ball—which is the only one available for the rest of the game.
What to use the Master Ball on
It goes without saying that the Master Ball should only be used on incredibly rare and hard-to-catch Pokemon.
This means players should probably use theirs on one of the five Legendary Pokemon found in Scarlet & Violet.
Here are the Pokemon players should think about using the Master Ball on:
- Koraidon/Miraidon
- Chi-Yu
- Ting-Lu
- Chien-Pao
- Wo-Chien
The Ruinous Quartet are great choices to use the Master Ball on as they are Legendary Pokemon, they require a lot of work to find, and they have pretty low catch rates in general. Additionally, the extra Koraidon or Miraidon players get, depending on their version, is also a solid choice to use the Master Ball on.
Regardless of who players choose to use it on, it’s better to use it than just letting it sit in your inventory unused. It takes a lot of work to earn the Master Ball, so make the most of it and make one challenging catch easy and stress-free!
And that’s everything trainers need to know about earning the Master Ball in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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