Pokemon Go All Deoxys forms Raid guide: Weaknesses & best counters

Daniel Megarry
pokemon go all deoxys forms normal speed attack defense raid guide counters

Pokemon Go has four Deoxys forms that you can battle and catch, but you’ll need to know their weaknesses and the best counters to use if you want to defeat them.

Deoxys is one of the most unique Pokemon of all time. It’s a Mythical creature which makes it incredibly rare, but to make it even more unique, it has four different versions: Normal, Attack, Speed, and Defense.

While there are many similarities between each Deoxys form, they all have slightly different appearances and excel in a specific stat, which means they can end up performing very differently in battle.

To help you defeat – and catch – Deoxys now that two of its forms are returning to Pokemon Go during the Dual Destiny season, here are their weaknesses and counters, as well as details of their stats.

Deoxys weaknesses in Pokemon Go

All four Deoxys forms are pure Psychic-type Pokemon, which means they’re only weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks, leaving players with only a few options to focus on.

It’s also important to know which types Deoxys is resistant against, so avoid using Fighting and Psychic-type Pokemon and attacks as they won’t do much damage.

Deoxys best counters

Here are some of the best counters to use against any Deoxys form in Pokemon Go Raid battles:

Mega GengarMega GengarLick & Shadow Ball
Mega BanetteShadow Claw & Shadow Ball
Shadow TyranitarTyranitar PokemonBite & Brutal Swing
Shadow ChandelurechandelureHex & Shadow Ball
Dawn Wings NecrozmaDawn Wings NecrozmaShadow Claw & Moongeist Beam
Giratina Origin Formegiratina-originShadow Claw & Shadow Force
HoundoomhoundoomSnarl & Foul Play
GholdengoGholdengoHex & Shadow Ball
HydreigonHydreigonBite & Brutal Swing
DragapultdragapultAstonish & Shadow Ball

We’ve included a mix of MegasLegendariesShadow, and more common Pokemon in the table above, so there should be something for every trainer to use.

If you don’t have any of those counters or their alternate forms, use your strongest Dark, and Ghost-type Pokemon to target Deoxys’ weaknesses. Just make sure that your team is properly leveled up and has matching movesets.

While Bug-type Pokemon will be effective against each Deoxys form, it’s worth pointing out that Defense Forme Deoxys could use a Rock-type Charged Move, which Bug-types are particularly vulnerable to.

How to get Deoxys in Pokemon Go

Unlike most Mythical Pokemon, players can catch Deoxys by challenging and defeating it in 5-Star Raid battles. Luckily for them, Deoxys will be back as a Raid boss in both its Attack and Defense forms from January 16, 2025, until January 24, 2025.

pokemon go deoxys attack defense forms

More so, both Deoxys Attack Forme and Deoxys Defense Forme will be featured in the Raid Hour taking place on January 22, 2025, from 6:00 PM until 7:00 PM local time.

Players who succeed at defeating them will be able to attempt a catch with the Premier Balls they’re given after the encounter. The amount of balls they get will depend on their performance during the battle.

Remember that using Golden Razz Berries and landing Excellent Curveball Throws can increase your chances of catching any type of Pokemon.

Can you change Deoxys’ form?

No, you cannot change Deoxys’ form in Pokemon Go. If you want to have Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed Deoxys, you must catch each of the four forms whenever they are featured in Raid battles.

Deoxys CP in Pokemon Go

As with every Raid Boss in the game, the CP Deoxys has during a Raid battle won’t be the same once you manage to catch it after defeating it. Plus, certain types of weather can increase such CP.

Deoxys Normal FormeDeoxys Attack FormeDeoxys Defense FormeDeoxys Speed Forme
Raid Boss CP50,27141,03636,17045,802
CP range once captured1717 – 18061372 – 14741228 – 12991568 – 1645
Windy weather CP range2146 – 22571716 – 18421535 – 16241960 – 2056
Deoxys max CP (Level 50)3573291625703255

Deoxys stats & moves

A pure Psychic-type Pokemon, Deoxys’ forms have the following stats:

Normal Forme3451151373573
Attack Forme414461372916
Defense Forme1443301372570
Speed Forme2302181373255

If you’re struggling to decide which Deoxys to spend time catching or powering up in the game, we’ve put together a guide to the best Deoxys form which should help you out.

Fast Moves

Deoxys Normal Forme– Zen Headbutt (Psychic/STAB)
– Charge Beam (Electric)
Deoxys Attack Forme– Poison Jab (Poison)
– Zen Headbutt (Psychic/STAB)
Deoxys Defense Forme– Zen Headbutt (Psychic/STAB)
– Counter (Fighting)
Deoxys Speed Forme– Zen Headbutt (Psychic/STAB)
– Charge Beam (Electric)

Charged Moves

Deoxys Normal Forme– Hyper Beam (Normal)
– Thunderbolt (Electric)
– Psycho Boost (Psychic/STAB)
Deoxys Attack Forme– Dark Pulse (Dark)
– Zap Cannon (Electric)
– Psycho Boost (Psychic/STAB)
Deoxys Defense Forme– Rock Slide (Rock)
– Thunderbolt (Electric)
– Psycho Boost (Psychic/STAB)
Deoxys Speed Forme– Thunderbolt (Electric)
– Swift (Normal)
– Psycho Boost (Psychic/STAB)

Can Deoxys be Shiny?

Yes, all Deoxys forms can be Shiny in Pokemon Go, which means you can get Shiny variations of Normal, Attack, Defense, and Speed.

pokemon go all deoxys forms shiny

Due to both Attack and Defense being featured in Raids, the players who challenge them multiple times will increase their odds of finding either Shiny Deoxys Attack Forme or Shiny Deoxys Defense Forme.

Shiny hunters can easily recognize these variations thanks to their bright yellow bodies and green details, which differ a lot from their usual red and blue combination.

Remember that finding Shinies is never easy, so don’t feel defeated if, despite your constant battling, you don’t end up finding a Shiny Deoxys.

That’s everything you need to know to take down Deoxys in Pokemon Go Raid battles. Be sure to check out the latest Pokemon Go event, including the current Community Day and Spotlight Hours.

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