All Pokemon Scarlet & Violet TMs: Recipes, materials & locations

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players will need TMs to teach their teams the best moves in the Paldea region and for the first time they are craftable. Below is everything you need to find, craft, and use TMs in Gen 9.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players can help their teams learn new moves through a variety of methods. The easiest is to level a Pokemon up while exploring the Paldea region. However, Technical Machines, otherwise known as TMs, can also help expand the available moves useable for battles.
TMs are useful devices that can be found around a region’s map, purchased from shops, or received as gifts. They contain moves from all different type categories – with some moves only available via TM. While not all Pokemon can learn the same TM moves, the devices are an excellent way to curate a team strategy or prepare for only competitive play.
Players looking to prepare for grueling challenges may also want to check out the Level Order guide for the Paldea region, prepare for the Titan Battles, or glance over Sandwich buffs to help boost exploration while hunting down TMs.
Below is everything Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players need to know to find, craft, and use TMs while exploring Gen 9’s Paldea region.
How to craft TMs in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Pokemon trainers can craft TMs at any Pokemon center stop using the TM crafting machine.

Crafting TMs will require a few things: The TM recipe, crafting materials, and League Points.
Players can collect recipes by progressing the story, and specifically by working through Team Star’s battles. The recipes are rewarded after each leader battle.
Materials are collected by defeating wild Pokemon and participating in Tera Raid battles. Like the sandwich recipes, the TM crafting process will require a good number of materials. Because of this, it is good to spend plenty of time battling wild Pokemon before heading to a Pokemon Center.
Every TM Recipe and location in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Players will be able to both craft and find the majority of TMs in Scarlet & Violet. According to, below is a list of every TM, its assigned move, where it can be found in Paldea, and how to craft it once the recipe is unlocked.
TM | Move | Type | Paldea Location | How to Unlock | Crafting Recipe |
TM001 | Take Down | Normal | East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Five), West Province (Area One) | 400 LP, x3 Lechonk Hair, x3 Yungoos Fur | |
TM002 | Charm | Fairy | Casseroya Lake, South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area One) | 400 LP, x3 Azurill Fur, x3 Teddiursa Claw | |
TM003 | Fake Tears | Dark | East Province (Area One), Glaseado Mountain, South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Three) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 400 LP, x3 Bonsly, x3 Teddiursa Claw |
TM004 | Agility | Psychic | South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Three) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Fletching Feather, x3 Oricorio Slime |
TM005 | Mud-Slap | Ground | South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area One) | 200 LP, x3 Wooper Slime | |
TM006 | Scary Face | Normal | Dalizapa Passage, South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 400 LP, x3 Stanler Hair, x3 Sandile Claw |
TM007 | Protect | Normal | Alfornada Cavern, South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Four) | 400 LP, x3 Lechonk Hair, x3 Scatterbug Powder | |
TM008 | Fire Fang | Fire | Asado Desert, Schedar Squad’s Base, West Province (Area One) | 800 LP, x3 Houndoor Fang | |
TM009 | Thunder Fang | Electric | Glaseado Mountain, East Province (Area One), South Province (Area Five) | 800 LP, x3 Shinx Fang | |
TM010 | Ice Fang | Ice | Mesagoza, South Province (Area Four), West Province (Area One) | 800 LP, x3 Cubchoo Scales | |
TM011 | Water Pulse | Water | Socarrat Trail, South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Five), Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 1500 LP x3 Buizel Fur, x3 Magikarp Scales |
TM012 | Low Kick | Fighting | South Province (Area Two) | 400 LP, x3 Mankey Fur | |
