All Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty New Perks

James Busby
Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty bike combat

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty has revamped the game’s skill tree, adding a lot of new Perks for V to customize their build with. So here are all the new Perks that you can find in CD Projekt RED’s expansion.

The Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty skill tree has undergone a drastic change, with new skills now being available for players to unlock. Not only do they put an emphasis on switching up individual playstyles, but they also look flashier and deadlier than ever before.

Understanding how Phantom Liberty’s Perks work and what they do will enable you to effortlessly make a powerful build to cut through the game’s enemies. This is especially true when you utilize the new Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty weapons.

So, without further ado, here are all the new Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Perks.

All Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Skill Tree Perks

Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Skill Tree
Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty has reworked the game’s Skill Tree and Perks.

There are a total of seven perks in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty that have been revealed so far, all of which serve to enhance V’s cybernetic abilities. From deadly melee finishing moves to increased aerial mobility, Phantom Liberty will enable players to take control of the battlefield like never before. 

All the Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Perks that have been revealed so far can be seen below: 

Finisher: Bladerunner

Bladerunner perk Cyberpunk

Bladerunner is a finisher that enables V to kill enemies, with a fancy new finishing move. During the Phantom Liberty gameplay trailer, we see V using her Katana to down an enemy, forcing them to their knees before lopping off their head with one clean swing. 

Bullet Deflect

Bullet Deflect skill in Phantom Liberty

As the name suggests, Bullet Deflect enables V to deflect bullets with her Katana, sending projectiles back to their sender. This will prove invaluable to players who enjoy melee combat, but want to add something with an offensive twist. 


Opportunist skill in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty

Opportunist sees V unleash her inner Texas Chainsaw Massacre, unleashing a deadly chainsaw strike to an unsuspecting enemy’s kneck. This skill will likely enable melee players to quickly take down enemies with some gory instakills. 

Air Dash 

Air Dash skill in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty

Air Dash sees V dash while midair, giving them increased aerial mobility. The skill also appears to slow down time, allowing players to quickly line up some juicy headshots. This skill will likely come in handy as a traversal mechanic as well. 

Finisher: Savage Sling

Savage Sling skill in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty

Savage Sling is another finisher that enables players to kill enemies with melee weapons, with the added benefit of being able to pick up and launch them at other opponents. 


Pull skill in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty

Pull sees V throw out a grenade that distracts enemies, allowing players to follow up with other deadly skills like Deadeye. This will likely be incredibly useful when your foes are grouped together or when you need to keep the heat off you during prolonged firefights. 


Deadeye skill in Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty

Deadeye sees V dash forward before methodically head-shotting nearby enemies with increased precision. 

Relic Tree

The Relic Tree is a new addition to Cyberpunk 2077 that taps into the chip inside V’s head. It carries a total of nine new perks that override and enhance the player’s cybernetic abilities.

  • Jailbreak
  • Spatial Mapping
  • Limiter Removal
  • Launch Capacity Override
  • Data Tunneling
  • Emergency Cloaking
  • Sensory Protocol
  • Vulnerability Analytics
  • Machine Learning

So, there you have it, that’s every Perk in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty revealed so far. Make sure you check out our Cyberpunk 2077 page for all the latest news and guides.

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