Best guns in XDefiant: Ultimate meta weapon tier list

Sourav Banik
xdefiant best weapons and best guns tier list

Our ultimate XDefiant weapons tier list ranks all of the best guns in Ubisoft’s shooter game and, based on the current meta, there are seven weapons to choose from in the top tier.

Right now, XDefiant‘s arsenal has 24 weapons in total. That includes primary and secondary guns to build out loadouts as you see fit. While some of these weapons are considered ‘meta,’ of course, others aren’t going to be as easy to get value out of.

The meta weapons are what you want to consider using as they either deal the most damage, have the best movement speed, or can one-shot an enemy from a long distance. Those feature at the top of our list – so, let’s get into it.

XDefiant weapons tier list: Best guns ranked

Of the seven weapons featured in our S-tier, we would recommend the ACR 6.8 if you want to use an Assault Rifle and an MP7 for those running an SMG.

Our tiers explained

Here is a short-hand for how each tier breakdown:

  • S: The best guns in the game
  • A: Very good weapons offering an alternative to other options
  • B: There might be situations where these weapons can perform well
  • C: Best to avoid unless you find yourself drawn to them

Now, we’re going to do a deep dive into each weapon in our XDefiant weapons tier list, ranking them from the top to bottom.

S-Tier weapons in XDefiant

ACR 6.8 – Assault Rifle

XDefiant ACR 6.8

The ACR 6.8 is the best of the best when it comes to what you want out of an Assault Rifle. It’s got low recoil no matter what you put on it, a high fire rate, enough bullets in each mag to take down at least two targets before reloading, and consistent performance at any range.

Though you may get outtraded up-close by an SMG and at long-range by Marksman Rifles or Snipers, you’ll stand a good chance at any range with a weapon that’s strong in any situation. If you’re looking for the jack-of-all-trades workhorse rifle, this is the gun for you.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the ACR 6.8, check out our guide.

M16A4 – Assault Rifle

M16A4 assault rifle in XDefiant

Burst weapons tend to be hit or miss when it comes to competitive multiplayer shooters; they’re always either really good or really bad depending on where their TTK lies between bursts. As you can probably tell by its placement, the M16 is a top-tier rifle.

With body shots hitting for 24 damage apiece, you can easily take down a target in two bursts. That, combined with a small delay between bursts and high accuracy, makes the M16A4 an absolute menace if you’ve got the accuracy to use it.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the M16A4, check out our guide.

TAC-50 – Sniper Rifle


Both of XDefiant’s Sniper Rifles are very powerful in the right hands. They’ve got enough punch to one-shot most targets, and the game’s extremely fast scope speed allows for some MW2-esque quick scoping (talking the 2009 one here). XDefiant is a quickscoper’s paradise.

However, the TAC-50 sits above the M-44 for one reason: consistency. Unless you’re hitting someone in the legs, it’ll kill at any range. It scopes a tad slower than the M-44, but that guaranteed one-shot puts this gun on a different level. And, if you’re into the slower playstyle of lying in wait with a sniper at range, the TAC-50’s high damage will only help you.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the TAC-50, check out our guide.

MK 20 SSR – Marksman Rifle

Marksman Rifles are exceptionally good in XDefiant, and the MK 20 is the crown jewel of the class. 69 damage per hit on a body shot up until 50 meters makes it an incredibly consistent two-shot kill. And, considering leg shots hit for 49, you only need one body shot as long as you’re getting hits on target.

This combined with low recoil, a decent rate of fire, and a forgiving 10 round mag makes the MK 20 SSR a meta staple. This Marksman Rifle is strong enough to be effective even at close range if you’re landing shots, making it an obvious S-Tier choice.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the MK 20 SSR, check out our guide.

MP7 – Submachine Gun


Out of every SMG in XDefiant, the MP7 has the best balance of strengths that you’d want out of the weapon class without many of the drawbacks. While it still has low range like other weapons in the category, it’s also got low enough recoil and a high enough fire rate to counteract its low range.

Meanwhile, the MP7 has a lightning-fast TTK up close and some of the best hipfire in the game. Considering how inconsistent shotguns are in XDefiant, this is your best close-range option and outshines the other options with the right attachments.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the MP7, check out our guide.

M44 – Sniper Rifle


Though it’s a bit worse than the Tac-50 in terms of consistent one-shot kills, this is definitely the faster of the two sniper rifles. Faster scope-in speed and more mobility make this the premiere montage weapon for players who are confident in their skills.

However, you’ll run into issues against the 120 HP Phantom class where a shot to the chest won’t quite do them in. So, You’ll have to swap to a sidearm to finish the kill at times, or add attachments to compensate for its lack of finishing power for the bulky class.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the M44, check out our guide.

P90 – Submachine Gun


It’s hard to hate on the P-90. It’s an iconic gun, one that’s known for having a massive, 50-round mag that can put a ton of rounds down range. That’s no exception in XDefiant; the P-90 is absolutely, 100% busted in this game. Low recoil, more rounds than any other SMG, the least damage falloff in the class, good hipefire. The P-90 has it all, and it’s a clear step up from every other SMG in the category.