TM013 | Acid Spray | Poison | Asado Desert, North Province (Area One), South Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Toxel Sparks, x3 Wooper Slime |
TM014 | Acrobatics | Flying | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Wattrel Feather, x3 Bombirdier Feather |
TM015 | Struggle Bug | Bug | Levincia, Mossui Town | 400 LP, x3 Tarountula Thread | |
TM016 | Psybeam | Psychic | East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), West Province (Area One) | 800 LP, x3 Psyduck Down | |
TM017 | Confuse Ray | Ghost | Dalizapa Passage, South Province (Area Three) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 400 LP, x3 Gastly Gas, x3 Mareep Wool |
TM018 | Thief | Dark | Glaseado Mountain, South Province (Area Two), West Province (Area One), Mossfell Confluence | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Houndour Fang, x3 Shroodle Ink |
TM019 | Disarming Voice | Fairy | Mesagoza, South Province (Area Two) | 200 LP, x3 Ralts Dust | |
TM020 | Trailblaze | Grass | Artazon Gym reward | 800 LP, x3 Petilil Leaf, x3 Hoppip Leaf | |
TM021 | Pounce | Bug | Cortondo Gym reward | 800 LP, x3 Nymble Claw, x3 Tarountula Thread | |
TM022 | Chilling Water | Water | Cascarrafa Gym reward | 3000 LP, x3 Psyduck Down, x3 Surskit Syrup | |
TM023 | Charge Beam | Electric | East Province (Area Two), West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Mareep Wool, x3 Dedenne Fur |
TM024 | Fire Spin | Fire | Asado Desert, East Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain, South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Four) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Growlithe, x3 Torkoal Coal |
TM025 | Facade | Normal | Medali Gym reward | 5000 LP, x3 Komala Claw, x3 Tinkatink, x3 Stantler Hair | |
TM026 | Poison Tail | Poison | Artazon, East Province (Area One), Glaseado Mountain | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Seviper Fang, x3 Shroodle Ink |
TM027 | Aerial Ace | Flying | Area Zero, Cortondo East Pokemon League rep, West of Mossfell Confluence | 800 LP, x3 Starly Feather, x3 Fletchling Feather | |
TM028 | Bulldoze | Ground | North Province (Area Three), Socarrat Trail, South of Apple Hills | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 1500 LP, x3 Mudbray, x3 Sandygast Sand |
TM029 | Hex | Ghost | East Province (Area Three), North Province (Are One), North Province (Area Two), West Paldean Sea, Timeless Woods | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Mimikyu Scrap, x3 Greavard Wax |
TM030 | Snarl | Dark | East Province (Area One), South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area Six) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Maschiff Fang, x3 Squawkabilly Feather |
TM031 | Metal Claw | Steel | Dalizapa Passage, South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area One) | 400 LP, x3 Teddiursa Claw | |
TM032 | Swift | Normal | East Province (Area One), Poco Path, South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Five) | 200 LP, x3 Fletchling Feather | |
TM033 | Magical Leaf | Grass | South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Six), south of Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 1500 LP, x3 Smoliv Oil, x3 Petilil Leaf |
TM034 | Icy Wind | Ice | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Six), Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Snom Thread, x3 Snover Berries |
TM035 | Mud Shot | Ground | East Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Five) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Sandile Claw, x3 Wooper Slime |
TM036 | Rock Tomb | Rock | Alfornada Cavern, South Province (Area Four), Mossui Town | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 1500 LP, x3 Rockruff Fluff, x3 Klawf Claw |
TM037 | Draining Kiss | Fairy | Cortondo, East Province (Area One), Glaseado Mountain | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Igglybuff, x3 Flabebe Pollen |
TM038 | Flame Charge | Fire | Schedar Squad’s Base | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 800 LP, x3 Fletchling Feather, x3 Torkoal Coal |
TM039 | Low Sweep | Fighting | Glaseado Mountain, West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Croagunk Poison, x3 Mankey Fur |
TM040 | Air Cutter | Flying | Navi Squad’s Base, South Province (Area Two) | 400 LP, x3 Combee Honey | |
