How to increase your health in LEGO Fortnite: get more hearts

In LEGO Fortnite, you only start with a small health pool, so you may be interested in how to grow that. Here’s what you need to know if you’d like to be able to take a couple more hits out on your adventures.
LEGO Fortnite has landed, and its scope is far larger than many were anticipating. On top of their ever-popular Battle Royale, Epic has just dropped an impressive and fully featured survival game into the game too. All with the magnetic charm of those little toy blocks.
However, just because it’s cute doesn’t mean it can’t pack a punch. Your travels around your world will provide danger, with everything from wolves, spiders, skeletons, and even big dinosaurs out to ruin your day on your hunt for resources.
That’s why you’re going to want as much help as possible in the health department in the game. If you’re wondering if you can get more than three hearts, we can help you answer that.
How to increase your health in LEGO Fortnite

In order to increase your health, you’re going to want to craft a Health Charm. These can be crafted at improved crafting tables.
The higher the level of your crafting table, the higher the rarity of Health Charm you can make, which grants you more hearts. Tab over to the shield icon on the table and you’ll see a health charm. This will list out the different materials you need to craft it. This will vary depending on the rarity. A common Health Charm will give you one extra heart, an uncommon, two, and a rare, three.
One important thing to know is that you have four slots open for charms and you can stack Health Charms to increase your hearts even more. So, for example, if you have four uncommon Health Charms, you’d have eight extra hearts.
And that’s all you need to know. Get stacking your charms to vastly increase your health. Here’s some other Fortnite guides to help you out too:
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