How to evolve Bisharp into Kingambit in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Bisharp and Pawniard are some of the returning Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet and a new evolution, called Kingambit has also been introduced. Here’s everything you need to know about how to evolve Bisharp into Kingambit in the games.
Pawniard and Bishard have remained fan favorites since they were introduced in Generation 5. Bisharp rules over its subordinate Pawniards with an iron fist, giving little grace to those that step out of line.
With each generation of Pokemon, Bisharp’s Pokedex entry gives a little more insight into the pitiless Pokemon who shows no mercy to its prey. But in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Bisharp is no longer the head honcho of the Pawniard line.
Introducing Kingambit, a new Pokemon discovered in Paldea with a rather unusual evolving method. This guide will explain everything you need to know about Bisharp’s new evolution in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
- How to evolve Bisharp into Kingambit
- Where to find Pawniard in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
- Where to find Bisharp in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
How to evolve Bisharp into Kingambit
To evolve a Bisharp into a Kingambit, the player must follow a series of steps to prove themselves worthy. The first step is acquiring a Bisharp holding the Leader’s Crest item.
In the bamboo forest of North Province (Area Two), there are two different types of Bishard spawns: a solo Bisharp and one surrounded by Pawniard. The Bisharp surrounded by Pawniard will always be carrying a Leader’s Crest.

Next, the player will have to use their Bisharp holding a Leader’s Crest to defeat three Bisharp that are also holding Leader’s Crests. The fastest way to do this is to teach your Bisharp Low-Kick and ride Koraidon/Miraidon around the forest looking for Bisharp surrounded by Pawniard.
Afterward, the player needs to increase the Bisharp’s level by one. This can be done using Rare Candy, XP Candy, or battling. Your Bisharp should then evolve into a Kingambit.
Where to find Pawniard in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Pawniard is found in a select few locations in Paldea and can usually be found alongside riverbanks.
More specifically, Pawniard can be found in South Province (Area One & Five), East Province (Area Two & Three), Tagtree Thicket, and North Province (Area One & Two)

Where to find Bisharp in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
There are two methods of obtaining Bisharp in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. The first is leveling up a Pawniard to level 52, which can take a lot of grinding.
For players who want to skip the grind, Bisharp can be found in the Bamboo Forrest region of North Province (Area Two). And for those who want to evolve their Bisharp into a Kingambit, you’ll want to stay in this area for a bit.

And that’s it! Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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