Most popular Valorant Agents: Pick rate and win rate for characters in Episode 7 Act 1

With 22 Agents to choose from in Valorant, it can be tough to choose which one to main as you try to climb the ranked ladder. We’ve taken a look at the pick rate and win rate of each Agent in the top tiers of Valorant to determine the most popular.
Episode 7 Evolution has been massive with several big changes coming to Valorant. With a new Sentinel and a new game being added in TDM, as well a complete overhaul of the game’s progression system, players have had to adjust to plenty of changes.
We also saw the introduction of new agent Deadlock who brought along a game-breaking exploit allowing players to shoot through any wall. Deadlock is the fifth Sentinal in Valorant’s lineup, whose unique abilities have made the agent more of a situational agent, leading many players to be unsure whether a buff or nerf is needed.
Via data collected by Blitz, we’ve ordered each Agent in Valorant by pick rate (how often they appear on a team) to determine who is the most popular character in the game.
We’ve compared every agent’s pick rate to their win rate (when not playing a mirror matchup) which has revealed some interesting information about the state of the game.
Most played Valorant agents
22. Harbor
- Pick rate: 0.9%
- Win rate: 46.1%
Harbor had a small stint of popularity after his release, however the agent shortly lost popularity with pros considering him to be underwhelming and ultimately has become the least picked agent.
- Read More: How to play Harbor
Players were drawn to his unique Cove ability, which lets him throw a water grenade that turns into a shield on impact and acts as a smoke, with people soon realising it was not that effective in comparison.
21. Neon
- Pick rate: 1.1%
- Win rate: 47.7%
Although Neon has been considered fun to play, many people have considered the agent bland and not very effective.
- Read More: How to play Neon
When compared to other characters, figures such as Shroud has given his thoughts stating she is “awful”. It is therefore no surprise that she is the second least picked agent.
20. KAY/O
- Pick rate: 2%
- Win rate: 45.1%
KAY/O hasn’t been Valorant’s most underwhelming release and it’s still evidently clear that he’s isn’t up to par with the rest of the roster.
- Read More: How to play KAY/O
Both his pick and win rates are low, and while he’s received a couple of buffs, the Initiator might need a few more before he’s actually useful in the ranked meta.
19. Yoru
- Pick rate: 1.2%
- Win rate: 47.3%
Yoru is just far less impactful than other Duelists like Reyna and Jett. Yoru isn’t seen as a viable pick by almost anyone.
- Read More: How to play Yoru
After a rework in 2022, Yoru still remains to be an unpopular choice that is still struggling to gain many picks, although its 47.3% win rate edges them past KAY/O.
18. Viper
- Pick rate: 2%
- Win rate: 49.2%
After being classed as one of the weakest Agents in Valorant on release, she was a bit overtuned following a wave of buffs, but later became much more popular as a result.
- Read More: How to play Viper
Now, after a few more tweaks weakening the agent, even though her win rate is still high, Viper has found herself as once again as one of the least picked agents.
17. Fade
- Pick rate: 2.3%
- Win rate: 49%
Fade although previously considered a strong initiator agent, has fallen in popularity with many picking Skye or Sova as their prefered initiator.
- Read More: How to play Fade
16. Gekko
- Pick rate: 2.4%
- Win rate: 49.4%
Gekko was the 6th initiator added to Valorant, with not much difference in terms of win or pick percentages when compared with Fade, the agent is less preffered compared to other agents.
- Read More: How to play Gekko
15. Astra
- Pick rate: 2.4%
- Win rate: 49.4%
Astra has the potential to be one of the strongest Agents in Valorant. With her unparalleled ability to zone away enemies from anywhere on the map, she’s still managed to maintain a viable win rate, despite her nerfs.
- Read More: How to play Astra
Her high skill cap, however, means only the best of the best can make use of her in ranked. Other Controllers, like Omen and Brimstone, are more popular simply because they’re easier to play.
14. Breach
- Pick rate: 3.5%
- Win rate: 48.6%
The bionic Swede is struggling to adapt after having his flash charges reduced. Though Riot thought his faster weapon equip speed might compensate, he’s neither popular nor particularly effective right now.
- Read More: How to play Breach
Buffs are certainly needed to bring Breach back into line with the likes of Skye, who has taken his place in many teams.
13. Cypher
- Pick rate: 3.8%
- Win rate: 49.2%
Cypher’s play rate has gradually gone down since nerfs took away his ability to impact rounds after dying, and as Killjoy received big buffs to fill the void.
- Read More: How to play Cypher
Although the spy has a pretty high win rate, the Moroccan might need a bit of TLC in future patches to get back to his intel-gathering best and increase his pick rate from the low 3.8%.
12. Sova
- Pick rate: 3.8%
- Win rate: 49.8%
In the right hands, Sova can be lethal. Mastering his lineups is the key difference between a good Sova and a great one. The unparalleled utility made him popular for a while.
