How to get Shadow Mewtwo in Pokemon Go and can it be Shiny?

Shadow Mewtwo is back giving Pokemon Go players the chance to catch the most powerful Psychic-type Attacker of all. You won’t want to miss out on this rare opportunity so here’s how to get Shadow Mewtwo and if the Legendary Pokemon can be Shiny.
Pokemon Go has no shortage of great Psychic Pokemon with the likes of Lunala, Shadow Latios, and Mega Alakazam all being top-tier. However, these are nothing in comparison to the best Psychic type Attacker of all, Shadow Mewtwo.
Boasting an incredible 300 Attack stat and having access to unbelievable moves such as Psystrike and Psychic, Mewtwo is unmatched when it comes to dealing damage. This makes it a powerhouse for both Raids and PvP where it dominates all around.
Given Shadow Mewtwo’s immense power, it’s only natural that you’d want to catch one. This guide will help you do just that and provide some additional tips to assist you with your goal.
How to get Shadow Mewtwo in Pokemon Go
Shadow Mewtwo is available in 5-Star Shadow Raids from March 30, 6 AM local time to March 31, 10 PM local time.
Shadow Raids are unique as they require you to challenge them in person. It is not possible to use Remote Raid Passes so you’ll need to team up with members of your community to beat the Genetic Pokemon.
That won’t be easy though as Shadow Mewtwo is a brutal raid boss. You can check out our dedicated Shadow Mewtwo Raid guide for more information but the main takeaway is that you’ll need a powerful Bug, Dark, or Ghost-type to stand a chance.
Can Shadow Mewtwo be Shiny in Pokemon Go?
Yes, Shadow Mewtwo has a chance of being Shiny in Pokemon Go. Pokemon Go players that find a Shadow Mewtwo Raid and defeat it will earn an encounter, and that encounter has a 1/20 (5%) chance of being Shiny.
That’s everything on Shadow Mewtwo’s return to Pokemon Go. Check out these guides for more information on how to be the best trainer possible:
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