Where to find Dondozo in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Order Up stat boosts explained

Here is where players can find Dondozo, the gluttonous catfish Pokemon, in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, and how its partnership with Tatsugiri works in-game.
Like a cross between Wailord and Whiscash, Dondozo lurks with the lakes of Paldea, boasting the title of the Big Catfish Pokemon. But despite its daunting size, this glutton of a sea creature is a pitiful hunter by itself.
That’s where Tatsugiri comes in. Both Tatsugiri and Dondozo are helpless when alone, but together they create a dynamic duo that’s near unstoppable in competitive play. And that’s thanks to Dondozo’s signature move, Order Up.
This guide will show players where they can find Dondozo, and will explain how its Order Up move works in tandem with Tatsugiri.
Dondozo spawn locations in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Dondozo spawns in Casseroya Lake in the northwestern corner of Paldea. While other water-type can be found in and around various parts of Paldea, Dondozo is centralized to a single lake.
Here, Pokemon are at a much higher level than most other areas making the lake a hazardous place for early-game trainers. But the abundant sea life makes it easy to find this giant blue catfish.

Dondozo Order Up move explained
On its own, Order Up is a decent Dragon-type move with 80 power and 100 accuracy. In-game, it looks like a plate of Sushi is being dropped on the opposing Pokemon, which explains why Tatsugiri affects this move.
When a Tatsugiri and a Dondozo enter the battle simultaneously, the Tatsugiri’s Commander ability activates, allowing it to “pilot” the Dondozo by jumping into its mouth. This gives the Dondozo a +2 omni-boost, and that’s just the start of what these two can do together.
Each time Dondozo uses Order Up while a Tatsugiri is in its mouth, it gains a stat boost based on the Tatsugiri’s form.
- Orange/Red = Defense
- Pink = Attack
- Yellow = Speed
With the proper setup, Tatsugiri can remain impervious inside an omni-boosted Dondozo, while Order Up continuously deals solid damage and buffs its stats even more.
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