Pokemon Go Skwovet evolution: How to get Greedent & can it be Shiny?

If you’ve noticed Skwovet appear in Pokemon Go for the first time, you might have some questions about its evolution or Shiny availability. We’ve got the answers you need right here.
Galar region Pokemon from Sword & Shield are slowly being released into Pokemon Go. One of the first creatures to make its debut was Skwovet, the Normal-type squirrel that eventually evolves into Greedent.
It’s quite a rare sighting in the mobile game, so you could be seeing one for the very first time, hoping to stock up on Candy to evolve it, or wondering whether it’s available to encounter as a Shiny variant.
You’ll find everything you need to know about Skwovet in Pokemon Go below.

How to get Skwovet in Pokemon Go
The only way to catch a Skwovet in Pokemon Go right now is to find one as a wild encounter. You can increase your chances of this happening by using Incense or Lure Modules while you’re out exploring.
Skwovet is appearing more frequently in the wild during the Greedy Gluttons event, which takes place from November 8 to November 23, 2022. Beyond this, your chances of finding Skwovet are very low.
How to evolve Skwovet into Greedent
You can evolve Skwovet into Greedent with 50 Candy. There are no special items or Buddy tasks required to complete this evolution process.
If you’re struggling to get enough Candy, remember you can set Skwovet as your Buddy and it will find Candy as you walk alongside it. You can also use Pinap Berries when catching them for a Candy boost.
Is Shiny Skwovet in Pokemon Go?
The bad news is that Shiny Skwovet is currently unavailable in Pokemon Go, which means that Shiny Greedent is also unavailable.
It’s been over a year since Skwovet and Greedent made their Pokemon Go debuts, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed that their Shiny variants will be released soon – perhaps in a future Galar-themed event?
That’s everything you need to know about Skwovet and its evolution Greedent! Check out some more Pokemon Go guides below:
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