- Read More: How to play Sova
However, the Russian after being hit with a big nerf has found himself falling in popularity.
11. Deadlock
- Pick rate: 3.9%
- Win rate: 48.8%
The latest Sentinel agent to be added takes a somewhat respectable 11th spot, with new agents commonly being fairly popular after they have released.
- Read More: How to play Deadlock
Deadlock’s unique situational abilities have made her quite a controversial character, with many debating whether the agent is over powered or needs a buff.
She has the unique ability of turning into a cocoon, which has left some players concerned about this “instant win” ability of hers needed a nerf, whilst others are less convinced and think she needs a buff.
10. Chamber
- Pick rate: 4.6%
- Win rate: 48.8%
After starting off hot when first released, the French Sentinel has dropped off slightly finding itself at 10th place.
- Read More: How to play Chamber
Using his abilities to frag out like a duelist which seconds as great defensive ability makes the agent still a competitive choice.
9. Phoenix
- Pick rate: 2.9%
- Win rate: 50.7%
KAY/O’s introduction initially tanked Phoenix’s play rate, but people have been flocking back to the duelist since. He’s a bit easier to play than KAY/O, with a bit more power on the entry with Run It Back.
- Read More: How to play Phoenix
While he sits firmly behind Reyna and Jett as Valorant’s premier duelists, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of Phoenix here and there, as him having the 2nd highest win rate bumps the agent up to 9th place.
8. Sage
- Pick rate: 5.6%
- Win rate: 50.6%
Despite receiving nerf after nerf, Sage remains fairly strong. Who knew that a healer in a tactical FPS could prove to be significant to the meta?
- Read More: How to play Sage
Anyone with a more supportive streak should definitely look at using the Chinese Sentinel, with the third highest win rate percentage.
7. Killjoy
- Pick rate: 5.9%
- Win rate: 49.9%
Killjoy possesses an almost unrivaled ability to lock down sites, and her win rate skyrocketed once people realized the potential of the German Sentinel.
- Read More: How to play Killjoy
With her hard-to-counter abilities, Killjoy is a strong Agent to one-trick if you haven’t got an ironed-on main yet.
6. Skye
- Pick rate: 6.7%
- Win rate: 49.7%
The eco-warrior Sentinel is starting to make her mark on the meta. Her ability to sniff out locations of enemies is only really matched by Sova, and she provides a decent alternative healing option to Sage.
- Read More: How to play Skye
She also has the ability to just entry for herself with a faster flash equip — and while it’s been nerfed, she’s still a somewhat popular pick at the higher levels.
5. Brimstone
- Pick rate: 6.1%
- Win rate: 51.2%
Valorant’s American Controller is holding his own in the meta right now with the highest win rate percentage of any agent, providing a very solid smokes option for almost any comp. He’s particularly effective on Bind, where he can use his utility to clear out chokepoints with ease.
- Read More: How to play Brimstone
Brimstone’s simplicity is his charm, so if you’re struggling with some of the other smoke options, you can definitely make things work with him.
4. Raze
- Pick rate: 7.5%
- Win rate: 49.8%
Raze is probably the most irritating Agent to play against. Every single one of her abilities can slaughter an opponent, with her satchels opening up innovative ways of getting into opponents’ faces.
- Read More: How to play Raze
Statistically speaking, she’s still one of the best agents in Valorant currently, which could lead to nerfs coming.
3. Omen
- Pick rate: 8.4%
- Win rate: 48.6%
Omen is the perfect agent for anyone looking to create pure chaos on the map. After receiving a few nerfs and buffs, he has since returned to be one of the most popular agents.
- Read More: How to play Omen
If you love playing tricks on your enemy with teleports and smokes, he’s a very solid option finding himself as the third highest picked agent.
2. Reyna
- Pick rate: 10.1%
- Win rate: 49.9%
Reyna is a pure Duelist. Her ability to over-heal makes her extremely powerful in early rounds of the match, despite her previously facing a bunch of nerfs and tweaks she is widely regarded as one of the best agents.
- Read More: How to play Reyna
Her win rate remains one of the highest, making her one of the best options if you’re looking to drag your team to victory.
1. Jett
- Pick rate: 12.9%
- Win rate: 49.2%
Probably the flashiest Agent in Valorant, Jett is also the most popular. “Ranked demons” love her for the carry potential, and everyone wants to hit a sick clip with all her mobility.
- Read More: How to play Jett
If you’re an aggressive player looking to singlehandedly carry your team to victory, Jett could be the Duelist you need to play to climb to the top.
These stats are really important to Riot when it comes to balancing agents, as they give a good indication of the game’s health, so expect the top picks to receive some nerfs (and some buffs for the stragglers) in future updates.