How to get Scyther, Scizor & Kleavor in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: Evolution guide

If you’re looking to add Scyther to your team in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, we’ve got the best locations to find one on the Paldea map and the Blueberry Academy, as well as details of how to evolve it into Scizor.
It’s no secret that Gen 1 creatures from the Kanto region are some of the most beloved Pokemon of all time, so fans are always eager to see if their favorite creatures will be making a comeback in new games.
The good news is that there are plenty of them appearing in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, including Scyther and its evolution Scizor. You’ll even be able to add Kleavor to your team—although there is a catch.
Where to find Scyther in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
One of the best locations to find Scyther in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is South Province (Area Four).
We spotted a Scyther across the land bridge that connects South Province (Area Two) to South Province (Area Four) and at the bottom of the small ponds in South Province (Area Four).
You can also encounter Scyther across the northwestern side of the Paldea map. Its Pokedex entry states that it lives “by water” and “in bamboo groves”.

The Indigo Disk DLC
Trainers can also find Scyther in the wild through the Indigo Disk DLC. In the Blueberry Academy’s Terarium it is commonly found in the Savannah and Canyon Biomes.
How to evolve Scyther into Scizor in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
You can evolve Scyther into Scizor by giving it a Metal Coat to hold and then trading it with another player – so you’ll need to make sure the other player is willing to trade it back to you afterward.
Alternatively, you could find another player who also has a Scyther holding a Metal Coat and swap them for good.
How to get Kleavor in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Prior to Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s DLC expansions, the only way to get Kleavor in Gen 9 was to transfer it from Pokemon Home after obtaining it in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
However, trainers who have purchased the DLC can now catch Kleavor in the wild. Specifically, it was introduced through the Indigo Disk DLC and is found in the Blueberry Academy’s Terarium.
That’s everything you need to know about Scyther and its evolutions! Check out some more guides below:
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