How to get Magcargo in Pokemon Go & can it be Shiny?

Looking to grab the adorable Magcargo in Pokemon Go? Well, here’s how to catch it and whether you can get a Shiny.
Magcargo may not be the most powerful Pokemon in the game, or really the most useful, but it’s still adorable and makes for a great addition to your Pokedex, especially if you’re looking to be like any good Pokemon trainer and catch ’em all.
However, to do that, you’ll need to know how to catch Magicargo in Pokemon Go, and it’s always knowing whether you’ll be lucky enough to catch a Shiny. So, with that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about Magargo in Pokemon Go.
How to catch Magcargo in Pokemon Go

Your best bet in encountering a Magcargo is evolving a Slugma captured in the wild. Slugmas are more likely to spawn during Sunny/clear weather.
It’s a surprisingly tricky to catch a Magcargo in Pokemon Go, so we recommend hunting for a Slugma then evolving it.
Is Shiny Magcargo available in Pokemon Go?
A Shiny version of Magcargo is currently available in Pokemon Go. The application introduced Shiny Magcargo as part of the January 2022 Mountains of Power event. Unlike its standard red form, the Pokemon adopts a purple appearance for its Shiny alternative.
Considering there isn’t a chance of catching Shiny Magcargo in the current Tier 3 Raid, you’ll have to evolve a Shiny Slugma.
Does Magcargo have an evolution?
Magcargo does not have an evolution in Pokemon Go. However, the species evolves from Slugma by giving the Pokemon 50 Candy.
That’s everything you need to know about catching Magcargo in Pokemon Go. For more tips & tricks, check out our other guides below:
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