Could Destiny 2 bring back classic weapons like Felwinter’s Lie?

Julian Young
Destiny 2 Beyond Light Friction Fire SMG With Season of the Hunt Text

Beyond Light added new locations and activities into Destiny 2, but a substantial portion of existing content was put into the Destiny Content Vault. Facing criticism on the lack of weapons available, should Bungie continue adding guns from older content back into the game?

Despite adding new content into Destiny 2, Beyond Light also introduced the Destiny Content Vault. The DCV is a way for Bungie to cycle out older content, update it, and reintroduce it at a later date.

Although Bungie explained how the DCV is beneficial for the game in the long run, many players have expressed concerns about removing large pieces of content with no immediate replacement.

One pain point for players is the lack of viable weapons due to the removal and sunsetting of many older guns. As the pool of high Power-level weapons in Destiny 2 has shrunk, players are calling for Bungie to reintroduce guns from previous content, like the Felwinter’s Lie shotgun.

Destiny 2 Beyond Light Europa Weapons
After seeing feedback on the current loot pool, Bungie is bringing back weapons from older content.

Should Bungie bring back Felwinter’s Lie?

Introduced in Season of the Worthy, the Felwinter’s Lie shotgun quickly became a staple of the PVP meta in Destiny 2. Despite being one of the most powerful weapons in PVP, the shotgun was only available during Season of the Worthy. When the season ended, the quest for the gun disappeared and it could no longer be acquired.

The removal of the weapon’s quest at the end of its inaugural season was criticized by many players. With the recent weapon sunsetting and DCV changes, the gun’s availability has once again come into question. In a thread posted to r/DestinyTheGame that garnered more than 4k upvotes, Reddit user ‘Hoodie_ninja1’ called Bungie out for not having the weapon available to obtain in Beyond Light.

Destiny 2 Felwinter's Lie Reddit Thread
Reddit thread by u/Hoodie_ninja1 discussing the return of Felwinter’s Lie.

“It is the best shotgun in the game after the sunsetting changes bar none and not having the ability to get it especially hurts since the Mindbenders has been sunset,” Hoodie_ninja1 said, referencing the Mindbender’s Ambition shotgun. That weapon was previously one of the best guns to use in high-level PVP, but has since been sunset.

“I get the whole FOMO aspect that it had back in its season, but those of us who couldn’t play during that season are essentially at a competitive disadvantage to those who are using it,” the user goes on. Hoodie_ninja1 is voicing a common concern for many players that have experienced weapon sunsetting in Beyond Light.

Destiny 2 Felwinter's Lie Shotgun
Although Bungie has added a kiosk to obtain some old weapons, others have yet to be reintroduced.

What are Bungie’s options?

The DCV and weapon sunsetting have both been divisive topics for Destiny 2 players since they were announced. Bungie implemented changes to their seasonal content model to reduce FOMO, but some players feel the problem is still present.

After facing backlash for the small weapon loot pool in Beyond Light, Bungie announced they are expanding the game’s weapon availability by reintroducing some guns from previous expansions and seasons. With powerful weapons like Felwinter’s Lie still unobtainable, players will need to wait and see if Bungie plans to bring back more vaulted weapons during Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt.