Mizkif explains why OTK wanted Jinny to leave Esfand’s House

After Twitch streamer Jinny announced on stream that she would be leaving the US, fellow streamer Mizkif explained why he and the OTK (One True King) collective had agreed with the decision for Jinny to leave Esfand’s house, where she has been living in Texas.Jinny
is a hugely popular Korean streamer, gaining over 550,000 followers on Twitch since she started in 2017. In March 2020 she moved into fellow streamer Esfand’s home as a result of the global health crisis, and since then has made a great deal of content with him. Esfand is part of a streamer collective called OTK (One True King,) which also includes streamers such as Mizkif and Asmongold.

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He began by sharing with his viewers that they are trying to be particularly careful about obeying current health regulations, as Asmon’s mom is vulnerable. However, he adds that “Jinny, I feel like doesn’t understand the situation as much as she should.”
Mizkif goes on to explain why the group is particularly sensitive to people obeying the rules currently, as, “Asmon’s mom is super sick, Tips just had a baby, Russell has the immune system of a child.” He added that “she just flew in her brother, and people got upset about it. She thinks it’s best, and we think it’s best for her to go home. I feel really bad for Esfand.”
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Jinny mentioned in her stream that she discussed her decision a lot with Esfand, so it seems that her leaving mutually suits everyone for the time being. Jinny has not revealed any intended date for her US return, as the situation is currently impossible to predict.