Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure event: Scarlet & Violet starters, Shiny Lechonk, more

Pokemon Go is finally adding the Scarlet & Violet starters with the ‘A Paldean Adventure’ event to kick off the new season, Adventures Abound. Here’s everything we know about it.
Pokemon Go’s new season, Adventures Abound, launches on September 1, 2023, and Niantic has already revealed the first events of the new season.
One of those events, A Paldean Adventure, sees the Scarlet & Violet starter trio Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly appear in the game for the first time alongside everyone’s favorite Paldean Pig, Lechonk.
Here’s everything we know about the event, including dates, times, and what to expect.
Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure event dates & times
According to the Pokemon Go blog, A Paldean Adventure begins on Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 10 am and runs until Sunday, September 10, 2023, at 10 am local time.
Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure debut Pokemon
The event will see Sprigatito, Fuecoco, Quaxly, Lechonk, and all of their evolutions available to encounter in the game for the first time.
After the event, Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly may hatch from 5km eggs while Lechonk may hatch from 2km eggs.
Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure Ultra Unlock Bonuses
Thanks to trainers worldwide completing challenges during Pokemon Go Fest Global 2023, there are a handful of Ultra Unlock bonuses that begin with this event.
- Unown A, D, E, L, and P will appear globally in raids
- Lechonk will be available in Timed Research, as well as its Shiny form
- PokeStops may turn gold without a Golden Lure module
- Gimmighoul coins may appear from at golden Pokestops
- 4x Catch XP
- 4x Stardust for catching Pokemonf
- Hoppip, Houndour, Buizel, and Fletchling have an increased chance to appear as shiny
- An event-themed Collection Challenge will take place during the event
Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure Wild Spawns
Here are the Pokemon that may appear in the wild during the event:
- Hoppip*
- Houndour*
- Buizel*
- Fletchling*
- Sprigatito
- Fuecoco
- Quaxly
- Lechonk*
Pokemon marked with an * may appear as shiny
Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure Raid encounters
Here are the Pokemon that will be available in Raid Battles throughout the event:
One-Star Raids:
- Unown A*
- Unown D*
- Unown E*
- Unown L*
- Unown P*
Three-Star Raids:
- Machamp
- Camerupt
- Metagross
- Turtonator
Five-Star Raids (September 1 – Sept 8)
Northern Hemisphere
- Kartana
Southern Hemisphere
- Celesteela
Five-Star Raids (September 8 – Sept 16)
Southern Hemisphere
- Celesteela
Northern Hemisphere
- Kartana
Mega Raids
- Mega Manectric
Pokemon marked with an * may appear as shiny

Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure 7km egg spawns
These are the Pokemon that will hatch from 7km eggs during the event:
- Sprigatito
- Fuecoco
- Quaxly
- Lechonk*
Pokemon marked with an * may appear as shiny
Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure Field Research task encounters
By completing Field Research tasks during the event, here are the Pokemon you could encounter:
- Sprigatito
- Fuecoco
- Quaxly
- Lechonk*
Pokemon marked with an * may appear as shiny
Pokemon Go Adventures Abound Special Research quest
At the start of the A Paldean Adventure event, A new season-based Special Research story will give trainers the chance to choose a partner to complete tasks with.
The research is free to get, and can be claimed between Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 10 am until Friday, December 1, 2023, at 9:59 am Local time.
Pokemon Go A Paldean Adventure avatar items
To celebrate the launch of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 1: The Teal Mask DLC, Pokemon Go trainers will have access to three new avatar items on September 13, 2023.
- Paldea Set (Kitakami)
- Paldea Backpack (Kitakami)
- Paldea Sandals (Kitakami)
And that’s everything we know about the A Paldean Adventure event to kick off the Adventures Abound season. While you’re here, why not check out some of our Pokemon Go guides below?
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