Where to find Finneon & Lumineon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet see the return of many Generation 4 Pokemon, including the adorable Water-types Finneon and Lumineon. Here’s how players can find these two fish around the waters of Paldea.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet have a grand total of 400 Pokemon for trainers to catch to completely fill out their Pokedex while traveling around the Paldea region.
A hefty chunk of those Pokemon come from previous Generations, meaning fans who’ve played previous entries will recognize many of the creatures populating Paldea.
Two returning Pokemon fans of the Sinnoh region may recognize are Finneon and Lumineon, which can be found in certain parts of the Paldean sea. Here’s everything trainers need to know about finding Finneon and Lumineon in Generation 9.
Where to find Finneon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Unlike many Water-types found throughout Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Finneon is only found in the ocean surrounding Paldea. Specifically, Finneon is only located in the West Paldean Sea.
As such, players should find them commonly populating the waters from Part Marinada to the start of Alfornada’s coast. However, it’s important to remember that Finneon is quite a small Pokemon, so finding one may take a keen eye.

Where to find Lumineon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Like its pre-evolution, Lumineon is only found in the seas surrounding Paldea. Specifically, Lumineon is only found in the northwest and northern Paldea sea.
Due to its location, Lumineon will likely be one of the later Pokemon players might encounter out in the wild and will be relatively high when found. Thankfully, Lumineon is not considered a rare encounter, so trainers should have no problem finding it in the wild.

How to evolve Finneon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Like the majority of Pokemon evolutions in the series, Finneon evolves into Lumineon simply through leveling up. Trainers can achieve this by raising Finneon to level 31.
Of course, those looking to use Lumineon in battle should know that it’s not the strongest Water-type Pokemon out there and has plenty of competition in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Water types like Gyarados, Palafin, and Dondozo have much higher stat allocations than Gen 4’s Neon Pokemon.

Still, whether trainers need to catch Lumineon for the Pokedex or it’s simply a personal favorite, it can still prove helpful on one’s journey through Paldea with the right moves and training.
And that’s everything players need to know about finding Finneon and Lumineon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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