Best Elite Charged TM in Pokemon Go: Top moves to upgrade

Elite Charged TMs allow players to handpick which Charged Move they want to teach their top battlers. So, if you happen to come across one of these elusive items in Pokemon Go, here’s a curated list of the best moves you should try out.
Whether you’ve acquired an Elite Charged TM by ascending the ranks in the Pokemon Go Battle League’s current season or secured one via a Research Task, you might be contemplating the ideal moment to deploy them.
Considering these TMs are so rare in the game, it can be difficult to know which Pokemon to use them on. That’s why this guide will explore the best moves you can learn with Elite Charged TMs and the Pokemon you should be giving them to.
Best Charged Moves in Pokemon Go
Here’s the list of the top 30 Charged Moves in Pokemon Go:
Aeroblast | Flying | Gym & Raid Power: 180 Trainer Battles: 170 Effective Against: Bug, Fighting, Grass |
Aqua Tail | Water | Gym & Raid Power: 50 Trainer Battles: 55 Effective Against: Fire, Ground, Rock |
Blast Burn | Fire | Gym & Raid Power: 110 Trainer Battles: 110 Effective Against: Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel |
Body Slam | Normal | Gym & Raid Power: 50 Trainer Battles: 50 Effective Against: None |
Brutal Swing | Dark | Gym & Raid Power: 65 Trainer Battles: 55 Effective Against: Ghost, Psychic |
Draco Meteor | Dragon | Gym & Raid Power: 150 Trainer Battles: 150 Effective Against: Dragon |
Earth Power | Ground | Gym & Raid Power: 100 Trainer Battles: 90 Effective Against: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel |
Earthquake | Ground | Gym & Raid Power: 140 Trainer Battles: 110 Effective Against: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel |
Fire Punch | Fire | Gym & Raid Power: 55 Trainer Battles: 55 Effective Against: Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel |
Frenzy Plant | Grass | Gym & Raid Power: 100 Trainer Battles: 100 Effective Against: Ground, Rock Water |
Grass Knot | Grass | Gym & Raid Power: 90 Trainer Battles: 90 Effective Against: Ground, Rock Water |
High Horsepower | Ground | Gym & Raid Power: 110 Trainer Battles: 100 Effective Against: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel |
Hydro Cannon | Water | Gym & Raid Power: 90 Trainer Battles: 80 Effective Against: Fire, Ground, Rock |
Icicle Spear | Ice | Gym & Raid Power: 60 Trainer Battles: 65 Effective Against: Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ground |
Meteor Mash | Steel | Gym & Raid Power: 100 Trainer Battles: 100 Effective Against: Fairy, Ice, Rock |
Moonblast | Fairy | Gym & Raid Power: 130 Trainer Battles: 110 Effective Against: Dark, Dragon, Fighting |
Nature’s Madness | Fairy | Gym & Raid Power: 90 Trainer Battles: 80 Effective Against: Dark, Dragon, Fighting |
Origin Pulse | Water | Gym & Raid Power: 130 Trainer Battles: 130 Effective Against: Fire, Ground, Rock |
Outrage | Dragon | Gym & Raid Power: 110 Trainer Battles: 110 Effective Against: Dragon |
Precipice Blades | Ground | Gym & Raid Power: 130 Trainer Battles: 130 Effective Against: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel |
Psystrike | Psychic | Gym & Raid Power: 90 Trainer Battles: 90 Effective Against: Fighting, Poison |
Rock Wrecker | Rock | Gym & Raid Power: 110 Trainer Battles: 110 Effective Against: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice |
Sacred Fire | Fire | Gym & Raid Power: 120 Trainer Battles: 130 Effective Against: Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel |
Sacred Sword | Fighting | Gym & Raid Power: 55 Trainer Battles: 60 Effective Against: Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel |
Sandsear Storm | Ground | Gym & Raid Power: 140 Trainer Battles: 60 Effective Against: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel |
Shadow Ball | Ghost | Gym & Raid Power: 100 Trainer Battles: 100 Effective Against: Ghost, Psychic |
Shadow Punch | Ghost | Gym & Raid Power: 40 Trainer Battles: 55 Effective Against: Ghost, Psychic |
Sky Attack | Flying | Gym & Raid Power: 80 Trainer Battles: 85 Effective Against: Bug, Fighting, Grass |
Stone Edge | Rock | Gym & Raid Power: 100 Trainer Battles: 100 Effective Against: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice |
Zap Cannon | Electric | Gym & Raid Power: 140 Trainer Battles: 150 Effective Against: Flying, Water |
Best Pokemon to use Elite Charged TM on
If you are looking to make the most of an Elite Charged TM in Pokemon Go, you will want to pick Pokemon that can learn the best moves. Below are the best Pokemon to put time into, and how to get them.
![]() | Aeroblast | Catch while featured in Raids and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Aqua Tail | Catch and evolve Magikarp Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid and Mega Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Blast Burn | Catch and evolve Charmander Catch and evolve Charmeleon Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid and Mega Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Body Slam | Catch and evolve Lickitung |
![]() | Brutal Swing | Catch and evolve Deino Catch and evolve Zweilous Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Draco Meteor | Catch and evolve Goomy Catch and evolve Sliggoo Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Earth Power | Catch and evolve Gible Catch and evolve Gabite Catch from Raid and Mega Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Frenzy Plant | Catch and evolve Bulbasaur Catch and evolve Ivysaur Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid and Mega Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Grass Knot | Catch while featured in Raids and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
![]() | High Horsepower | Catch and evolve Teddiursa Catch and evolve Ursaring Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Hydro Cannon | Catch and evolve Totodile Catch and evolve Croconaw Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid events |
![]() | Icicle Spear | Catch and evolve Spheal Catch and evolve Sealeo Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Meteor Mash | Catch and evolve Beldum Catch and evolve Metang Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Moonblast | Catch and evolve Swablu Catch from Mega Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Nature’s Madness | Catch while featured in Raids |
![]() | Origin Pulse | Catch while featured in Raids, Primal Raids, and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Outrage | Catch and evolve Bagon Catch and evolve Shelgon Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid and Mega Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Precipice Blades / Fire Punch | Catch while featured in Raids, Primal Raids, and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Psystrike / Shadow Ball | Catch while featured in Raids and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Rock Wrecker | Catch and evolve Rhyhorn Catch and evolve Rhydon Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations |
![]() | Sacred Fire / Earthquake | Catch while featured in Raids and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Sacred Sword | Catch while featured in Raids |
![]() | Sandsear Storm | Catch while featured in Raids |
![]() | Shadow Punch | Catch and evolve Gastly Catch and evolve Haunter Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid and Mega Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Sky Attack | Catch while featured in Raids and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Stone Edge | Catch and evolve Machop Catch and evolve Machoke Spawns as a Wild Encounter in rare situations Catch from Raid events Given as Research rewards |
![]() | Zap Cannon | Catch while featured in Raids and Shadow Raids Given as Research rewards |
Mewtwo is the clear standout here, so if you don’t have one that knows Psystrike, that should be your priority. When paired with Psychic as a Fast Move, it can be a threat across PvE and the Go Battle League.
It’s also worth considering the rarity of these moves. Some are Community Day exclusives, which means they could very well appear again, while others like Groudon’s Fire Punch only appeared in special events.
As a side note, many of these unique Moves function best when paired with another Charged Move, so it’s always worth looking into purchasing a secondary attack if you have enough Candy and Stardust.