Where other SMGs have strong hipfire, a high fire rate, or more accuracy at range, the P-90 takes all of those niches and does them better than the other guns. This is the SMG you’ll want to run.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the P90, check out our guide.

A-Tier weapons in XDefiant

AK-47 – Assault Rifle

XDefiant Ak-47

The AK-47 is a very different Assault Rifle from the others in the category. Unlike the standard AR identity as a consistent and accurate weapon that functions at all ranges, the AK is a slow-firing, high-damage rifle with a fast TTK that’s balanced by how difficult it is to handle.

Once you hone in on the right loadout and get the hang of controlling its recoil, this rifle shreds. Not to mention this weapon has some of the best ironsights in the game.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the AK-47, check out our guide.

SVD – Marksman Rifle

The SVD is worse than the MK 20 in terms of recoil and is a bit harder to use, and it still doesn’t quite reach that one-shot kill threshold despite having higher damage. However, there’s one trick you can do to put this gun all the way into S-Tier: Running the Cleaner faction.

Headshots hit for 98 with the SVD, just under the 100 HP most factions have. However, that burn tick passive on shots from the Cleaner faction pushes this gun over the edge into that one-shot territory when you land a headshot.

The only reason the gun is not in S-Tier is because it relies on which faction you’re using to get the most out of it. If you’re not running Cleaner, the MK 20 is the better choice.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the SVD, check out our guide.

93R – Pistol


In most cases, the 93R is the best sidearm you can take. It’s got a consistent 2-burst kill that can out-DPS some of the rifles in this game and rival SMGs if you’ve got the accuracy for it. And, though its small 15-round mag doesn’t leave too much margin for error, extended mags go a long way with this weapon.

The 93R’s aggressive damage falloff and diminishing accuracy at long range keep it from having the power level of a primary, but it’s a great sidearm.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the 93R, check out our guide.

MDR – Assault Rifle

xdefiant mdr

The MDR hits that sweet spot right between an Assault Rifle and an SMG, boasting a high fire rate that comes with equally high recoil and a high level of effectiveness at close range. While this means it suffers a bit beyond 20-25 meters when it comes to consistent accuracy, this gun excels within its niche.

It’s got the exact same damage profile as the M4A1 up close (24 to the head, 17 to the chest), but it has better mobility like an SMG. It’s a solid option and deserves its A-tier placement, but not worthy of that S-tier rating.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the MDR, check out our guide.

Vector .45 ACP – Submachine Gun

XDefiant Vector

The Vector is, on paper, a fantastic SMG. It’s got a low time to kill and dishes a ton of damage at close range, and it sounds like exactly the type of weapon you’d want in this category. However, two huge drawbacks put this gun in the A-tier.

One, it’s got some killer recoil. This thing kicks like a mule, and getting accurate shots on anyone at longer ranges isn’t worth trying. Two, a mag size of 25 is too small for how fast this weapon fires. To turn this gun into the best version of itself, you’re going to need a ton of attachments.

However, the Vector can still outperform the other options in its class outside of the two SMGs ranked above it.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the Vector, check out our guide.

M60 – Light Machine Gun

Light Machine Guns in general aren’t the best in XDefiant due to how bulky they are and how often they get outperformed by other weapon classes when it comes to DPS and mobility, but the M60 is a special case due to the way TTK thresholds work in this game.

It’s got 25 damage to the chest, meaning a consistent 4 shot kill to the chest while putting 100 rounds down range before having to reload. You’ll have to adjust your playstyle and keep yourself from running around to get the most out of this gun, but it’s unrivaled when it comes to holding down one area with a constant rain of bullets.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the M60, check out our guide.

B-Tier Weapons in XDefiant

M249 – Light Machine Gun

XDefiant M249

The M249 is the fastest firing LMG in the class, as it makes the most of its 100 rounds and puts them downrange as fast as possible. However, that also gives it the most recoil out of the bunch and makes it a bit difficult to control.

Additionally, it doesn’t deal quite as much damage as the M60 and comes with all the drawbacks associated with carrying around a big ol’ machine gun. It’s fun to use, but this weapon doesn’t have a huge advantage over ARs and comes with a few big drawbacks.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the M249, check out our guide.

686 Magnum – Pistol


If you fancy yourself a deadeye shooter, the 686 Magnum may be for you. The 93R puts a bunch of rounds down range, but the 686 packs a serious punch. It’s a consistent 3-shot kill at most ranges, 2 if you can land a headshot, and it’s got much less recoil than the D50 despite having higher damage.

The 686 isn’t for everyone, but those who are confident in their aim stand to get a lot of value out of this pistol. In the right circumstances, you can out-perform a rifle or SMG with it.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the 686 Magnum, check out our guide.

Double Barrel – Shotgun

The Double Barrel is certainly the most consistent out of all the shotguns. Though it’s got the obvious drawback of having 2 shots before you need to reload, it’s also got the most range, the tightest spread, and the highest damage of any shotgun.

