How to make money fast in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy players will need a steady flow of cash during their journey to buy gear, recipes, magical items, and more. So to help you make money fast, here are the most effective ways to get Galleons, Knuts, and Sickles in Avalanche’s game.
The magical realm you explore in Hogwarts Legacy is filled with alluring items, including essential potions such as Wiggenweld and luxurious wand customization options, so it’s always useful to have a few Galleons in your robe.
However, these come at a high cost, and making money is not that easy in the Wizarding World. So, to help you get richer than a Niffler, here are the best ways to make money fast in Hogwarts Legacy.
Best ways to make money in Hogwarts Legacy
The ultimate best way to make money in Hogwarts Legacy is by completing side quests. These tasks given to you by random NPCs will reward you with Galleons, as well as other – sometimes valuable – items that you can also sell for some extra cash.
Plus, while completing quests, you’ll be traveling all around the Hogwarts Legacy map, allowing you to come across the second best way to make money, which is opening up the monster eyeball chests. Every time you unlock one of these particularly weird-looking chests, you’ll be rewarded with 500 Galleons.

Complete side quests
Due to how extensive Hogwarts Legacy is, it can be easy to miss several side quests offered by NPC around the world. So, whenever you’re walking around following the main quest, take your time to talk to strangers in order to trigger some of the side missions the game has to offer.
Additionally, once you complete a side quest, you’ll sometimes be able to ask the NPC for more money during the dialogues. You must be persistent and don’t worry, as there are no repercussions for doing so.
Sell your unused gear
One of the first, and arguably most passive ways to make money fast in the game is to simply sell the gear you don’t need.
While traveling around Hogwarts and beyond, you’ll likely come across a variety of robes, hats, gloves, and more, meaning you’ll likely be holding onto a lot of spares.
So, if you want to make money quickly without having to hunt around a lot, occasionally head over to a vendor and sell all your unused gear. This will bring back a tidy profit without you needing to spend any money.
To sell your gear, just head into any of the shops at Hogsmeade and speak to the vendor there. You’ll be able to sell whatever you want to them, within reason.

Loot regular & monster eyeball chests
While you won’t exactly get a lot of money from each regular chest, it’s another type of easy income that doesn’t require you to spend any previous coins or go too far out of your way. Aside from giving you a small monetary reward, these will grant you unique items that you can sell for an extra coin.
However, you should pay extra attention to the eyeball chests, otherwise known as Disillusionment chests. These can be found around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade and once you open them, you’ll get 500 Galleons.
If you want to understand how to open the Disillusionment Chests, we have a handy guide to check out.
Sell magical beasts
Even though it can be sad, another way to make some quick and easy Galleons is to sell some adorable beasts at The Brood and Peck in Hogsmeade. Being able to breed such animals means you’ll always have a way to make a tidy profit without spending much at all.
Understandably, you will need to unlock the Room of Requirement, which opens up the Vivarium. However, once you’ve done this, try to focus mainly on the adorable Mooncalfs and Puffskeins – as they are the most profitable ones – and you’ll be well on your way to endless riches.
To put this trick into perspective, each Puffskein will bring in 120 Galleons, meaning, after a short catching adventure, you’ll likely be bringing in upwards of 1,200 Galleons in less than an hour. They respawn every in-game day so just repeat the process and you’ll be fine.

Open a shop in Hogsmeade
The entrepreneur souls will love the possibility of having their own shop in Hogsmeade. However, before you can sell your first product, you must start the “Minding Your Own Business” quest by wandering around near the broomstick store until someone offers it to you.
The mission is one of the longest of the game and can only take place during winter time, but once you’re through with it, you’ll be able to sell all your gear at the newly acquired Caldwell & Brewster shop for a much higher price.
It’s worth noting that this quest used to be exclusive to the PlayStation version, but following the June 6, 2024 update, it is now available on all platforms. All players must do is unlock the ‘Fire and Vice’ main story quest first.
Those are all the best ways to make money fast in Hogwarts Legacy. You can also check our guides to learn about learning Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy, advancing time, or changing your equipped spells.