VR adult toy booth at CES 2024 has viewers confused and impressed

Dylan Horetski
CES Logo

A CES 2024 booth showing off a VR adult toy has viewers across social media both confused and impressed.

CES 2024 is taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada, and some of the tech industries’ top companies have made their way to the event to show off their latest innovations.

Asus has revealed their own smart glasses and Hyperkin has redesigned the original Xbox controller, while AARP brought a hologram version of Mario that left fans baffled.

Some of the tech at CES tends to get a bit risque, with a VR adult toy booth being the latest to leave viewers both confused and impressed.

VR adult toy booth garners quite the reaction on social media

A video of the adult toy booth has gone viral in a post on Twitter/X on January 9, 2024, with the OP saying they found the “best booth at CES.”

It shows off half a dozen of the devices in demo mode alongside a screen showing a hand moving up and down, which apparently can be made available in VR as well.

It garnered quite the reaction from users on the social media platform, with many sharing their thoughts in the replies.

“That’s one fancy coffee grinder!,” one user replied.

One user joked: “An automatic cocktail shaker – now that’s innovation!”

While a third replied: “It’s crazy how far people are going for VR ‘interactions’. Lol.”

CES has infamously featured the latest tech in the adult industry for the majority of its existence, but that doesn’t prevent those on social media from being impressed by it.

Stay locked in on Dexerto for more CES 2024 coverage, where we expect new laptops, graphics cards, monitors, and more.

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