Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – DLC release date & roadmap

James Busby
Chaotic Gore Magala

Capcom has released details on the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak DLC, which will add new monsters and content to the game. Here’s everything you need to know about the free title updates and when they will be released. 

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak has added lots of new content to the base game. From new flagship creatures like Malzeno to devastating Silkbind attacks, there’s a huge amount of mechanics and movesets to master. 

However, just like previous entries in the series, Capcom is releasing free DLC that will launch throughout the year. These content updates include returning monsters, a new locale, and other exciting goodies. 

In order to keep you updated with all the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak post-launch content, we’ve outlined all the information we have on the upcoming DLC below.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 3 release date

Chaotic Gore Magala fight in MH Rise Sunbreak
Title Update 3 brings a number of new and returning monsters to Sunbreak.

The third title update goes live on November 24, 2022, and will introduce new event quests, layered weapons, as well as rare species like Chaotic Gore Magala, Risen Teostra, and Risen Kushala Daora

Chaotic Gore Magala is known to utilize attacks from both Gore and Shagaru Magala, making it a rather tricky monster to fight. Meanwhile, Risen Teostra uses its fire-based moves to melt any Hunters that dare to get too close.  

Additionally, Risen Kushala Daora also has overcome the affliction with the Quirio, and now has new attacks and abilities that players will need to learn to avoid triple carting. All three of these monsters will prove to be a challenge when they make their Sunbreak debut, and their armor sets and weapons will likely be incredibly powerful. 

It’s important to note that you’ll need to be at least MR 10 to take on Chaotic Gore Magala, while Risen Kushala Daora and Risen Teostra can be fought at MR 120 and MR 140 respectively — so make sure you raise your MR before their release.

Future Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak title updates

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak roadmap screenshot
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 3 adds plenty of new content to the game.

Future title updates are also in the works, with Title Update 4 to be released early next year, which will feature an Elder Dragon and Powered-up monster. Capcom also noted that Title Update 5 is coming in Spring 2023, but they’re keeping all details “under wraps” for now.

Whether Title Update 5 will include new monsters or just feature variants remains to be seen, but for now, that’s all the information we currently have. We’ll be sure to update this page once further details arise, so make sure you bookmark this page. 

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