Where to find Qwilfish in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Qwilfish and Overqwill are returning marine Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet. Here’s where to find a wild Qwilfish and how to get its evolved form Overqwil.
Qwilfish returns in Pokemon for Scarlet and Violet; however, its evolved form, Overqwil, cannot be caught in the wild. Qwilfish is a dual Water/Poison-type Pokemon, while Overqwil is a Dark/Poison type. and resembles a real-life blowfish.
While Qwilfish made their debut in Gen 2 of the franchise, Overqwil didn’t arrive until Pokemon Legends Arceus. Below, we’ll cover where you can find Qwilfish in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and whether it’s possible to get Overqwil in the game.
Be sure to also check out the full Pokedex in Scarlet & Violet, all of the Pokemon currently missing in SV, our Gen 9 type chart to help you master your next Gym Battle, or where you can buy Gen 9 if you still haven’t set out on your journey to catch ’em all.
Where to find Qwilfish in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Qwilfish is a pretty common Pokemon and is relatively easy to find. Simply explore the sea surrounding most of Paldea to battle and catch a wild Qwilfish in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Can you get Overqwil in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
Overqwil cannot be caught in the wild in Scarlet and Violet’s base game, as the Pokemon is native to the Hisui (ancient Sinnoh) region of the Pokemon universe.
However, Hisuian Qwilfish and Overqwil were added to the game as part of the Indigo Disk DLC. That means they are only present in the Blueberry Academy Pokedex.

If you do not own the DLC, you can also obtain an Overqwil in Scarlet & Violet by transfering it from Pokemon Home. To obtain one in Pokemon Home, you’ll need to catch one in Pokemon: Legends Arceus first or evolve a Hisuian Qwilfish and then transfer it.
So there you have it, how to find Qwilfish in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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