That said, if you’re running this, make sure you’ve got a decked-out pistol you’re comfortable swapping to. You’ll be getting a lot of mileage out of your sidearm considering just how slow this Shotgun’s reload is.

This gun is the definition of a situational weapon and should only be run on small maps.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the Double Barrel, check out our guide.

D50 – Pistol

Ah, the Deagle. A tried and true gaming classic when it comes to big, impractical pistols that kick hard enough to cover half your screen after they shoot. They’re a bit hit or miss with how strong they are in competitive multiplayer games, and XDefiant’s Deagle is on the weaker side.

It deals 45 damage at close range, falling off to 33 at just 10 meters. This gun was purposely kneecapped, when it comes to TTK, with it only being a consistent 3-shot kill if you’re using the Cleaner Faction. That said, this gun is incredibly rewarding if you can land headshots with it, and it’s got that fun factor that may make it worth using for some.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the D50, check out our guide.

M9 – Pistol


The M9 pistol is the epitome of a reliable sidearm. It doesn’t do a ton of damage per shot, but it’s got a high fire rate, decent mag size, and generally low recoil. Nothing worth writing home about, but it’ll do the job in a pinch.

If you’re looking to have a sidearm on you exclusively to finish off targets and get those last few shots in on a target with low health, this is the gun for you. It lacks the panache of the flashier sidearms, but it’ll never do you wrong.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the M9, check out our guide.

RPK-47 – Light Machine Gun

XDefiant RPK-74

The RPK-47 is fine in every sense of the word. It’s between an Assault Rifle and an LMG in terms of how it feels to use, shaving off some of the clunkiness and slow aim speed for less ammo per reload.

Smaller mag means quicker reloads, and its recoil is fairly easy to control with its low fire rate. However, that control comes at the cost of less DPS than the M249. It still suffers from the low mobility and slow aim speed of an LMG, but not to the extent of other weapons in the category. But, at that point, why not just run an Assault Rifle?

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the RPK-47, check out our guide.

C-Tier Weapons in XDefiant

MP5A2 – Submachine Gun

an image of mp5a2 smg in xdefiant

The MP5 is one of the more iconic SMGs in gaming, and it’s known for having a bit more accuracy and range than its counterparts in the category. However, while the MP5 is sold that way in XDefiant, it’s got some fairly aggressive damage falloff. Once a target is beyond 10 meters away from you, this gun’s damage falls off a cliff.

This isn’t all that abnormal of SMGs in this game, but the MP5 lacks a lot of the perks of guns like the MP7 and P90 like a large mag size and good hip fire. This weapon is certainly usable, but their are three other guns better in the class.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the MP5A2, check out our guide.

AA-12 – Shotgun

The AA-12 shotgun in XDefiant

Shotguns are hilariously inconsistent in XDefiant, with them having dramatic damage dropoff beyond spitting distance against an opponent. Additionally, they’ve got a wide pellet spread that makes it difficult to get a solid grouping on any target.

However, the AA-12’s high fire rate tries to make up for some of these issues. With a drum mag and a choke, the AA-12 does alright. Although, you’ll have to do some grinding to make this an effective weapon, and it gets outclassed by most other guns in the game, anyways.

You’re still better off running an SMG in most situations if you want something that performs up close.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the AA-12, check out our guide.

M4A1 – Assault Rifle

The M4A1 is essentially just the ACR 6.8, but worse. While it has slightly lower recoil, the ACR’s recoil is low enough to be controllable at most ranges. The M4A1 also does 17 damage per shot in comparison to the ACR’s 21, giving it a slightly higher TTK despite having a higher fire rate.

The two are very close in terms of damage output, but running the ACR will put you at a distinct advantage. It’s not a bad starter AR, and that high fire rate gives you a bit more room to miss shots, but there are so many better options in the class.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the M4A1, check out our guide.

M1911 – Pistol


There aren’t many outright bad weapons in XDefiant, but the 1911 is one of them. It lacks the mag size to keep up with the M9, lacks the power to keep up with the Magnum, and still has some pretty aggressive kick. It feels powerful like you’d expect a 1911 to feel, but the damage just isn’t there.

Considering it requires four shots on target to take down most targets (5 against the Phantom faction), you don’t have much room for error with 7 rounds in a mag. The 1911 isn’t unusable, but it’s definitely the worst pistol in the game.

If you’d like to see the best loadout for the M1911, check out our guide.

M870 – Shotgun

Shotguns aren’t great in XDefiant, but the M870 is definitely the worst. It’s got the lowest fire rate between the three of them, yet it also lacks the range and spread to one-shot consistently. Running this weapon will put you at a disadvantage against anyone who isn’t within spitting distance.

And, while attachments help this issue, it’s truly not worth the trouble. That said, you can check out the best loadout for this weapon in our guide if you’re feeling so inclined.

That’s our XDefiant weapons tier list with the best guns you can use. Be sure to check our PC settings for maximum FPS, and the best keyboard and mouse settings. To stay in the loop on upcoming content in the game, we’ve got everything you need in our Season 1 hub.

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