G2 CEO Ocelote hilariously parodies hot tub streams on LEC finals broadcast

Luke Edwards
G2 Ocelote in hot tub on LEC Twitch stream

G2 CEO and founder Carlos ‘Ocelote’ Rodriguez has displayed his great sense of humor yet again, as he parodied the Twitch hot tub meta live on the official LEC finals stream.

Twitch’s hot tub meta is one of the most controversial trends of 2021. With Twitch rules only allowing streamers to wear swimwear in certain ‘contextual circumstances’, streaming from hot tubs has become a viable option for certain streamers.

However, it’s now reached a stage where creating parodies of the meta is widespread. IRL streamer JakeenbakeLIVE saw an upsurge in his audience when he performed a parody hot tub stream alongside Indiefoxx, who has been at the center of this controversy.

Ocelote is well-known in the League of Legends scene for his sense of humor, and he’s outdon himself on the official LEC broadcast.

Ocelote is one of European LoL’s biggest personalities.

In the build-up to the LEC final broadcast, the waiting room screen ominously faded to the site of a hot tub, leaving viewers baffled.

However, the confusion was promptly lifted as Ocelote, wearing pink swimshorts and a G2 shirt, climbed into the tub and relaxed alongside G2’s seven LEC titles.

He also had access to a red button which, when pressed, would summon a servant to bring him items including an energy drink served in a martini glass, a hairbrush, and puppies.

Ocelote also made sure to do some press-ups and show off his dodging skills, making it abundantly clear he hasn’t slowed down since retiring from his playing days.

For all the laughs, Ocelote will be disappointed G2 are not playing in today’s grand finals. Their surprise loss to Rogue in the elimination bracket means that, for the first time since 2014, the winner of LEC will not be either G2 or Fnatic.

Instead, Rogue will be facing off against MAD Lions for a place at MSI 2021. You can catch up on the story of the LEC Spring Split so far via our dedicated hub.