Apex Legends character tier list: Best Legends to use in Season 22

Calum Patterson
Best Legends to use in Apex Legends

These are the best Legends to use in Apex Legends, ranked on our character tier list for Season 22, to help you decide who to main.

In Season 16, Respawn overhauled the class system in Apex, with Legends now placed into one of five new classes. Then, in Season 20, another overhaul came with the addition of Legend upgrades. All Legends now have four upgrades which can be earned during the game, although you can only select two to use.

Below, you’ll find our overall rankings for the Legends you want on your squad in Season 22. Remember that any Legend can be strong with practice, as even ‘lower-tier’ characters can be great if you know how to use them correctly, though it’s also important to use the best weapons.

Apex Legends character tier list

Best Legend in Apex – Bangalore

Of the Legends in the S-tier, we recommend using Bangalore. Even after several nerfs to her kit aimed at pro play, she’s still the best all-around Legend. A great zoning ult, vision denial, and a passive that makes her incredibly hard to hit all make her a must-have on every team composition. She stands head and shoulders above every other character

Our tiers explained

Here is a short-hand for how each tier breaks down:

  • S-tier: The best Legends in the game
  • A-tier: Very good Legends offering an alternative to other options
  • B-tier: Less powerful or more complicated Legends that can still perform well
  • C-tier: Best to avoid unless you find yourself drawn to them

Now, we’re going to do a deep dive into each character in our Apex Legends tier list, ranking Legends from the top to bottom.

S-Tier characters in Apex Legends


Bangalore voice line

Bangalore, no matter how many nerfs she catches, seems to remain right at the top of the tier list. Great in pro play, great in casual play, great in any team comp, she’s just the absolute best and most consistent Legend you can pick right now bar none.

Between her ability to deny vision, a game-changing ultimate that has the potential to win you the match in final circle, and a passive that makes her very difficult to hit when she’s getting shot at, it’s hard to argue that she isn’t just the best pick you can have.


  • Vision and area denial, has the ability to create and control a lot of space
  • Just as good at pushing as she is a holding a position
  • Generally easy to use and understand kit that’s still good in high level play


  • Somewhat weak to scan Legends with digi threat out of the game. However, she’s also great with a scan Legend on her team as well. This is only half a con realistically.

Check out our best tips for playing as Bangalore.


catalyst apex tier list

Catalyst, added in Season 15, sits as one of the absolute best defensive legends you can play. She’s got area denial, the ability to buff doors, and a fantastic ultimate that denies space and can turn around a fight even if you’re caught out in the open.

Her versatility as a defensive Legend combined with how good she is in any situation undoubtedly make Catalyst an S-Tier pick at any level of play. There’s a reason she’s become a go-to pick in competitive matches.


  • Strong area denial and can easily lock down a building
  • Can quickly put up a wall for defense, putting her above other defensive Legends who can easily get caught
  • Surprisingly useful passive in being able to reinforce and build new doors


  • Lacks mobility
  • Has a bit of a learning curve and isn’t that great if you don’t know how to play her or where to position

Check out our top tips for playing Catalyst.


Fuse in Season 8

Fuse spent a very long time sitting at the bottom of the barrel in Apex Legends. Though his kit was strong on paper when he was released, he’s always been hard to justify over other Legends. However, with his Knuckle Cluster now having multiple charges and grenade spamming being better than ever, Fuse’s stocks have only gone up.

If you’re looking for a Legend that can actually do damage with their abilities, Fuse is the man for you. Breaking down doors, denying space with walls of fire, and spamming nades like there’s no tomorrow, he makes life so much harder for anyone he faces.


  • Constant damage and harass with nades, his tactical, and his ult
  • Does a ton of damage at any range with any loadout
  • Can hold more grenades than anyone with his passive


  • Requires good inventory management to make the most of his kit with grenades
  • Lacks mobility

Check out our tips on how to play Fuse.


apex legends sad pathfinder header image

Pathfinder is back to being one of the best Legends to use after a rapid series of nerfs saw him drop to the A tier. He’s still one of the most fun characters to play, and, if you can master his grapple, you can move like no other character.

While he suffers against players at the highest level of play who can beam him out of the sky, running into someone that good won’t happen for the vast, vast majority of players. In most scenarios, Pathfinder is a great pick who brings a lot to any team composition.


