Hogwarts Legacy: Cursed Tomb Treasure complete quest guide

Raissa Jerez

The Cursed Tomb Treasure quest takes players on a scavenger hunt to retrieve a long-lost item. But in order to succeed, you must not be afraid of the undead that wanders Hogwarts Legacy’s grounds. Here’s the complete walkthrough for one of the trickiest missions in the game.

There’s a huge number of side quests available in Hogwarts Legacy, and each player can freely decide how to progress in their own adventure and which path to follow in order to reach the game’s end.

Even though not doing the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest doesn’t change the outcome of the game at all, it’s a really complex mission and a fun challenge for players to prove their skills.

So, we recommend that you delve into it — if you’re brave enough.

Cursed Tomb Treasure quest requirements

Before you activate the mission, you’ll need to meet some requirements:

  • Reach Level 24 in the game.
  • Have access to the southern portion of the map where the quest takes place.
  • Have Incendio and Confringo unlocked to use them during combat.
  • Have Wingardium Leviosa and Flipendo unlocked to use them to solve the puzzles.
  • Have the Alohomora spell already unlocked and at Level 3 of lockpicking.

How to trigger the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest

To activate the mission, you need to complete The Helm of Urtkot quest first. Once you’ve done that and you meet the prior requirements, you will then have to find a treasure map located in a chest inside an abandoned mansion called Manor Glen. There are quite a few steps to get to that point, so here they are:

  • Head to Manor Cape on the southern part of the map.
  • Go towards the abandoned mansion nearby. There’s also a Floo Flame fast travel point called West Manor Cape that you can use for easy access.
  • Enter the manor and go down the stone steps.
  • Unlock the gate using the Alohomora spell.
  • Keep walking until you reach the cellar. There you’ll find an Inferi, Lord of the Manor, and the necromancer, Ailsa Travers.
  • Defeat the Inferi using Incendio or Confringo, and use Accio, Depulso, Descendo, or Flipendo to break Ailsa’s purple shield in order to damage her health.

The Cursed Tomb Treasure map location in Hogwarts Legacy

Once all enemies have been defeated, open the chest at the back of the room using the Alohomora spell again. Inside you’ll find the Cursed Tomb Treasure map which indicates where to go next.

Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest

According to the map, the next destination is the Tomb of Treachery, near the beach at the border of the Coastal Cavern and Poidsear Coast.

If you’ve passed through the Coastal Cavern, a Floo Flame point called the Tomb of Treachery should already be active, so you can fast travel to it and go inside the dungeon.

How to open the moth door in the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest in Hogwarts Legacy

Inside the dungeon, you’ll have to use fire spells to defeat the spiders and get rid of the cobwebs that block your way. Keep going forward until you come across a golden door with three moth-shaped engravings. To open it you have to find the three magical moths.

Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest

The first two are located in a small chamber to your right, and the other one is inside a chamber on your left. To get them to the door you have to cast Lumos to make them stick to your wand and follow the light. Once you are near the door, deactivate the spell so they stick to it instead.

How to solve the puzzle in the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest in Hogwarts Legacy

When you go through the ornate door, you’ll have to defeat a horde of Inferi. Use both Incendio and Confringo, as well as the explosive barrels around the room to eliminate them quickly.

Right in the middle of the room, you’ll see some particular stone plates on the floor with the same symbols that appeared on the map you found in Manor Glen.

In order to replicate the image on the map, you’ll have to cast Flipendo on both the bottom-left and right plates, along with the top-middle one. This will finally reveal a chest with the Treasure-Seeker’s Attire, a unique cosmetic.

Hogwarts Legacy Cursed Tomb Treasure Quest

That’s all you need to know in order to successfully get through the Cursed Tomb Treasure quest in Hogwarts Legacy. For more useful content, check the guides below:

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