What are Elite Charged TMs in Pokemon Go?
While regular Charged TMs will switch up your chosen Pokemon’s Charged Move at random, Elite Charged TMs give you the option to select the specific attack you want, which can save you a lot of time and resources.
The second major benefit of Elite TMs is that you can teach attacks that are no longer available, like Legacy Moves and Community Day-exclusive Moves, which are often the best attacks a ‘mon can learn.
A lot of high-tier Pokemon require a specific Charged Move to reach their full potential in the Go Battle League, and these are often locked away in special events or Community Days, so Elite Charged TMs are essential.
What is the difference between Charged TM and Elite Charged TM?
The primary difference between a Charged TM and an Elite Charged TM is that the Elite option allows players to select the desired move from the list of available options for a Pokemon.
Regular Charged TMs will randomly apply a Charged Move from the target’s available move pool, meaning players may need to use several to get the desired option for their lineup.
How to get Elite Charged TMs in Pokemon Go
The main way to get an Elite Charged TM is to reach Rank 19 in the Go Battle League, where they’re offered as a guaranteed reward. You can sometimes find them in Community Day event boxes, too.

They are sometimes offered as Timed and Special Research rewards, so keep an eye out, mainly when those tasks are from special events.
You’ve probably realized this by now, but they aren’t exactly common in Pokemon Go. In fact, they’re one of the rarest items, so make sure you use them wisely when you do get them.
How rare are Elite Charged TMs?
Because there is only one way to obtain Elite Charged TMs, they are considered exceptionally rare items. They also take quite a lot of work to earn, and not every player will want to grind the Go Battle League to obtain them.
How to use an Elite Charged TM in Pokemon Go
The process for changing a Pokemon’s move using an Elite Charged TM is very simple:
- Open Pokemon Go.
- On the main screen, tap the Poke Ball at the bottom to bring up your main menu.
- Go inside “Items”.
- Scroll down to Elite Charged TM and tap on it.
- Select the Pokemon you want to use the Elite Charged TM on.
- A list will come up with all the Charged Moves you can teach that Pokemon.
- Select the move you want and tap on “Teach” twice and then “Ok”.
To make sure everything went all right, you can go back to that Pokemon’s information screen and check its moves. The one you just taught it should be there.
Those are the best Elite Charged TMs in Pokemon Go. Don’t forget to check out our list of the Best Elite Fast TMs, as well as the Ultimate competitive Pokemon in the game. We also have rankings for the rarest Pokemon and the top Mega Evolutions to use in battle.