How to get Mega Manectric in Pokemon Go & can it be Shiny?

Raissa Jerez
pokemon go mega manectric shiny mega manectric

After a long absence, Mega Manectric is finally back in Pokemon Go as a Mega Raid boss, so here’s everything you need to know about the Gen 3 Electric-type’s alternative form.

Added to Pokemon Go in December 2017, Hoenn’s Manectric has been a staple in many trainers’ rosters since its debut, which is why fans have desperately been waiting for its Mega Evolution to be back in the game.

Those looking to add this powerful Gen 3 electric type to their teams can check below every detail on how to get Mega Manectric in Niantic’s game.

How to get Mega Manectric in Pokemon Go

The only way to acquire Mega Manectric in Pokemon Go is to evolve a regular Manectric using Mega Energy. However, because plenty of Mega Evolutions are available in the game, players must wait for the rotations to see if the one they want takes a spot.

Luckily, those looking to obtain the special form of Manectric will get several opportunities as Mega Manectric is currently being featured as a Mega Raid Boss and will remain so until November 11, 2024, when it will be replaced by Mega Salamence.

Can Mega Manectric de Shiny?

Yes, Shiny Mega Manectric is available in Pokemon Go, as it was added to the game the same day this Mega Evolution debuted.

However, the differences between regular and Shiny Mega Manectric are not outstanding. The steel blue fur turns gray and the yellow spikes get a deeper tone.

Due to Shiny odds being terribly low, if players don’t come across a Shiny Mega Manectric, they can also just Mega Evolve any Shiny Manectric they have in store.

How to evolve Manectric into Mega Manectric

To Mega Evolve Manectric, you must use 100 Mega Energy to trigger the first transformation. Then, the required amount will drop to 20, 10, and finally 5.

pokemon go manectric mega manectric

Remember that, besides gathering Mega Energy from defeating Pokemon in Mega Raids, players can earn extra by completing specific Research Tasks or setting a Manectric that has Mega Evolved before as a Buddy and taking it on walks.

Pokemon Go Mega Manectric stats, moves, resistances & weaknesses

As a pure Electric-type Pokemon, Mega Manectric has the following stats:


Fast Moves

  • Charge Beam (Electric/STAB)
  • Snarl (Dark)
  • Thunder Fang (Electric/STAB)

Charged Moves

  • Thunder (Electric/STAB)
  • Flame Burst (Fire)
  • Wild Charge (Electric/STAB)
  • Overheat (Fire)
  • Psychic Fangs (Psychic)



That’s all you need to know to get Mega Manectric in Pokemon Go. For more, check out the Best Pokemon for competitive play, as well as the Best Elite Fast TMs and the Best Elite Charged TMs. If you want your Pokemon to become your Buddy, learn How to get Best Buddy status.