Rare Starfield NPC sings space shanties by viral TikToker in-game

Ethan Dean
Starfield space shanties

Starfield players exploring the black depths of space have come across a lone pilot belting out space shanties into the abyss. The VA behind the NPC is a major figure in TikTok’s sea shanty community which is apparently a thing.

Starfield NPCs have been the talk of the town recently. Granted it has been for their freakish stares and their habits of rudely interrupting players’ conversations.

Despite some of their irregular behavior, one random encounter has softened people to Starfield’s NPCs. Reddit user u/ReadyLevelUp posted their experience with a rare NPC orbiting a planet singing a space shanty.

A quick scan of Starfield’s IMDb page reveals the voice of the lone shanty-singing spacefarer to be none other than Nathan Evans. The Scottish TikToker was a progenitor of the viral sea shanty trend that overtook the internet in 2020.

The shanty singing NPC is one of Starfield’s rarer encounters and it gives players the option to praise or disparage the song. Other users in the thread recounted their own experiences with the event.

“I found him twice and he sang different songs. Told him that his song made my day and he replied that my comment made his day,” one user recalled. “This was my first time encountering him and I said the same thing. It’s the small stuff that’s so cool,” u/ReadyLevelUp replied directly.

Some players were actually disappointed in the infrequency with which you encounter Evans’ NPC in Starfield. “ I was severely disappointed when he grav jumped away. I could take him as a radio station singing shanties while I travel the stars,” one user suggested.

Evans himself has actually seen some fans’ encounters of his NPC online. He reacted to another user coming across the event on TikTok.

Sea shanties certainly aren’t new in video games. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag’s selection of salty anthems was a highlight of the game but space shanties are certainly a new phenomenon.

For more Starfield news, check out our coverage of the game. For help and hints with navigating Bethesda’s galaxy-spanning RPG, we’ve got a range of guides below.

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About The Author

Ethan Dean is a Staff Writer on the Australian Dexerto team. He graduated from RMIT with a Bachelors Degree in Journalism and has been freelance writing in the gaming space ever since. His favorite game is the third-person, open world flavor of the month and when he doesn't have a controller in his hands, there's a paintbrush in them. He's a self-described Warhammer nerd and a casual DnD player too. You can contact Ethan at ethan.dean@dexerto.com