TM041 | Stored Power | Psychic | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area One), North Paldean Sea, South Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 800 LP, x3 Gothita Eyelash, x3 Ralts Dust |
TM042 | Night Shade | Ghost | Asado Desert, Navi Squad’s Base, South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), Fellhorn Gorge ruins | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 400 LP, x3 Gastly Gas, x3 Murkrow Bauble |
TM043 | Fling | Dark | Artazon, Caph Squad’s Base, North Province (Area One), South Province (Area Three) | 3000 LP, x3 Sneasel Claw, x3 Happiny Dust | |
TM044 | Dragon Tail | Dragon | East Province (Area Three), North Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 1500 LP, x3 Dratini Scales, x3 Sandile Claw |
TM045 | Venoshock | Poison | East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Toxel Sparks, x3 Salandit Gas |
TM046 | Avalanche | Ice | Tagtree Thicket | 1500 LP, x3 Bergmite Ice, x3 Snorunt Fur | |
TM047 | Endure | Normal | North Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 200 LP, x3 Scatterbug Poweder |
TM048 | Volt Switch | Electric | Levincia Gym reward | 3000 LP, x3 Dedenne Fur, x3 Shinx Fang | |
TM049 | Sunny Day | Fire | East Province (Area One), Cabo Poco, West Province (Area One) | 3000 LP, x3 Sunkern Leaf, x3 Torkoal Coal, x3 Litleo Tuft | |
TM050 | Rain Dance | Water | Asado Desert, East Province (Area One), South Province (Area Five), Kitakami Hall | 3000 LP, x3 Shellos Mucus, x3 Wattrel Feather x3 | |
TM051 | Sandstorm | Rock | East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Five) | 3000 LP, x3 Hippopotas Sand, x3 Silicobra Sand, x3 Sandygast Sand | |
TM052 | Snowscape | Ice | Glaseado Mountain | 3000 LP, x3 Snover Berries, x3 Delibird Parcel, x3 Snom Thread | |
TM053 | Smart Strike | Steel | Cascarrafa, North Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Chewtle Claw, x3 Heracross Claw |
TM054 | Psyshock | Psychic | Cascarrafa, Casseroya Lake | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 5000 LP, x3 Meditite Sweat, x3 Spoink Pearl, x3 Drowzee Fur |
TM055 | Dig | Ground | South Province (Area Three), West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Diglett Dirt, x3 Greavard Wax, x3 Orthworm Tarnish |
TM056 | Bullet Seed | Grass | Asado Desert, Casseroya Lake, South Province (Area Three) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Sunkern Leaf, x3 Hoppip Leaf |
TM057 | False Swipe | Normal | Naranja Academy/Uva Academy | 400 LP, x3 Kricketot Shell, x3 Chewtle Claw | |
TM058 | Brick Break | Fighting | Asado Desert, Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area Three), North Paldean Sea | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Makuhita Sweat, x3 Hawlucha Down, x3 Crabrawler Shell |
TM059 | Zen Headbutt | Psychic | West Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Veluza Fillet, x3 Girafarig Fur, x3 Dunsparce Scales |
TM060 | U-Turn | Bug | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area Two), Gleaseado Mountain, West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 3000 LP, x3 Nymble Claw, x3 Scyther Claw |
TM061 | Shadow Claw | Ghost | North Province (Area One), Tagtree Thicket | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 3000 LP, x3 Mimikyu Scrap, x3 Komala Claw |
TM062 | Foul Play | Dark | Segin Squad’s Base | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 3000 LP, x3 Murkrow Bauble, x3 Sandile Claw |
TM063 | Psychic Fangs | Psychic | Glaseado Mountain, Levincia, North Province (Area One), Kitakami Wilds | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Bruxish Tooth, x3 Basculin Fang, x3 Veluza Fillet |
TM064 | Bulk Up | Fighting | Alfornada, Caph Squad’s Base, South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Five) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 3000 LP, x3 Makuhita Sweat, x3 Axew Scales |
TM065 | Air Slash | Flying | East Province (Area One), South Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Noibat Fur, x3 Wingull Feather, x3 Flamigo Down |
TM066 | Body Slam | Normal | Asado Desert, West Province (Area Three), West of Mossfell Confluence | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Skwovet Fur, x3 Alomomola Mucus, x3 Chewtle Claw |
