Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day: Date & time, shiny chance, bonuses

Pokemon Go is bringing a new threat to the game with the Mega Garchomp Raid Day event, introducing the lethal land-shark’s most powerful form into the mobile game soon.
Pokemon Go has a great mixture of classic mechanics, and while the mainline games may have turned their backs on Mega Evolution years ago, the mobile title is still introducing the powerful forms regularly.
While the game already features some fearsome creatures like Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Gengar, the upcoming event is the debut of Mega Garchomp, giving the powerful Pokemon even better stats to take a bite out of the competition.
Mega Garchomp could be a beastly addition to your team, with its huge attack and dual dragon/ground-typing making it a legitimate threat to Pokemon like Regieleki and beyond. Here’s everything players need to know about the Mega Garchomp Raid Day event.

Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day: Date & time
The Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day takes place on Saturday, November 11, 2023, from 2 PM until 5 PM local time.
Trainers have three hours to take advantage of several boosts, including increased shiny chances, free raid passes, and more.
Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day: debut and shiny chance
The Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day event is the debut of Mega Garchomp, and these raids are the first way to obtain the Mega Energy needed to use Mega Evolution on Garchomp.
However, once you have earned enough Mega Candy and used Mega Evolution on at least one Garchomp, you can then earn more Mega Energy if you walk with Garchomp or a Pokemon in the Garchomp evolution line as your buddy.
Shiny Gibble, Gabite, and Garchomp are already available in Pokemon Go. As such, you have a chance to encounter a shiny Garchomp as a reward for defeating a Mega Garchomp Raid, which you can then Mega Evolve into the brilliant and bright pink shiny Mega Garchomp.

Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day event bonuses
Niantic is implementing several specific boosts during the Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day, so players who take part in raids during the event hours can take advantage of the following bonuses:
- Mega Garchomp will appear more frequently in raids
- An increased chance of encountering shiny Garchomp after a Mega Garchomp raid
- up to five additional daily raid passes from spinning gym photo discs
- The remote raid pass limit increases from 5 to 10 on November 11, 2023, between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM local time.
Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp event exclusive ticket
During Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day, players can spend $5 (or local equivalent) to purchase an exclusive raid day ticket with the following bonuses:
- Eight additional raid passes from spinning gym photo discs (for a daily total of 14)
- 50% more XP from raid battles
- Increased chance to get Rare Candy XL from raid battles.
- 2x stardust from raid battles.
That’s all we have on the Pokemon Go Mega Garchomp Raid Day, so get saving your coins and raid passes, because you don’t want to miss a chance to add this fearsome fighter to your collection.
That’s everything you need to know about defeating Mega Garchomp Raid Day, and while you’re here, check out some more Pokemon Go guides below:
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