The Act Man flames CoD Modern Warfare 3 campaign: “I’d rather eat my own s**t”

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s campaign leaves a lot to be desired. The Act Man took to Twitter to give his take and he did not hold anything back.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is off to a shaky start after reports the game was rushed following the cancellation of the Advanced Warfare sequel. It’s struggled with the usual day-one spawn glitches resulting in the temporary removal of certain maps.
Players have also called out “lazy” designs in Modern Warfare 3’s campaign missions. It’s a sentiment that’s been echoed around the internet by major streamers with Moistcr1tikal calling the game’s campaign “objectively horrible”.
The Act Man has officially weighed in on the discussion posting a Tweet that absolutely shreds Modern Warfare 3’s campaign. Not pulling any punches, he let his followers know exactly how he felt. “I’d rather eat my own s**t,” he claimed.
Players who took part in the early access period for Modern Warfare 3’s campaign criticized it for being “Warzone with cutscenes”. “The rumors were not exaggerated,” The Act Man agreed.
“Modern Warfare 3’s campaign is the worst COD Campaign of all time. Somehow worse than Vanguard & Ghosts,” he went on before scoring it a “1/10”. Many users in the comments seem to agree with the sentiment, minus the s**t eating of course.
“If Modern Warfare 4 isn’t them retconning MWIIIs campaign then they’ve officially failed,” one player said. “Campaign is straight dog s**t water a** f**k booty nuts,” another user replied.
Other players in the thread took umbrage with The Act Man’s callouts of Call of Duty Ghosts and Vanguard. “The campaign was absolutely not the problem with Ghosts,” one user asserted. “I will die on this hill.”

While most players can’t seem to figure out if Modern Warfare 3’s campaign is the worst in the series, they do seem to agree that it’s bad. Early reviews based on the game’s narrative have scored it the lowest in the franchise’s history.
It’s a good thing that a majority of Call of Duty players are in it for the multiplayer. We’ve got a bunch of Modern Warfare 3 guides to help in that regard.
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