Dr Disrespect finally unbanned on Twitch, and his chat went ballistic even with him offline

Albert Petrosyan
Dr Disrespect - Twitch

Popular Twitch streamer Dr Disrespect‘s channel has finally been unbanned by the platform, and his fans were already going nuts in anticipation of his first stream back.

The online content creation community was sent into a whirlwind several weeks ago when Dr Disrespect was banned by Twitch for having included a trip to the restroom in his live-stream from the E3 gaming convention.

As is usually the case, no official word was given on the length of the suspension, as both Twitch and the Two-Time kept mum on the subject. 

However, on June 25, fans noticed that his channel had become accessible on Twitch once again, meaning that he had been unbanned, since suspended channels cannot be visited online.

All in all, his suspension ended up lasting 14 days, starting on June 11, much less than the 30 day ban that many speculated had been leveled against him. 

Despite him not even being live, the Doc’s Twitch chat was already buzzing with fans.

The Two-Time getting unbanned on Twitch is definitely headline-grabbing news on its own, but what took it to the next level was the fact that his loyal followers instantaneously filled the chat, despite the fact that he hadn’t gone live.

In fact, the Doc didn’t even tweet about his suspension being rescinded, so the new must have spread via word of mouth like wildfire on social media.

Soon after the ban was lifted, the chat became so full of excited followers, that it had to be put in subsciber-only mode, so to limit the amount of messages that were being sent.

“Dr Disrespect’s Twitch channel has reappeared,” tweeted out one fan. “He’s not even live and his chat was popping off! Subs, gifted subs, holy fawk man! Firm handshakes Champions Club!”

Why was Dr Disrespect banned on Twitch?

The superstar streamer saw his streaming privileges revoked on Twitch on June 11, moments after visiting a public restroom at E3 while his IRL stream was still live.

Streaming while in a public restroom is in strict violation of Twitch rules, not to mention an invasion of other people’s privacy, so his channel was almost immediately shut down and made inaccessible.

Dr Disrespect’s visit to a public restroom at E3 was the last thing seen on his channel before it was banned.

While never revealing how long his ban was for or when he would be returning, the Doc did tweet out a teaser image for his “new arena” on June 24, which even included a jab at himself for why he got banned in the first place.

All things considered, the Two-Time will consider himself fortunate to be back so soon, and his 3.3+ million followers will now be able to enjoy their favorite streamer in action once again. 

About The Author

Albert is a former esports and gaming writer, focused particularly on Call of Duty and content creators. Spending over three years at Dexerto, Albert eventually now works with streamer NICKMERCS and the MFAM group. You can find Albert @AlbertoRavioli on Twitter.

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