Cyberpunk 2077: Every piece of Cyberware and what they do

Cyberware is one of the most essential units of Cyberpunk 2077 as it forms a key part of your build. Here is a guide on how to obtain every piece of cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077 after the 2.0 update.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a dystopian world where humans basically become cyborgs. Every person you see in this game induces machines into their bodies which in turn enhances their capabilities by a significant amount.
As it happens, V who is a mercenary in the game will end up fighting some dangerous enemies. In such a case, they will need access to top-notch gear to ensure that they can complete every gig and job with ease.
This gear in question is the cyberware that you will install into your body. However, before you can do that, you need to know where to find them.
Here is all you need to know to collect every piece of cyberpunk in Cyberpunk 2077.
Where to get Cyberware prosthetics

This is where the high-tech world of Cyberware comes in. From Cyberoptic scanners that expose enemy weak points to Cyberware weapons that allow you to attach blades to your forearms, there’s a prosthetic for every type of playstyle. Check out our Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware guide below to find out everything you need to know.
In order to equip Cyberware, you’ll first need to head on over to a Ripperdoc. These futuristic doctors can be found throughout Night City and will install all kinds of cybernetic prosthetics – for a price, of course.
Dr. Viktor Vector is the first one you’ll meet during the 4th story mission of the campaign. This is only the first step on your way to becoming a transhumanist cyborg, though. As you progress through the game, opportunities will arise. These shady individuals specialize in fitting illegal military-grade tech, so you’ll want to pay them a visit if you wish to get Cyberpunk’s most deadly enhancements.
His operating room can be found in Night City’s Wattson District and is accessed by entering Misty’s shop. Once inside, you’ll be able to take a look at all Cyberware enhancements and upgrades you can equip.
Cyberpunk 2077 Cyberware explained

With a variety of enhancements available at your behest during your journey in Night City, we’ve listed all the abilities you’re able to deck yourself out like a Christmas tree with.
- Mantis Blades – These blades are fitted to your forearms and allow for some incredibly lethal melee attacks.
- Blood pump – This device is inserted into the body to help improve the healing process.
- Micro-rotors – Passive Cyberware that improves character movement speed and precision.
- Reflex tuners – A device that slows down time whenever your health enters a critical state.
- Gorilla Hands – Hand enhancements that drastically increase your strength and melee power.

- Titanium Bones – A mod that increases the player character’s carrying capacity by 20%.
- Monowire – Fiber-optic wire that is inserted into the arm. This Cyberware is used to slice open opponents.
- Kerenzikov – A nervous system implant that activates slow motion whenever you successfully avoid an enemy attack.
- Synlungs – Cybernetic lungs that greatly improve stamina regeneration.
- Kiroshi Optical Scanner – Identifies weak points in enemies, machines, vehicles, and allows users to analyze objects. Certain upgrades will also show quest progression and gang affiliation.
- Subdermal Grip – Enables the use of locked weapons with a +50% damage reduction. This handgrip also increases melee damage.
- Projectile Launch System – A fantastic missile launcher that comes from the player’s palm of their hand.
Those are all the pieces of Cyberware you can use in Cyberpunk 2077! For more content on the game, check out our guides below:
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