Vanguard players feel abandoned after “pathetic” event oversight

Andrew Highton
arthur kingsley being shouted at by king kong in cod

The King Kong vs Godzilla special event in Warzone has left Vanguard players dismayed and disappointed as they feel like they aren’t being catered to when it comes to these blockbuster crossovers.

It’s fair to say that Warzone well and truly shook up the CoD landscape. Before it came along, the yearly focus was concentrating on delivering a constant stream of amazing content to whatever the mainline Call of Duty game was at the time.

However, the March 2020 release of Warzone, Activision’s dive into the battle royale market, catapulted the franchise into a new gear. Insane Twitch viewership figures cemented the Warzone craze as everyone flocked to Verdansk. The rise of in-game bundles and skins to score Warzone Victories provided a new avenue for moneymaking.

As a result, there is a belief that CoD’s main games since have struggled: Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard. The recent King Kong vs Godzilla LTM has been a mixed bag, but Vanguard players are envious that Warzone has received this shiny new addition, whereas they haven’t had anything to shout about.

king kong vs godzilla warzone cinematic

Warzone event highlights Vanguard’s lack of attention

On one hand, Warzone players were getting to go toe-to-toe with two of cinema’s most iconic kaiju in an epic battle, whereas Vanguard’s player base was totally overlooked.

In a heated post about the situation, one clearly frustrated player had this to say: “Correct me if I’m wrong, but did we get nothing new for the event but store bundles? Not even new challenges? There was always something for the in-game events both for Warzone and current CoD. I know devs gave up on this game months ago, but it really feels like they have spat in my face, we didn’t get a second map at the start of S3, battle pass is super meh, and now we can’t even get some more content for this event?”

It’s true that events such as these normally allow players across both games to complete tailored challenges that unlock cool Calling Cards, Emblems, and more, for whatever the themed event is.

Reddit user Marino4K felt strongly about this and declared on the post: “It’s pretty pathetic really. The devs have clearly all moved onto the next title and trying to milk OG Warzone for as long as they can. For the record, I’ve bought no bundles for this game, I think all of them either look low effort or incredibly cheesy (the anime girls, weed stuff, etc).”

A comment from a different post discussing how Vanguard appears to have gotten the short end of the stick said: “Vanguard’s pretty much dead now, I wouldn’t see the point in them putting in money and resources for the tiny as* player base it has if they ain’t gonna benefit from it.”

There are plenty of other comments that seem to back up these overall thoughts and it does raise some questions about Vanguard’s long-term future.