ImperialHal claims Apex Legends actually buffed Seer rather than nerfing him

TSM star Philip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen is a little unsure about the nerf Seer has gotten in Apex Legends’ Dressed to Kill event, suggesting Respawn actually “buffed” him.
When Respawn Entertainment rolls out a big update for Apex Legends, fans are always excited for changes both to the current crop of legends and the weapons.
At times over the past few seasons, Seer has been the dominant legend in the battle royale. His powerful scans, whether it be Focus of Attention or Exhbit, have caused much annoyance to players on the other end of playing against him.
In the brand-new Dressed to Kill collection event, the Ambush Artist was hit with some substantial nerfs, with the range of each ability being shortened, as well as the amount of time he is able to scan for.
ImperialHal unconvinced by Seer nerfs in Apex Legends Dressed to Kill event
However, according to ImperialHal, Seer may have actually been buffed now that Respawn have given him the ability to highlight the full body of enemies back again.
The TSM IGL was going over the changes shortly after the June 15 update, revealing he wasn’t at all convinced by the changes. “They just straight up buffed his ass,” Hal said after hearing about the full body scan change.
“It’s the same shit as last time. When Seer got nerfed, everyone was like ‘Oh s*it’ remember? And then I think I tweeted out ‘Seer is broken and nobody is playing him’.”
His TSM teammates agreed with his take on things too, with Raven adding: “This character does not seem nerfed in any way at all.” Jordan ‘Reps’ Wolfe added that Seer could actually be “broken” after the changes.
It remains to be seen if that will translate to the wider player base or if Seer’s pick rate will see a genuine drop-off, however.