Watch Dogs Legion character classes, skills & special equipment

Andrew Highton
Watch Dogs Legion Character Classes Image

Watch Dogs Legion dramatically shakes up the formula that its predecessors rigidly stuck by. The game takes a step forward, in particular with its characters, so let’s walk through the Watch Dogs Legion character Classes you can choose from and how to get them.

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Ubisoft really wanted to make the feel of Watch Dogs Legion completely different from the first two Watch Dogs games. As a result, the game has introduced an innovative concept of not having one single protagonist to guide through until the very end.

Instead, you make use of the game’s many NPCs, well PCs (every character is recruitable in the game), and you have to recruit a strong force to make DedSec strong enough to rebel against Zero Day’s and Albion’s intrusive stronghold over London.

So, read on ahead and we will run through everything we know about the 3 Watch Dogs Legion characters, and their specific abilities and special equipment.

4 characters in London in Watch Dogs Legion
So, who are you going to recruit?

How to recruit people in Watch Dogs Legion

One of the key selling points for the game is that you can recruit anyone in the game’s world. Anyone. Whilst it does seem to be slightly unbelievable, it is actually the case.

According to Ubisoft‘s website: “Every Londoner has a unique backstory with a special skill set and a distinctive personality. Recruit anyone from an MI5 agent to an illegal street-racer and customize them with killer outfits and iconic masks.”

In order to acquire a new addition, you have to simply appease them. Complete a side-mission that cures them of their ailment and it frees them up to come and join the good fight at DedSec. This then allows you to play as them, and then – if you choose – they could be your main character for the rest of the game.

Unless they die… for good.

Different Watch Dogs Legion character classes

Having three different classes allows the player to diversify their workforce and provide different ways of approaching missions. Each class has a niche that makes them desirable for certain missions.

Ubisoft has even made a humorous video demonstrating this concept in action, showing you how it can be used effectively.

It seems that it may benefit the player to have some strategy as it may be needed to adequately set up for certain missions, so make sure to choose wisely.


An Enforcer in action in Watch Dogs Legion
She may be older, but she’s certainly bolder acting as an Enforcer.

This is your go-to class when you wanna let the fists talk and the bullets fly.

Enforcers are purely dedicated to providing the best setup to furiously engage in combat to your heart’s content. With plenty of heavy weapons and various other deadly weapons for you to use, Enforcer is particularly skilled when it comes to absolute destruction. This class is better suited to a mission where stealth is perhaps not quite as key.

Special equipment: Sticky Mine – A mine that can be glued to any surface in the game.

Enforcer’s Skills:

  • Explosive Rounds – Ammunition that explodes on impact and can be fired from assault rifles and light machine guns.
  • Insert Coin – Sacrifices range for additional stopping power by giving the player a damage boost.


A Hacker in action in Watch Dogs Legion
The Hacker is great for stealth and even better with its trusty Spiderbot.

The Hacker does exactly what it says on the tin – it hacks.

This class much prefers to operate in secrecy and foregoes the perils of being too close to the action as they can call upon their technology to do the heavy-hitting for them. The Hacker is quite capable of gaining control of small objects that can be used to the player’s advantage. Naturally, the class is ideal for stealthier missions where complete anonymity is vital.

Special Equipment: Spiderbot – A small, upgradeable robot that can be used to silently attacks enemies, get a hold of access codes for doors etc, and provide seamless access.

Hacker’s Skills:

  • Attract – A new Spiderbot ability that allows the player to distract guards in a local area.
  • Direct Control – Allows the Spiderbot to transform into a special turret mode.
  • Spider Army – This ability lets the player carry more Spiderbots and deploy them simultaneously.


An Infiltrator in action in Watch Dogs Legion
The Infiltrator is silent, but deadly in the Watch Dogs Legion character classes.

The silent assassin.

Infiltrator likes to get up close and personal – similarly to Enforcer – but with the key difference of being undetected in their actions.

The class is very good at stunning opponents and even refraining from contact with them altogether. Like the Hacker, Infiltrators are preferential for stealthier operations, but its versatility means it could be used for any occasion.

Special Equipment: AR Cloak – An instant coat of invisibility that allows for a quick escape, to sneak past guards, or even hide bodies.

Infiltrator’s Abilities:

  • Lunge – Effectively increases the player’s range of attack.
  • All-Seeing – Provides the ability to mark enemies in the area.
  • Shockwave – Produces an electrical shockwave, stunning anyone in the area.
  • First Strike – The SMG is now equipped with a silencer, allowing for the silent killing of enemies.

So there you go. That is everything we know about Watch Dogs Legion and its character classes, special equipment, and abilities.

With Watch Dogs Legion now released to the public, new information is sure to come out in regards to these skills. If it does, and we receive new information about these classes, then we’ll be sure to update you on more Watch Dogs Legion character classes info.