Ali-A shares bold prediction on Fortnite Season 6 theme & skins

Bill Cooney

Fortnite YouTuber Alastair “Ali-A” Aiken has some bold predictions for what we’ll see happen in Season 6, which is right around the corner.

By now every Fortnite player is looking forward to the end of the current Season 5 and the beginning of Season 6, which starts on March 16, 2021.

As usual Epic has done a fairly decent job when it comes to keeping the big upcoming new content under wraps, and keeping players guessing at what’s coming next throughout the season.

Ali-A thinks he’s cracked the code for Season 6 however, and it all has to do with a brand new Fortnite/DC comic crossover, which we’ve known about for awhile already.

Basically, the comic called “Batman Fortnite Zero Point” will follow the Dark Knight as he gets drawn into the Fortnite universe, and at the same time give us a bunch of lore details that haven’t made it to the surface just yet.

Each issue of the comic, which will be released throughout Season 6, will also come with its own codes for downloadable items and skin unlocks in Fortnite.

“[The comic] will explain a huge amount about Fortnite, but just Batman and DC I don’t think will be the only focus for the next season,” Ali explained. “Potentially a lot more crossover skins. The only information we know about Season 6 at the moment the Batman aspect of it.”

We already saw a big Batman crossover during Season X with a skin for the Caped Crusader, Catwoman, and other cosmetics and items, so it will be interesting to see what kind of new stuff we get this time around.

Ali-A also mentions that the Fishstick, Bandolier, and other skins from the past, including the ultra-rare Renegade Ranger, that could be returning too. But he warns, and we have to agree with him on this, that if you’re looking to grab the super-rare Season 1 skin you shouldn’t get your hopes too high.

The first Season 6 comic code skin has already been revealed — the “DC Rebirth Harley Quinn” skin that looks different than the one before. Not to be outdone, Ali-A claims if you collect all six comics when they come out, you’ll also get an exclusive armored Batman Zero skin.

While Batman will be a central theme in Season 6, the YouTuber believes it should be “another big collaboration season,” like 5, with even more characters from different universes being drawn in. Good news for those of you hoping for a Family Guy Fortnite crossover, as this means it could definitely still happen.