  • Great mobility on a generally low cooldown with tactical
  • Fantastic utility ultimate that’s easy to understand
    • This may sound like a weird plus, but his ult is a lot more readable than, say, Alter’s. Your teammates are a lot more likely to use it.


  • Has a bit of a learning curve with his tactical, Pathfinder’s harder to play than you’d think
  • Suffers in close quarters, can’t do much to escape in tight spaces

Check out our top tips for playing as Pathfinder.


Image of Rampart posing with a backdrop behind her

Season 6’s Quick Witted Modder, Rampart, was comfortably one of the worst legends for most of her lifetime in the game. Fortunately, thanks to a massive series of buffs spread across the years since she came out, she’s one of the best legends in the game now.

From her ult letting her clutch 1v3s in the right situation to having a barrier that instantly gives her an advantage in fights, she’s got all you could ask for. Her affinity for LMGs is a nice-to-have with her passive, but she doesn’t need to run them to function. Rampart may not be the most popular Legend, but she’s one of the best.


  • Hard to kill if she gets enough setup while dealing a ton of damage
  • Unrivaled when it comes to sending as many bullets down range as possible
  • Fantastic ult that makes 1v1ing a decent Rampart very difficult


  • Ult requires windup, giving the enemy time to burst you down
  • Fairly immobile unless you’re good enough to superglide off her barriers
  • Enemies can use your barriers against you if you place them wrong

Check out our guide on how to play Rampart.

A-Tier characters in Apex Legends


an image of Bloodhound in Apex Legends

Overall, Bloodhound is still a good character in Apex Legend. Their information is valuable, and they’ve got a beginner-friendly kit that’s always effective.

However, they’ve also been hit with several nerfs over the years targeting every part of their kit from how often they can scan, their ult reset, their EVO upgrades, and more. But, even after all that, Bloodhound is still an A-Tier character. Not quite S, but still very good.


  • One of the best and most consistent scanners, good in a Bangalore meta
  • Very beginner-friendly, their abilities don’t require much skill to use
  • Fits well into most team compositions


  • Scan pulse gives away your position
  • Doesn’t do damage or turn the fight around with their abilities, forcing you to rely on pure gun skill
  • Lacks mobility outside of the movespeed increase in their ult


Crypto in Apex Legends

Crypto has gotten some love from Respawn in Season 22 and has slowly been climbing the pick rate charts ever since. He is still a niche pick, but insanely good in the right hands as one of the game’s best scan Legends.

With team coordination, the Surveillance Expert has the potential to be great. He predominantly suffers from the rest of the team constantly pushing it and being outnumbered, but coupled with more thoughtful gameplay, Crypto can be a dominant pick. Especially if you’re good enough to pull off tricks like dropping your shield before you EMP yourself in stealth and taking out a whole team.

For what feels like the first time in Apex history, Crypto is an actual top tier.


  • Fantastic at gathering info without giving his position away like other scan Legends
  • Ult is good for starting and ending fights
  • His drone’s utility is exception, it does almost everything you’d want it to from opening doors to grabbing banners


  • Very steep learning curve, using your drone in a fight is easier said than done
  • If your drone dies, you essentially don’t have abilities
  • Requires good teamplay to perform at his peak, not the best solo queue pick

Check out our tricks on how to play Crypto.


apex legends caustic

Caustic has moved up and down our tier list like a yo-yo. With buffs, followed by nerfs, followed by buffs again, Caustic has found his way back into the meta at the top level of Apex. This isn’t a surprise considering how conservative people pay in competitive, but his usefulness extends even into solo queue.

With him having a damage threat that most other defensive Legends don’t have in the form of his smoke progressively stacking damage, he’s great for weeding out campers and winning the long game. And, while he performs better with a coordinated team, he doesn’t need it to succeed.


  • Can block doors with his Tactical, just generally annoying to deal with
  • His smoke is much better now that scanners aren’t hard meta and Digital Threat is out
  • Smoke damage goes through shields, making him great against shield swappers


  • Big, slow, clunky, and immobile without a direct shield to toss in front of him
  • Needs long fights in order to be effective, his poison takes a while to ramp up

Check out our best tips on mastering Caustic.


Image of Horizon posing with a backdrop behind her

Horizon has been one of the most prominent Legends since she was introduced in Season 7. And, though she’s received more nerfs than almost any other character on the roster since she released, she’s still a damn good pick.

