Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Languages class midterm and final answers

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Academy offers classes where players will have to take midterms and finals, including Mr. Salvatore’s Languages class. Here is every correct answer to the Languages midterm and final.
There are plenty of activities for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players to do outside of the three main story paths.
This includes heading back to either Naranja or Uva Academy and taking a variety of classes hosted by the colorful staff of teachers working at the Academy.
Players will also be tested with both a midterm and final exam for every class. This guide will go over every correct answer for the Languages midterm and final given out by Mr. Salvatore.
Languages midterm correct answers

First things first, players will have to get through three Languages classes with Mr. Salvatore before he gives out the midterm. During these classes, he will ask players to say expressions in different languages. Naturally, each class goes over every question that will appear on the midterm.
Should players fail the midterm, they can always simply take the test again. It’s also important to remember that players only need to answer three out of five questions correctly to pass the midterm. Rewards will be the same regardless of how many answers were answered correctly.
Here is every question and corresponding correct answer on Mr. Salvatore’s Languages midterm:
Questions | Answers |
Gracias, arigato, merci, and xièxie all share the same meaning. What is it? | Thank you |
Which of the following means “delicious”? | Deliceaux |
Which of these phrases doesn’t belong? | Time to eat |
When speaking with a person, what is the first step to smooth communication? | Compliment them |
What is your beloved teacher’s name? | Salvatore |
Mr. Salvatore will also reward students who pass the midterm in the form of five Exp. Candies S.
Languages final correct answers
Similar to the midterm, Mr. Salvatore will hold three more classes to prep students for the answers appearing on the final exam. This time he will focus more on what expression certain Pokemon cries mean. The final exam is unlocked after earning any six gym badges.
If players fail the final, they can retake the test. However, unlike the midterm, trainers must correctly answer four out of five questions to pass. Rewards will be the same regardless of how many answers were answered correctly.
Here is every question and corresponding correct answer on Mr. Salvatore’s Langauges final:
Questions | Answers |
Which of the following means “delicious”? | Délicieux |
What do these two foreign phrases mean? Ich Liebe Dich! Je t’aime! | I love you |
Based on what you just heard, what emotion do you think Pikachu was expressing? | Anger |
Based on what you just heard, what emotion did you think Pikachu was expressing? | Happiness |
What is your beloved teacher’s name? | Mr. Salvatore |
Mr. Salvatore will also reward students who pass the midterm in the form of five Exp. Candies M. Should players complete every final, they will receive five Exp. Candies L.
Additionally, fully completing Mr. Salvatore’s class will unlock his personal storyline surrounding a Pawmi who doesn’t make any noise. Upon completing the Languages final, Mr. Salvatore will get trainers a Galarian Meowth to raise.
And that’s everything trainers need to know about completing Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s Languages midterm and final exams with Mr. Salvatore. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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