TM067 | Fire Punch | Fire | Wistful Fields | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Meditite Sweat, x3 Charcadet Soot |
TM068 | Thunder Punch | Electric | Wistful Fields | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Toxel Sparks, x3 Meditite Sweat |
TM069 | Ice Punch | Ice | Wistful Fields | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Cubchoo Fur, x3 Meditite Sweat |
TM070 | Sleep Talk | Normal | Cascarrafa, Casseroya Lake, Segin Squad’s Base | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 400 LP, x3 Hippopotas Sand, x3 Slowpoke Claw |
TM071 | Seed Bomb | Grass | East Province (Area One), North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), Mossfell Confluence | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Shroomish Spores, x3 Bramblin Twig, x3 Smoliv Oil |
TM072 | Electro Ball | Electric | Mesagoza, South Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 5000 LP, x3 Pachirisu Fur, x3 Voltorb Sparks, x3 Tadbulb Mucus |
TM073 | Drain Punch | Fighting | East Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Five) | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Croagunk Poison, x3 Mankey Fur, x3 Crabrawler Shell |
TM074 | Reflect | Psychic | East Province Area Three, Levincia, South Province Area Three, Mossui Town | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 800 LP, x3 Drowzee Fur, x3 Flittle Down |
TM075 | Light Screen | Psychic | East Province (Area Two), Levincia, Northeast of Artazon | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 800 LP, x3 Magnemite Screw, x3 Voltorb Sparks |
TM076 | Rock Blast | Rock | Casseroya Lake, South Province (Area One), Mossfell Confluence | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Nacli Salt, x3 Chewtle Claw |
TM077 | Waterfall | Water | Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Magikarp Scales, x3 Bsculin Ganf, x3 Arrokuda Scales |
TM078 | Dragon Claw | Dragon | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area One), South Province (Area Four) | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Axew Scales, x3 Noibat Fur, x3 Gible Scales |
TM079 | Dazzling Gleam | Fairy | Ruchbah Squad’s Base | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x3 Hatenna Dust, x3 Swablu Fluff, x3 Fidough Fur |
TM080 | Metronome | Normal | Glaseado Mountain, South Province (Area Three), Mossui Town | 400 LP, x3 Igglybuff Fluff, x3 Happiny Dust | |
TM081 | Grass Knot | Grass | Glaseado Mountain, Poco Path, Tagtree Thicket, West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Cacnea Needle, x3 Shroomish Spores |
TM082 | Thunder Wave | Electric | South Province (Area One), Mesagoza Pokemon League rep | 400 LP, x3 Mareep Wool, x3 Pawmi Fur | |
TM083 | Poison Jab | Poison | Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area One), south of Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Shroodle Ink, x3 Seviper Fang, x3 Mareanie Spike |
TM084 | Stomping Tantrum | Ground | Levincia Pokemon League rep | 5000 LP, x3 Mudbray Mud, x3 Phanpy Nail | |
TM085 | Rest | Psychic | Los Platos, South Province (Area Five) | 400 LP, x3 Drowzee Fur | |
TM086 | Rock Slide | Rock | East Province (Area Three), North Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Nacli Salt, x3 Rockruff Fluff, x3 Bonsly Tears |
TM087 | Taunt | Dark | Asado Desert, Casseroya Lake, Socarrat Trail | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 3000 LP, x3 Meowth Fur, x3 Sableye Gem, x3 Sneasel Claw |
TM088 | Swords Dance | Normal | Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 5000 LP, x3 Zangoose Claw, x3 Gible Scales, x3 Scyther Claw |
TM089 | Body Press | Fighting | East Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain, South Province (Area Four) | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 8000 LP, x5 Cetoddle Grease, x3 Hawlucha Down, x3 Pawniard Blade |
TM090 | Spikes | Ground | Asado Desert, East Province (Area Three), Fellhorn Gorge | 3000 LP, x3 Pincurchin Spikes, x3 Qwilfish Spines | |
TM091 | Toxic Spikes | Poison | East Province (Area Two), Tagtree Thicket, Fellhorn Gorge | 3000 LP, x3 Mareanie Spike, x3 Pineco Husk | |
TM092 | Imprison | Psychic | Alfornada, Navi Squad’s Base, North Province (Area Two), Timeless Woods | 3000 LP, x3 Bronzor Fragment, x3 Zorua Fur | |