Though she can’t beam people down while moving through her Gravity Lift anymore, her passive and ability to reposition her entire team are still invaluable assets to her team. You’ll just have to be a bit more carful about planning your engagements and taking fights than you used to be to succeed.


  • High mobility and hard to nail down
  • A ton of team utility and makes immobile Legends much more effective
  • Great on maps with verticality thanks to her passive and lift
  • Decent CC and area denial with her ult


  • Horizon’s lift is just as good for enemies as it is for her & her teammates
  • Her ult is super squishy and can be beamed in seconds
  • Having decreased accuracy in her lift was a huge nerf, don’t take gunfights in the air

Check out our tips for playing as Horizon.


apex legends world's edge lifeline header image

Having a Lifeline on your squad can literally be a lifesaver. She’s easy to use, everyone knows what she does since she’s been in the game since the start, and her teammate revive can clutch out fights with ease.

However, she’s not that great outside of healing and reviving. While she’s a solid pick for a support playstyle, she certainly won’t be carrying games like she used to when her revive had a busted shield. Still good, but a shadow of her former self in a lot of ways. Plus, she’s got the natural buff of being a support character and can craft banners.


  • Unrivaled healing, can keep her teammates healthy even if there are no meds in sight
  • Ability to revive teammates and keep on fighting
  • Good for getting better loot in hard situations with her ult


  • Lacks impact and proactivity, relies on her teammates to start fights unless you’ve got some super solid gun skill
  • Her revive can be exploited by decent players since it takes away the revive shield, you can accidentally int your teammates

Check out how to master your plays as Lifeline.


apex legends loba looking at nails header image

Though Loba may not be favored at the absolute highest level of play, her ability to see and secure loot makes her incredibly strong in a solo queue setting. Her ult and passive alone put her in a great position to get ahead early and start stomping enough players to stack EVO and get ahead.

She’s got all the hallmarks of being a pubstomp character while also having a solid late game that allows her to secure resources without her or her team having to move out of position. However, her bracelet is predictable and easy to read, making her mobility a bit subpar compared to other Legends.


  • Ability to see loot and secure it for yourself before anyone else
  • Her ult is strong at every point in the game
  • Can even sacrifice her ult to get an item from vaults and other locked loot sources


  • Requires gun skill to be useful, that loot is only good if you can use it
  • Her abilities don’t do much once the fight has actually started

Check out our guide on racking up the wins as Loba.

Mad Maggie

mad maggie apex legends tier list

On paper, Maggie was a scary sight when she was unveiled ahead of Season 12, but her launch was a bit underwhelming. Now, after a huge series of buffs and meta changes, she’s an actual top tier for a number of reasons.

Between her increased mobility with a shotgun out, her drill being extremely effective against Legends who want to hold down one spot, and her ult getting a number of QoL changes that make it easier to use and more consistent put her in a great spot. She’s one of the best choices on the roster if you’re looking for the kind of Legend who wants to kick doors in and force fights.


  • Is better for having a shotgun equipped, and shotguns are generally good in the meta. She’s a monster with dual Mozams
  • Drill is great for weeding out camping teams and countering defensive Legends who make walls or reinforce doors
  • Game-changing ult once you get the hang of using it


  • Built entirely around getting into fights and causing trouble, she needs a team that’s down to get aggressive to get the most out of her kit
  • Her ult is a bit awkward to use at first and can be easily shifted off course if it hits a small rock or stray curb

Check out our tips for playing Mad Maggie here.


Newcastle in Apex Legends

As players have gotten better at Newcastle, his power level has only gone up. Sure, his tactical shield is a bit awkward to use and play around in fights, and his passive is only useful when you’ve got downed teammates. But, in the right hands, Newcastle can bail out his entire team and carry in a fight.

If you’re hovering someone that’s downed, you can fake people out by cancelling the rez and getting back in the fight. His shield can be turned on a dime and give you the drop on someone. Newcastle is arguably one of the highest skill cap Legends in Apex, which is what’s keeping him out of S tier. He’s got so much potential, but he’s not great in the hands of an inexperienced player.


  • One of the best and most flexible passives in the game
  • Can turn a fight instantly with the right ult
  • One of the best defensive legends


  • Hard to use effectively
  • Needs teammates in trouble to shine, doesn’t do very well if he dies first and gets caught out of position

Check out our guide to playing Newcastle here.


