Can you play Payday 3 split-screen?

Payday 3 is the newest entry in the popular co-op franchise where players can team up with their friends to complete various heists from bank robberies to casing art galleries but can you play the game split-screen? We’ve got the answer for you right here.
Starbreeze Studios’ latest title is Payday 3, the long-awaited follow-up to the beloved Payday 2 and it promises to provide fans with even more heists, some fresh faces, and exciting new gameplay mechanics.
As a primarily multiplayer-focused title (though you can play solo if you’d prefer) a big draw to the Payday franchise for many is the chance to cause some chaos during heists with friends, and you may be wondering if it’s possible to play the game locally with split-screen.
Playing online is extremely handy after all but nothing beats a bit of couch co-op with your buddies! With that in mind, here’s what you need to know about whether or not split-screen is supported in Payday 3.

Can you play Payday 3 split-screen?
No, you cannot play Payday 3 split-screen.
While this may be disappointing for some players, it’s unsurprisingly that split-screen functionality isn’t supported in the game as it wasn’t featured in Payday 2 either.
This means the only way to play with others in Payday 3 is by using the online multiplayer mode. Given that the game requires you to always remain online, it’s unlikely we can expect to see a local co-op feature added anytime in the future.
One addition to Payday 3 however, is full crossplay support which means PC and console players can finally play together no matter the platform, so why you can’t join your friends for a couch co-op session of the game, you will be able to connect with more people than ever thanks to the crossplay feature.
That’s everything you need to know about split-screen in Payday 3! For more content on the game, check out our guides below:
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