Bizarre Apex Legends glitch is making Seer’s ultimate useless

Andrew Highton
seer ultimate ability in apex legends

Seer fans in Apex Legends have been left baffled by a new glitch that causes the legend’s ultimate ability to malfunction in a strange way.

All the talk of the town is firmly on Apex Legends Season 14 and its array of unique gameplay features, including a new Laser Sight attachment for weapons, self-revives being removed, and the level cap finally being raised.

There’s also been the slight distraction of the Apex Legends Season 14 boycott, but whilst all of this has been going on, there’s been a strange glitch occurring with Seer’s ultimate ability.

The recon character has been through a purple patch as of late that has seen their pick rate rise quite substantially, but it could be in danger of dropping if their ultimate ability continues to be erratic.

Seer ultimate ability not working properly in Apex Legends

As demonstrated by Reddit user LOK-HEN7, Seer’s ‘Exhibit’ ultimate ability isn’t proving to be the incredible recon tool that it has been since the character debuted in the game.

Exhibit is supposed to do the following once activated: “Create a sphere of micro-drones that reveal the location of enemies moving quickly or firing their weapons within.”

For some players, it’s doing exactly that, but once the sphere is created, it’s floating off into space, making it fairly useless for detecting nearby threats.

It’s definitely not an isolated incident either as the top comment with over 600 upvotes said: “Had this happen last night to me. Our Seer threw his ult and it floated away. Screwed me when I lost everyone in the four Bangalore’s worth of smoke and rolling thunders.”

If you’re in a desperate situation in Apex Legends and need priceless information on your opponents, then this version of Seer’s ultimate simply won’t get the job done.

We expect Respawn will be aware of this issue soon enough and issue a fix so that Seer is still a viable selection for Season 14 – even if new Legend Vantage ends up stealing the show.