Valkyrie Apex Legends

Valkyrie’s balance has been all over the place in the time since her release. Her ability to get around the map and transport her entire team out of danger was much too strong, so she got enough nerfs to take her down to B tier. Now, she’s since been buffed back up to make her playable without being a permanent S tier pick.

In the current state of Apex Legends, she’s a solid A tier pick. The combo of Horizon getting nerfed and her getting buffed has made Valk an incredibly solid mobile pick with utility that’s worth playing around, though anyone who hasn’t played her for a while will be shocked by how much her jetpack’s fuel has been nerfed.


  • Very mobile and evasive in the air, can get around quickly and dodge shots with unpredictable movement
  • Can rotate her entire team around the map and hit POIs faster than most other Legends


  • Her tactical is a bit underwhelming, with her rockets having very little impact in most cases
  • Has to really ration her jetpack fuel, and it takes much longer to recharge if you fully use it. Be careful
  • Valk’s ult can be easily interrupted if she and her team take fire, and really good players will beam you out of the sky

Check out all our top tips for taking down the opposition as Valkyrie.

B-Tier characters in Apex Legends


an image of Alter in Apex Legends

Alter is a Skirmisher in Apex Legends, and she was added in Season 21. And, while she’s got a lot of potential on paper, she’s pretty niche in practice. On her own, Alter’s kit is a bit lackluster. She requires a fair bit of planning and good positioning to do well, but, more importantly, requires her team to be on the same page.

If your team doesn’t know how her ult works or if they’re not looking out for portals, she’s not not great. She absolutely needs coordination, and she’s pretty bad in solo queue environments unless your teammates are willing to follow your lead.


  • Great for repositioning in tight spaces since she can go through walls
  • Fantastic for grabbing teammates out of a fight if they’re fighting a losing battle since her ult is usable even if you’re down
  • Does well in extended fights thanks to her passive


  • Doesn’t do well without prep and requires good positioning
  • Solo queue teammates generally won’t interact with your kit, requires comms to do well a lot of the time


Apex Legends players are loving Conduit’s character selection impersonations

Conduit is a solid support character that feels like a good fit for Apex Legends as a whole, but she’s not exceptionally strong in any one area. Sure, her passive is great to exploit when trying to loot a bunch of small POIs at once, and her bonus shielding can come in clutch for a fight, but her usefulness is niche at best.

Not to mention, her ult is just very underwhelming. It almost feels like it should be a tactical-tier ability, it just doesn’t feel like much of an ultimate. Conduit is a fun time, and she’s certainly not bad. But she’s not very good, either.


  • Passive can be easily exploited to get around the map fast and stay grouped with your team
  • Temporary shields can be a lifesaver in the right situation
  • Ability to quickly shield herself in a pinch can win you a fight


  • Tactical shields only work if you can find a way to get out of combat, and they’re not permanent
  • Additionally, her shield not stacking on top of someone’s shield if it’s already full can result in some frustration by this ability doing virtually nothing but taking a CD if your teammate is already shielding up
  • Lackluster ultimate


an image of Gibraltar in Apex Legends

Gibraltar is just ok in the current state of Apex Legends. Once a dominant force in pro play and a niche but powerful character in casual play, he’s now just an alright option. His bulkiness has caught up with him in terms of being easy to shoot, and other defensive Legends just outpace him in pretty much every way.

Though his kit was once one of the best when it came to holding the line and protecting your team, he’s been enormously power crept by the release of new characters who do what he does, just a bit better.


  • His bubble stops most enemies in their tracks and is a great zoning tool
  • For new players, his deployable shield is great when it comes to learning how to take trades and can often win you gunfights even if you’ve got worse aim than your opponent
  • His ult is basically just Bangalore’s but worse in most cases, but it’s still good at clearing out an area


  • Being unable to shoot through his bubble is a real bummer and makes it hard to use offensively
  • A bad bubble with genuinely throw the game for your team, especially if the enemy has a Maggie or if they’re reliant on getting up close and your team can’t reposition to poke

Check out our guide on dominating matches as Gibraltar


Octane Apex Legends

The speedy trickster Octane is definitely one of the most fun Legends to play. Running super fast with his stim, soaring over enemies with the jump pad, and healing on the move makes him a joy. And, as always, he’s a solo queue pubstomp monster. He’s often the most popular Legend in Apex for that reason alone.