TM093 | Flash Canon | Steel | North Paldean Sea, South Province (Area Three) | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x3 Varoom Fume, x3 Klefki Key, x3 Tinkatink Hair |
TM094 | Dark Pulse | Dark | East Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area Two), Kitakami Hall | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x3 Zorua Fur, x3 Impidimp Hair, x3 Spiritomb Fragment |
TM095 | Leech Life | Bug | Montenevera, North Province (Area One), Tagtree Thicket, Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x3 Surskit Syrup, x3 Venonat Fang, x3 Kricketot Shell |
TM096 | Eerie Impulse | Electric | Poco Path, West Province (Area Three) | Beat Team Star Boss Giacomo | 400 LP, x3 Voltorb Sparks, x3 Shinx Fang |
TM097 | Fly | Flying | Area Zero, East Province (Area One), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Squawkabilly Feather, x3 Bombirdier Feather, x3 Rufflet Feather |
TM098 | Skill Swap | Psychic | Alfornada, Artazon, Casseroya Lake | 3000 LP, x3 Girafarig Fur, x3 Flittle Down | |
TM099 | Iron Head | Steel | Casseroya Lake, Levincia, West Province (Area One), Timeless Woods | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, Cufant Tarnish, x3 Pawniard Blade, x3 Rookidee Feather |
TM100 | Dragon Dance | Dragon | Inlet Grotto, North Province Area Two, Timeless Woods | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 5000 LP, x3 Tatsugiri Scales, x3 Gible Scales, x3 Noibat Fur |
TM101 | Power Gem | Rock | Dalizapa Passage, East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Three) | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x3 Spoink Pearl, x3 Sableye Gem, x3 Mareep Wool |
TM102 | Gunk Shot | Poison | Navi Squad’s Base | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Grimer Toxin, x3 Croagunk Poison, x3 Varoom Fume |
TM103 | Substitute | Normal | Alfornada, East Province (Area One), Poco Path, Timeless Woods | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 5000 LP, x3 Mimikyu Scrap, x3 Azurill Fur, x3 Falinks Sweat |
TM104 | Iron Defense | Steel | East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), North Province (Area One), South Province (Area Five) | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 1500 LP, x3 Bronzor Fragment, x3 Pineco Husk |
TM105 | X-Scissor | Bug | Dalizapa Passage, East Province (Area One), Socarrat Trail, south of Apple Hills | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 5000 LP, x3 Fomantis Leaf, x3 Tarountula Thread, x3 Kricketot Shell |
TM106 | Drill Run | Ground | Dalizapa Passage, East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Pineco Hust, x3 Dunsparce Scales, x3 Arrokuda Scales |
TM107 | Will-O-Wisp | Fire | North Province (Area Two), West Paldean Sea | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Salandit Gas, x3 Shuppet Scrap |
TM108 | Crunch | Dark | East Province (Area Three), North Paldean Sea | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Maschiff Fang, x3 Bruxish Tooth, x3 Yungoos Fur |
TM109 | Trick | Psychic | Medali, North Paldean Sea, West Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 5000 LP, x3 Shuppet Scrap, x3 Sableye Gem, x3 Sinistea Chip |
TM110 | Liquidation | Water | Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area One), South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Six), south of Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Arrokuda Scales, x3 Wiglett Sand, x3 Buizel Fur |
TM111 | Giga Drain | Grass | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area One), Mossfell Confluence | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Capsakid Leaf. x3 Hoppip Leaf, x3 Skiddo Leaf |
TM112 | Aura Sphere | Fighting | South Province (Area Four), Parafise Barren | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x3 Ralts Dust, x3 Riolu Fur, x3 Charcadet Soot |
TM113 | Tailwind | Flying | East Province (Area One), Levincia, Poco Path, West Province (Area One) | 5000 LP, x3 Rufflet Feather, x3 Rookidee Feather, x3 Bombirdier Feather | |
TM114 | Shadow Ball | Ghost | Area Zero, Montenevera | 8000 LP, x5 Gastly Gas, x3 Sandygast Sand, x3 Sinistea Chip | |
TM115 | Dragon Pulse | Dragon | Dalizapa Passage, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Goomy Goo, x3 Swablu Fluff, x3 Tatsugiri Scales |
