Warzone’s Donnie Darko skin is accidentally punishing players for toxicity

Theo Salaun
call of duty warzone donnie darko skin bundle justice mallet

Call of Duty: Warzone trolls were apparently nerfed by the game’s Donnie Darko bundle. As a Rebirth island player found out, you need to be very careful when trying to get toxic and execute people as Frank the Rabbit.

The Halloween-themed Donnie Darko bundle is beloved by many, despite some concerns over derriere deficiencies. But players are discovering a new issue with its execution animation.

You need to think before you troll with Frank the Rabbit’s assassination. It might be unintentional, but the game can quite literally punish you for being toxic and trying to execute innocent victims.

In a new video, which quickly amassed over 1,000 upvotes, ‘DevvyREDDIT’ showed why it’s necessary to exercise caution with Frank. While trying to finish a downed Rebirth Island enemy off in style, the animation betrayed Devvy and sent them to their peril.

Warzone’s Donnie Darko bundle protects players from toxicity

Devvy titled their clip with a simple caption: “I want my CoD points back.” And it’s easy to see why they would make that tongue-in-cheek joke, as the game hit them with an unexpected consequence for bad manners.

After downing someone by the shoreline, Devvy tried Frank the Rabbit’s obnoxious execution. Referencing the cult classic, the animation has your Operator walk to the side as a jet engine crashes down on your victim.

You can see how the animation normally looks in the clip above. But, unfortunately for Devvy, things didn’t go as planned. Instead, they walked right off of the shoreline and into the water — resulting in a quick death.

In the replies, many laughed at the situation, much like Devvy couldn’t help but do after dying so suddenly. But one user responded with appreciation for the punishment: “That’s what you get for trying to execute someone in Rebirth.”

And that’s how we all learned that the Donnie Darko bundle can enact justice on those looking to troll. If you’re going to get toxic and hit someone with a jet engine, just remember to check your surroundings first.