However, beyond that, Octane offers very little to his team. He’s incredibly selfish as a character, has almost no way to contribute outside of dropping jump pads for teammates, and is often best for running away with his tail between his legs if he can’t wipe a fight with pure gun skill. Sure, Octane’s fun, but he’s by no means a top tier.


  • Gets around faster than pretty much any other Legend
  • Health regen is a huge plus
  • Low cooldown on his ult is solid for repositioning your team


  • No utility to speak of outside of movement
  • Can very quickly drain his health by spamming tactical

Check out our guide for dominating matches as Octane.


Revenant Apex Legends

Added in Season 4, Revenant has had ups and downs in the Apex meta. But in Season 18, after falling way down the pick rate charts, Respawn gave him a complete overhaul. All of his abilities changed.

He can pounce on opponents and give himself a huge shield with his ult now, though his passive remains intact as a way to get around quickly and quietly. However, the loss of his Death Totem takes away a lot of teamfight utility, and him no longer having his silence is a huge blow to his ability to fight in tight spaces.

He went from a niche pick that’s useful in the right hands to a pure pubstomp character, and he’s only good if your opponent is just worse than you are.


  • High mobility with his tactical and passive, his passive is arguably the best part of his kit
  • Strong 1v1 potential with his ult
  • Can scale buildings silently, very strong on certain maps


  • Lacks both utility and damage with his kit, he’s a very selfish Legend that relies on gun skill
  • Isn’t great in tight spaces

Check out Revenant reborn here.


Seer Apex Legends

Seer’s been hit with the nerf bat hard over the years. He had an iron grip on the Apex Legends meta when he first released, and he maintained that grip for several seasons as the scan meta raged on. However, he’s finally been taken down a peg, and he’s arguably the worst scanner now.

While he’s good at gathering data on the enemy, his scans also make it abundantly clear where he is. Additionally, his ult is easily killed if he doesn’t place it well, and he doesn’t have any additional mobility to make up for his weaknesses in comparison to other scanners.


  • Can always detect opponents with his passive
  • Has the ability to zone with his ult, which is unique to other scanners


  • Weaker now that everyone can see health bars, that buff took away some of his identity
  • Scan abilities give away his position
  • Ult is very easily killed by opponents

Check out our tips for playing as Seer.


vantage apex tier list

Added in Season 14, Vantage is a solid pick, especially for players who like to snipe. However, she’s a bit niche in her usefulness and has a steep learning curve.

On one hand, her ult and long-range passive make her an absolute demon from a distance or in the right final circle. On the other, her mobility is a bit unwieldy, and you won’t be all that effective up close. Vantage is a bit niche for this reason, and she requires a skilled hands to succeed.


  • Excels at long-range combat, especially considering her ult sniper has drastically reduced bullet drop
  • Makes any scoped weapon better
  • Does extremely well late game at clutching things out in the final circle with the right setup


  • Her tactical is unwieldy at best and requires her to put her gun down, forcing her to spend seconds at a time not shooting. Good players will beam you out of the sky
  • Her tactical and ult both give away her position instantly, making her difficult to be stealthy with

Check out our top tips for playing as Vantage.


Wraith Apex Legends Voidwalker

Wraith has been one of the most popular Legends in Apex since the game came out. Her ability to duck in and out of fights is something players have always loved, and her passive is massively underrated when it comes to getting your bearings on larger maps with long sightlines.

However, all the nerfs have caught up to her. A mix of her tactical having a massive delay on it, her portal requiring her to sprint into danger to get her team out, and other Legends being introduced who have more reliable mobility.


  • Damage immunity that persists even through the storm’s damage, she’s great for playing on the edge of the ring
  • Her passive is great on wide-open maps like King’s Canyon where snipers are a real threat
  • Can bail her team out of tough situations and stall for a long time with her mobility


  • The delay on her tactical remains one of the biggest nerfs in Apex Legends history, and it keeps Wraith from hitting the highs she reached in her early days
  • Easy to track through both her tactical and ult
  • Very cooldown dependent, her passive doesn’t do much once you’re actually in a fight

Check out our guide on making the best plays as Wraith.


Wattson Apex Legends

Wattson is the best character in Apex Legends about 5% of the time. When she’s in the right position and set up properly with a favorable position in the circle, she’s near unstoppable. A decent Wattson who knows what they’re doing is a nightmare.