TM116 | Stealth Rock | Rock | South Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Five) | 5000 LP, x3 Rolycoly Coal, x3 Rockruff Rock | |
TM117 | Hyper Voice | Normal | South Province (Area Six), Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 8000 LP, x5 Litleo Tuft, x3 Tandemaus Fur, x3 Skwovet Fur |
TM118 | Heat Wave | Heat | Asado Desert, West Paldean Sea | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 10000 LP, x5 Growlithe Fur, x3 Torkoal Coal, x3 Larvesta Fuzz |
TM119 | Energy Ball | Grass | Ruchbah Squad’s Base | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Deerling Hair, x3 Applin Juice, x3 Bramblin Twig |
TM120 | Psychic | Psychic | Alfornada Gym reward | 10000 LP, x5 Rellor Mud, x3 Indeedee Fur, x3 Ralts Dust | |
TM121 | Heavy Slam | Steel | Glaseado Mountain, South Province (Area Three), Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 5000 LP, x3 Cufant Tarnish, x3 Bronzor Tarnish, x3 Dondozo Whisker |
TM122 | Encore | Normal | Casseroya Lake, Levincia, North Province (Area Three), Segin Squad’s Base, South Province (Area Four) | 3000 LP, x3 Hawlucha Down, x3 Slakoth Fur | |
TM123 | Surf | Water | Levincia, South Paldean Sea, Kitakami Wilds | 10000 LP, x5 Dinneon Scales, x3 Finizen Mucus, x3 Wiglett Sand | |
TM124 | Ice Spinner | Ice | Glaseado Mountain, Glaseado Gym reward | 8000 LP, x5 Cetoddle Grease, x3 Bergmite, x3 Frigibax Scales | |
TM125 | Flamethrower | Fire | East Province (Area One), Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area One) | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Litleo Tuft, x3 Houndour Fang, x3 Numel Lava |
TM126 | Thunderbolt | Electric | Caph Squad’s Base, East Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Pachirisu Fur, x3 Tadbulb Mucus, x3 Pichu Fur |
TM127 | Play Rough | Fairy | East Province (Area One), South Province (Area Six), Kitakami Wilds | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Fidough, x3 Tandemaus Fur, x3 Tainkatink Hair |
TM128 | Amnesia | Psychic | East Province (Area Three), Mesagoza, North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Three), Mossui Town | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 1500 LP, x3 Slowpoke Claw, x3 Slakoth Fur |
TM129 | Calm Mind | Psychic | North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Five) | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 3000 LP, x3 Stantler Hair, x3 Indeedee Fur |
TM130 | Helping Hand | Normal | North Paldean Sea, Segin Squad’s Base, South Province (Area Three) | 400 LP, x1 Eevee Fur | |
TM131 | Pollen Puff | Bug | Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area One), Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Ortega | 10000 LP, x5 Rellor Mud, x3 Petilil Leaf, x3 Kricketot Shell |
TM132 | Baton Pass | Normal | Asado Desert, Glaseado Mountain, Fellhorn Gorge | Beat Team Star Boss Mela | 3000 LP, x3 Girafarig Fur, x3 Eevee Fur |
TM133 | Earth Power | Ground | Asado Desert, South Province (Area Six) | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Silicobra Sand, x3 Shellos Mucus, x3 Barboach Slime |
TM134 | Reversal | Fighting | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area One), Socarrat Trail, Kitakami Wilds | 3000 LP, x3 Falinks, x3 Heracross Claw, x3 Mankey Fur | |
TM135 | Ice Beam | Ice | East Province (Area One), Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area One), Socarrat Trail, Timeless Woods | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Cryogonal Ice, x3 Shellder Pearl, x3 Delibird Parcel |
TM136 | Electric Terrain | Electric | Glaseado Mountain, Levincia, South Province (Area Three) | 3000 LP, x3 Pincurchin Spines, x3 Tadbulb Mucus, x3 Pawmi Fur | |
TM137 | Grassy Terrain | Grass | East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Two), south of Apple Hills | 3000 LP, x3 Flabebe Pollen, x3 Sunkern Leaf, x3 Fomantis Leaf | |
TM138 | Psychic Terrain | Psychic | Area Zero, East Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four) | 3000 LP, x3 Slowpoke Claw, x3 Indeedee Fur, x3 Drowzee Fur | |
TM139 | Misty Terrain | Fairy | North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four), Tagtree Thicket | 3000 LP, x3 Klefki Key, x3 Igglybuff Fluff, x3 Flabebe Pollen | |
