How to Hyper Train in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Bottle Caps & stats explained

Hyper Training is back in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, and fans will want to take time to Hyper Train their Pokemon to increase their IVs for both competitive play and Tera Raid battles. Here is everything you need to know!
Instead of Dynamaxing, Tera Raids allow trainers to face off against extremely powerful Terastallized Pokemon species. However, Five and Six-Star raids can be an impossible challenge without taking some preparatory steps.
Hyper Training is one of the best ways to build a Pokemon for Tera Raids quickly. This special mechanic allows players to exchange Bottle Caps to boost the base stats of their Pokemon’s IVs. This can be done for any species and helps eliminate the tedious breeding steps required to get perfect IV companions.
Below is everything Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players need to know about Hyper Training and how to amass or purchase Bottle Caps in the Paldea Region.
Where to Hyper Train a Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

To Hyper Train Pokemon in the Paldea Region, players will need to travel to Montenevera.
Unlike past games, where Hyper Training was found in buildings like the Battle Tower, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet offer Hyper Training via an NPC located next to the Pokemon Center.
The NPC stands beside an Abomasnow with a yellow, interactive speech bubble above his head. To Hyper Train, players only need to speak to him.
What are Bottle Caps in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
Bottle Caps come in two different varieties: Silver and Gold.
The silver Bottle Caps are the standard. It costs one Bottle Cap to Hypertrain one IV, which means players need six Bottle Caps to Hypertrain all six IVs on their Pokemon.
However, a Gold Bottle Cap allows players to Hyper Train all six IVs for the cost of one Gold Bottle Cap. While these are very rare drops, they make fast work of the Hyper Training process and should be saved for Pokemon that Players really want to buff out.
Where to find or buy Bottle Caps
There are several methods of obtaining Bottle Caps in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. The easiest is to buy them from Delibird Presents. These high-ticket items will cost the player 20,000 Poke Coins or League Points per Bottle Cap. It is important to note that Gold Bottle Caps can not be purchased.
Additionally, players can find Bottle Caps in several locations in Paldea:
- Bottle Caps – Naranja/Uva Academy, North Province (Area Two), Porto Marinada, West Paldean Sea, Mesagoza
- Gold Bottle Caps – Naranja/Uva Academy, Porto Marinada
Both standard and Gold Bottle caps can also be purchased at the Porto Marinada auction. Their appearance is random, but it can be the perfect way to scoop them up when they are available to bid on.
Players can also earn standard Bottle Caps as rewards from successful Tera Raids. This includes Pokemon featured in Most Five and Six-Star Tera Raids.
That’s everything you need to know about Hyper Training in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Check out our guides with all the regular and Shiny sandwiches in the game, as well as everything about types to get ready for battle.