Additionally, she can be useful if you’re really, really good with placing fences at your feet in a pinch. But most players are not at the level to put down decent traps with Wattson’s walls. Considering how much worse she performs if the final circle happens to land in a wide-open field, it’s hard to put her above B tier.


  • Very good in the right situation, can make buildings impossible to enter
  • Heavily counters grenade spam with her ult, and her shield regen on passive and ult is a huge plus
  • Good Wattson players can use her fences on the fly, although this is a very, very difficult thing to pull off for most players and is nigh impossible on roller


  • Needs buildings to function well and can become useless if you get the wrong final circle
  • Can’t create barriers or shields like other defenders, making her and her team vulnerable to getting gunned down even if you’re well-fortified
  • Requires the right team comp as a result of the above con, is best paired with other defensive Legends

Check out our tips on how to master a match as Wattson.

C-Tier characters in Apex Legends


Ash apex legends tier list

Ash is just… unremarkable. It’s a shame because her character is so significant in the Apex Legends universe (and, by extension, Titanfall), but she doesn’t stand out as a character. Her ult is only situationally good, her snare is better now with EVO upgrades but still pretty meh, and her ult is worse than other options like it (Wraith ult, Pathfinder ult, even Alter’s tactical).

She’s playable, and that’s about the best thing you can say about her.


  • Decent lockdown with her snare
  • Can track down enemies after a fight’s over
  • Can reposition her team a short distance with her ultimate


  • No unique strengths, with other characters doing what her kit does but much better

Check out our guide to playing as Ash here.


ballistic apex

Ballistic was added in Season 17 and hasn’t really risen on the pick rate charts beyond the initial wave of excitement for his release. And, even then, that excitement didn’t last long. Ballistic’s kit sounds cool and exciting on paper, but, in reality, he mostly just makes weapons slightly better and gets three of them. Here’s the main concession: His sling weapon can’t take attachments like a traditional weapon slot.

While his ult amps this gun, it makes it really difficult to justify using it if he doesn’t have ult up. Most guns need attachments to do well, but some are more reliant on those attachments than others. The biggest the upside for keeping it in sling, the less you’ll probably want to use it without having ult up. He’s just not worth the trouble, though your teams will surely appreciate the bonus stats from your ult.


  • Can bring his team back even if they’re out of ammo due to his ult providing rounds and faster reloads
  • A pretty useful tactical that can stop someone from rushing you down by keeping them from shooting
  • 3 guns!


  • 3 guns! (but one of them is worse than the other two)
  • Inventory management can get awkward if you’re juggling 3 ammo types
  • Generally lacks impact or a game-changing ability that’ll shift a fight in your favor, not a great solo queue Legend


Apex Legends Mirage

Mirage started off as a very underpowered character in Apex Legends. His Ultimate ability was pretty useless, and his Tactical felt a bit gimmicky compared to many of the others. Thankfully, a rework eventually came, and Mirage still sucks. Just a bit less.

His ult is great for deceiving the enemy, and his stealth passive while reviving is useful, but that’s about it. Though there are players who have mastered the usage of his clones, you have to jump through so many hoops to make Mirage useful that you’re better off playing anyone else.


  • Annoying
  • Stealth passive on revive is arguably the best part of his kit, you can clutch hard with this
  • His ult is good for getting out of sticky situations
  • Can do well in the hands of a seasoned vet who can truly deceive the enemy with clones


  • Annoying
  • Doesn’t do much aside from distract the enemy, generally low impact

Check out our guide on how to master Mirage.

Best Apex Legends characters for new players

  • Bloodhound
  • Lifeline
  • Gibraltar
  • Loba
  • Bangalore

While there are many highly effective legends in Apex Legends, some are more difficult to master than others. For example, even though Valkyrie is a powerful Legend, mastering when to use her abilities best for your team might require more experience playing Apex.

As a result, you may want to start with some of the above characters to get a feel for how the game works: Bloodhound teaches you about scanners, Lifeline about support and healing teammates, Gibraltar about defense, Loba about the importance of loot, and Bangalore about how to deny vision and space. All five characters will teach you a unique skill in Apex that’ll do you well later on.

That’s our current ranking of the characters in Apex Legends – but this list will change as future updates happen and new Legends are added throughout the game’s lifecycle.

Now that you know where each Legend shapes up in Apex’s current meta for season 22, combine these with the best guns to get the ideal results. And if you’re wondering how to get Heirloom Shards, our guide has all you need to know.

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