TM140 | Nasty Plot | Dark | Naranja Academy/Uva Academy, south of Apple Hills | 5000 LP, x3 Meowth Fur, x3 Spiritomb Fragment, x3 Tatsugiri Scales | |
TM141 | Fire Blast | Fire | Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Five), Fellhorn Gorge | 12000 LP, x5 Numel Lava, x3 Larvesta Fluff, x3 Torkoal Coal | |
TM142 | Hydro Pump | Water | Area Zero, Casseroya Lake, Fellhorn Gorge | 12000 LP, x5 Finizen Mucus, x3 Finneon Scales, x3 Luvdisk Scales | |
TM143 | Blizzard | Ice | Area Zero Glaseado Mountain | 12000 LP, x5 Snorunt Fur, x3 Snover Berries, x 3 Cryogonal Ice | |
TM144 | Fire Pledge | Fire | East Paldean Sea island | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 8000 LP, x3 Salandit Gas, x3 Numal Lava, x3 Capsakid Seed |
TM145 | Water Pledge | Water | East Paldean Sea | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 8000 LP, x3 Lucdisk Scales, x3 Alomomola Mucus, x3 Shellder Pearl |
TM146 | Grass Pledge | Grass | East Paldean Sea | Beat Team Star Boss Atticus | 8000 LP, x3 Applin Juice, x3 Toedscool Flaps. x3 Deerling Hair |
TM147 | Wild Charge | Electric | North Province (Area Two) | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Shix Fang, x3 Pichu Fur, x3 Tynamo Slime |
TM148 | Sludge Bomb | Poison | North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Six) | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Croagunk Poison, x3 Grimer Toxic, X3 Foongus Spores |
TM149 | Earthquake | Ground | Area Zero, Cascarrafa, Infernal Pass | 12000 LP, x5 Phanpy Nail, x3 Diglett Dirt, x3 Barboach Slime | |
TM150 | Stone Edge | Rock | Area Zero North Province Area One | 12000 LP, x5 Rolycoly Coal, x3 Rockruff Rock, x3 Klawf Claw | |
TM151 | Phantom Force | Ghost | Inlet Grotto, West Paldean Sea, Timeless Woods | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Sinistea Chip, x3 Shuppet Scrap, x3 Greavard Wax |
TM152 | Giga Impact | Normal | Alfornada Cavern, East Paldean Sea island, North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Six) | 14000 LP, x8 Tauros Hair, x5 Zangoose Claw, x3 Slakoth Fur | |
TM153 | Blast Burn | Fire | North Province (Area One) | 14000 LP, x8 Houndour Fang, x5 Charcadet Soot, x3 Growlithe Fur | |
TM154 | Hydro Canon | Water | North Province (Area One) | 14000 LP, x8 Qwilfish Spines, x5 Dondozo Whisker, x3 Luvdisk Scales | |
TM155 | Frenzy Plant | Grass | North Province (Area One) | 14000 LP, x8 Tropius Leaf, x5 Skiddo Leaf, x3 Cacnea Needle | |
TM156 | Outrage | Dragon | Area Zero, North Province (Area Two) | 12000 LP, x5 Axew Scales, x3 Dratini Scales, x3 Frigibax Scales | |
TM157 | Overheat | Fire | Alfornada Cavern, Glaseado Mountain, Fellhorn Gorge | 12000 LP, x5Litleo Tuft, x3 Numel Lava, x3 Capsakid Seed | |
TM158 | Focus Blast | Fighting | Alfornada, Alfornada Cavern, Kitakami Wilds | 12000 LP, x5 Flamigo Down, x3 Meditite Sweat, x3 Impidimp Hair | |
TM159 | Leaf Storm | Grass | Area Zero, North Province (Area Three) | 12000 LP, x5 Bounsweet Sweat, x3 Tropius Leaf, x3 Toedscool Flaps | |
TM160 | Hurricane | Flying | Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One), South Province (Area Six), Infernal Pass | 12000 LP, x5 Swablu Fluff, x3 Oricorio Feather, x3 Wingull Feather | |
TM161 | Trick Room | Psychic | Area Zero, Levincia, West Province (Area One), Fellhorn Gorge | 5000 LP, x3 Hatenna Dust, x3 Bronzor Fragment, x3 Gothita Eyelash | |
TM162 | Bug Buzz | Bug | Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Four) | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 10000 LP, x5 Kricketot Shell, x3 Combee Honey, x3 Venonat Fang |
TM163 | Hyper Beam | Normal | East Paldean Sea, Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area Two) | 14000 LP, x8 Dratini Scales, x5 Goomy Goo, x3 Tauros Hair | |
TM164 | Brave Bird | Flying | Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One), Fellhorn Gorge | 12000 LP, x5 Starly Feather, x3 Rufflet Feather, x3 Rookidee Feather | |
TM165 | Flare Blitz | Fire | Alfornada, Area Zero | 12000 LP, x5 Growlithe Fur, x3 Fletchling Feather, x3 Charcadet Soot | |
TM166 | Thunder | Electric | Casseroya Lake, South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Six), Timless Woods | 12000 LP, x5 Dedenne Fur, x3 Pichu Fur, X3 Tynamo Slime | |
TM167 | Close Combat | Fighting | Caph Squad’s Base | Beat Team Star Boss Eri | 12000 LP, x5 Riolu Fur, x3 Crabrawler Shell, x3 Makuhita Sweat |
