How long is the Modern Warfare 3 campaign?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is the latest game in the beloved FPS franchise and it features a single-player campaign but just how long is the new Call of Duty campaign? We’ve got the answer for you right here.
Modern Warfare 3 is the newest installment in the Call of Duty series and it follows on from Modern Warfare 2, continuing the reimagined story with the villainous Makarov at the center of an epic and intense narrative tale.
While players are bound to spend countless hours in the game‘s multiplayer and Zombies modes, COD campaigns are still incredibly popular.
Following the heels of Modern Warfare 2, the latest Call of Duty title, MW3, revives the reimagined story from 2019, with Makarov once again taking center stage in this epic narrative.
Here’s exactly how much time you can expect to spend in Modern Warfare 3’s single-player mode.

How long is Modern Warfare 3’s campaign?
Modern Warfare 3’s campaign should take you roughly 4-7 hours to complete. This is based on our run through the single-player component on Regular difficulty, as well as on community sentiment and reports.
Stealthier runs that take time to explore the open missions can make the completion time vary drastically. If you play them like a traditional CoD campaign and beeline through the objectives, these missions can be completed in minutes.
However, if you’re focused on fully exploring the maps and finding every secret, these missions can last much longer. Considering that CoD has mainly been about guns-blazing action for its entire run as a franchise, however, it’s safe to assume most players will take down this campaign quickly.
All up, Modern Warfare 3’s 15 campaign missions place it in line with most typical CoD campaigns, so there’s nothing out of the ordinary here. Like usual, you can blitz through MW3’s campaign in just one or two sittings.
So that’s everything you need to know about the length of Modern Warfare 3’s campaign. Obviously, with multiplayer and Zombies still to go, there’s plenty of value still left in the package after credits roll. If you’re just dropping in, be sure to brush up on some of our other MW3 guides below:
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