How to get Drilbur in Pokemon Go & can it be Shiny?

Drilbur is a sturdy Ground-type Pokemon from the Unova region, but how do you acquire one in Pokemon Go and does its Shiny form appear in the game?
While Drilbur wasn’t exactly impressive in competitive battles, its evolution, Excadrill, was. Excadrill’s Ground/Steel-typing, beefy stats, and amazing movepool made it a force to be reckoned with in competitive.
Drilbur and its evolution are just as fearsome in Pokemon Go as they are in the mainline games. So, how do you go about nabbing one of these monstrous moles, and can they be Shiny?
- How to catch Drilbur in Pokemon Go
- How to evolve Drilbur into Excadrill in Pokemon Go
- Can Drilbur be Shiny in Pokemon Go?

How to catch Drilbur in Pokemon Go
Drilbur will be hatchable from 2km Pokemon Eggs during Pokemon Go’s Sustainability Week event. This event will run from Monday, April 22, at 10 a.m. local time and through Friday, April 26, 2024, at 8 p.m. local time.
Outside of events, it’s fairly easy to encounter a Drilbur in Pokemon Go. In the past, it has a chance of appearing in the wild, from Pokemon Eggs, Raid battles, as a prize for beating Team Go Rocket Grunts, for completing Field Research tasks, and as Go Battle League rewards.
How to evolve Drilbur into Excadrill in Pokemon Go
To evolve Drilbur into Excadrill, feed it to 50 Drilbur Candies. These can be acquired through catching and transferring Drilbur, with additional Candy granted if you use a Pinap Berry or Silver Pinap Berry when catching the Pokemon.
Can Drilbur be Shiny in Pokemon Go?
Yes, Shiny Drilbur is available in Pokemon Go. You will have a greater chance of encountering a Shiny Drilbur during the Pokemon Go Sustainability Week.
Shiny Drilbur is easily distinguished from its base form by the red stripes it has on its body. This is reversed with its evolution, which has bright blue marks on its body. While not as distinct as other Shiny Pokemon, Shiny Drilbur still has a great look and is well worth seeking out.
That’s everything trainers need to know about catching Drilbur in Pokemon Go. For more Pokemon Go content, check out the links below:
Best Pokemon in Pokemon Go | All upcoming Spotlight Hours | Current Raid bosses | How to get Remote Raid Passes | Pokemon Go catching tips