TM168 | Solar Beam | Grass | Casseroya Lake, East Province (Area Three), North Province (Area One) | 12000 LP, x5 Bounsweet Sweat. x3 Tropius Leaf, x3 Foongus Spores | |
TM169 | Draco Meteor | Dragon | Area Zero, Mesagoza | 14000 LP, x8 Goomy Goo, x5 Frigibax Scales, x3 Applin Juice | |
TM170 | Steel Beam | Steel | Area Zero, North Province (Area Three), Kitakami Wilds | 14000 LP, x8 Magnemite Screw, x5 Orthworm Tarnish, x3 Cufant Tarnish | |
TM171 | Tera Blast | Normal | Area Zero, Glaseado Mountain, Medali Gym reward | 8000 LP, x8 Glimmet Crystal | |
TM172 | Roar | Normal | South of Apple Hills | 200 LP, x3 Poochyena Fang, x2 Houndour Fang | |
TM173 | Charge | Electric | Mossui Town | 400 LP, x3 Pichu Fur | |
TM174 | Haze | Ice | South of Fellhorn Gorge | 400 LP, x2 Feebas Scales | |
TM175 | Toxic | Poison | Loyalty Plaza | 800 LP, x3 Ekans Fang, x2 Koffing Gas | |
TM176 | Sand Tomb | Ground | Infernal Pass | 400 LP, x3 Sandshrew Claw, x2 Digglet Dirt | |
TM177 | Spite | Ghost | Mossui Town | 200 LP, x2 Duskull Fragment, x2 Gastly Gas | |
TM178 | Gravity | Psychic | Fellhorn Gorge | 400 LP, x2 Cleffa Fur, x4 Nosepass Fragment | |
TM179 | Smack Down | Rock | Wistful Fields | 800 LP, x3 Geodude Fragment, x3 Carbink Jewel | |
TM180 | Gyro Ball | Steel | Infernal Pass | 10000 LP, x4 Nosepass Fragment, x2 Bronzor Fragment | |
TM181 | Knock Off | Dark | Infernal Pass | 14000 LP, x4 Corphish Shell, x4 Seedot Stem | |
TM182 | Bug Bite | Bug | Apple Hillss | 3000 LP, x2 Yanma Spike, x2 Surskit Syrup, x2 Sewaddle Leaf | |
TM183 | Super Fang | Normal | Oni’s Maw | 5000 LP, x3 Sandshrew Claw, x3 Tandemaus Fur | |
TM184 | Vacuum Wave | Fighting | Infernal Pass | 3000 LP, x3 Riolu Fur, x2 Croagunk Poison | |
TM185 | Lunge | Bug | Kitakami Hall, Reveler’s Road | 5000 LP, x3 Sewaddle Leaf, x3 Kricketot Shell | |
TM186 | High Horsepower | Ground | Paradise Barrens | 5000 LP, x2 Swinub Hair, x4 Mudbray Mud | |
TM187 | Icicle Spear | Ice | Chilling Waterhead | 10000 LP, x3 Swinub Hair, x3 Snorunt Fur | |
TM188 | Scald | Water | Infernal Pass | 8000 LP, x3 Poltchageist Powder, x3 Slowpoke Claw | |
TM189 | Heat Crash | Fire | Fellhorn Gorge | 8000 LP, x4 Slugma Lava, x2 Munchlax Fang | |
TM190 | Solar Blade | Grass | Oni Mountain | 12000 LP, x4 Seedot Stem, x2 Sewaddle Leaf | |
TM191 | Uproar | Normal | Oni’s Maw | 5000 LP, x4 Lotad Leaf, x2 Chingling Fragment | |
TM192 | Focus Punch | Fighting | Mossui Town, Reveler’s Road | 8000 LP, x3 timburr Sweat, x3 Jangmo-o Scales | |
TM193 | Weather Ball | Normal | East of Mossfell Confluence | 1500 LP, x3 Vulpix Fur, x3 Petilil Leaf | |
TM194 | Grassy Glide | Grass | Apple Hills | 10000 LP, x3 Bellsprout Vine, x3 Seedot Stem | |
TM195 | Burning Jealousy | Fire | Fellhorn Gorge | 8000 LP, x2 Vulpix Fur, x2 Litwick Soot, x2 Mimikyu Scrap | |
TM196 | Flip Turn | Water | Chilling Waterhead | 5000 LP, x2 Basculin Fang, x2 Veluza Fillet, x2 Finizen Mucus | |
TM197 | Dual Wingbeat | Flying | Fellhorn Gorge | 5000 LP, x3 Ducklett Feather, x3 Bombirdier Feather | |
TM198 | Poltergeist | Ghost | Reveler’s Road | ||
TM199 | Lash Out | Dark | Timeless Woods | 5000 LP, x3 Vullaby Feather, x2 Pawniard Blade, x2 Poochyena Fang | |
TM200 | Scale Shot | Dragon | Infernal Pass | 10000 LP, x2 Jangmo-o Scales, x2 Gible Scales, x2 Arrokuda Scales | |
TM201 | Misty Explosion | Fairy | Kitakami Wilds | 14000 LP, x2 Carbink Jewel, x3 Cleffa Fur |
And that’s it! Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
Where to find Noibat & Noivern in Scarlet & Violet | Where to find Spiritomb in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet | Where to find Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff & Paradox Form in Scarlet & Violet | How to get Misreavus, Mismagius & Flutter Mane | How to get Delibird & Iron Bundle | How to get Makuhita, Hariyama & Iron Hands | How to get Basculin & Basculegion | Where to find Swablu & Altaria in Scarlet & Violet | Where to find Sneasel, Weavile & Sneasler | Where to find Orthworm | Where to find Mimikyu in Scarlet & Violet | Where to find Ditto in Scarlet & Violet | How to get Eevee & Eeveelutions in Scarlet & Violet | Where to find Fidough & Dachsbun | How to get all starters in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet