Where to find Dunsparce & Dudunsparce in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players will have the chance to capture and raise the Johto Pokemon Dunsparce while exploring Paldea, and can even see it evolve into a new Stage One species.
Dunsparce was originally introduced in Generation 2 of the Pokemon series. The Normal-type was part of the first big Pokedex expansion introduced alongside the Johto region. Despite looking similar to Caterpie, Weedle, and many other Bug-types, it was neither a bug nor a first evolutionary stage.
Now returning in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, players will again encounter Dunsparce in all of its unexciting charms. However, the Gen 9 Paldea region has revealed that Dunsparce can now evolve.
Below is everything Pokemon trainers need to know about finding Dunsparce and how to evolve it into Dudunsparce.
Where to find Dunsparce in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Paldea location
Pokemon trainers looking for Dunsparce will be able to encounter it throughout the majority of Paldea:
- North Province (Area One)
- North Province (Area Two)
- North Province (Area Three)
- Glaseado Mountain under North Province (Area Three)
- West Province (Area Two)
- West Province (Area Three)
- Tagtree Thicket
- East Province (Area One)
- East Province (Area Two)
- East Province (Area Three)
- South Province (Area One)
- South Province (Area Two) southern portion
- South Province (Area Three)
- South Province (Area Four)
- South Province (Area Five)
- South Province (Area Six)

Kitakami location
Dunsparce also makes a return in the Kitakami region. It is mainly found in the abundance of caves present throughout the region.
These caves can be found around the Crystal Pool, the Infernal Pass, throughout Oni Mountain and around the Timeless Woods.

Where to find Dudunsparce in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Kitakami location
Trainers can also find Dudunsparce in the wild through the Teal Mask DLC. Like Dunsparce, its evolution lives in caves throughout Kitakami.
Dudunsparce lives in far fewer caves than Dunsparce and it is very rarely seen, so it may be difficult to find. Players have the best chance to find it in caves around the Crystal Pool, throughout Oni Mountain and around the Timeless Woods.

How to evolve Dunsparce into Dudunsparce
Once caught, players can evolve Dunsparce into Dudunsparce by teaching it the move “Hyper Drill” and leveling it up. Additionally, players can find Dudunsparce crawling around the caves of Area Zero in the late game.
The stage one evolution doesn’t become a mighty dragon, mouth, butterfly, or bee. Comically, it becomes nothing more than a Dunsparce with multiple new segments. For some, the massive Pokemon is likely to be a beloved joke, while others may choose to pass on it for other new evolutions.
And that’s it! Those looking to find out more about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet can check out our other guides below:
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