Ninja responds to Tfue and Cloak’s complaints about the Fortnite World Cup prize pool

Tfue and Cloak think there is too much money being offered by the Fortnite World Cup but Ninja isn’t having any of that talk.
Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney and Dennis ‘Cloak’ Lepore are two of the most popular Fortnite streamers in the game currently but they each have their fair share of issues with the game.
Recently the two have argued there is actually too much money being offered by the Fortnite World Cup, which features a $100,000,000 prize pool.
You can see Tfue and Cloak talk about the World Cup with Ninja’s response directly after at the very beginning of the video.
Is too much money available for the Fortnite World Cup?
“It actually sucks because of how much money is on the line,” Cloak said with Tfue in agreement. “The game is nowhere close to where it needs to be to have that amount of money as the prize pool,”
There has been an ongoing joke in the community for a while now where some sort of bug, weapon, vehicle, etc. is introduced that Fortnite is ‘esports ready’ but it’s just viewers and players trolling Epic Games.
Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins, while not directly responding to Cloak and Tfue in particular, said on his stream that people are always going to find something to complain about with Epic Games and Fortnite.

Do Fortnite pros complain too much?
“Deal with it, dude,” Ninja said. “There’s too much money on the line, of course, of course, people are going to find a way to complain about Epic. Epic there’s too much money, too much money on the line.”
Ninja has spoken up in the past about pros complaining in Fortnite and this looks to be another instance of that happening.
“What do the pros like?” he said during a stream with Reverse2K on March 15. “If you want to follow negative people, follow any player who plays the game professionally. […] 99% of the time – all their tweets are all negative.”
Ninja has largely stepped away from much of the competitive Fortnite scene while players like Tfue tend to be in most of the competitions, which is likely why there are more complains there.