Best CS2 crosshair codes used by pros

Calum Patterson
best csgo crosshairs

Using the right crosshair for you in Counter-Strike 2 is crucial. But, if you don’t know where to start, why not copy a pro? These are the best crosshair codes for CS2 used by the world’s top players.

With the perfect crosshair in Counter-Strike 2, you’ll feel more comfortable hitting headshots, lining up grenades, and controlling your spray.

By default, CS2 will give you a dynamic green crosshair. However, this is not very popular among seasoned players, as the crosshair’s movement can be distracting. Instead, the more common choice is a static crosshair, that stays perfectly still when you fire or move.

There are countless options for your crosshair, and you could spend hours tweaking it. To save time, these are the best CS2 crosshairs pro players use, which you can try by copying their crosshair codes.

Best CS2 crosshair codes used by pro players

We’ve picked out some of the world’s greatest players, including both AWPers and riflers, and listed the crosshair codes they use in CS2. Then, check the table below to see even more crosshairs you can try from pros.

Pro players often change their crosshairs regularly, but we’ll keep this list as updated as possible with new crosshairs as they change. Also, remember that crosshairs will look bigger or smaller depending on what res you play on (16:9/16:10/4:3).

We’ve updated and tested these codes based on the latest available settings from the pro players. These codes are based on whatever code they used in their last official match on record.

Following the Shanghai Major, we have updated crosshair codes based on what players used at the event.

ZywOo crosshair code


zywoo blue crosshair

ZywOo, now a major winner in CS:GO, is another player who is almost as good with an AK as the best riflers in the world, while being an AWP user primarily.

He uses a cyan crosshair as shown, but is regularly playing around with his crosshair. So, like others, you might see him trying something else on stream.

You can see ZywOo’s complete CS:GO settings here.

s1mple crosshair code


cs2 s1mple green crosshair

s1mple is regarded as the best player in the history of Counter-Strike, and even though he’s taking a break from competition, he’s still been grinding CS2.

He is using a dot crosshair now in CS2, on a 4:3 resolution in green. While s1mple is mainly an AWPer, he has been using the rifles even more in Counter-Strike 2, given the AWP’s place in the current meta being hit.

You can see s1mple’s complete Counter-Strike settings here.

NiKo crosshair code


niko cs2 crosshair

Few would argue that Nikola ‘NiKo‘ Kovač is the best rifler in the world. If you aspire to be as good as the Falcons star, you’re probably out of luck, but at least you can emulate his crosshair with the code provided.

Check out NiKo’s full settings here.

donk crosshair code


donk crosshair cs2 yellow

A new entry on the list of best players in the world, 17-year-old phenom donk lit up the CS world with his monster performance at IEM Katowice 2024, and now he’s a major champion.

Unsurprisingly, his crosshair will now be copied by thousands of players, hoping it might let them entry frag like him. Obviously, it won’t, but it can’t hurt to try.

You can see donk’s full CS2 settings here.

m0NESY crosshair code


m0nesy crosshair in cs2

Like many players, the young prodigy m0NESY uses a cyan-colored crosshair. Although he’s only been in the pro scene for a couple of years, G2’s AWPer has more than proved himself at the highest level and is one of the most exciting players in the world.

This small cyan crosshair is one of the most popular used among professional players.

You can find m0NESY’s settings in full here.

dev1ce crosshair code


device cs2 crosshair new

Despite some time away from professional play, Astralis legend Nicolai ‘dev1ce‘ Reedtz is back like he never left, and his individual performance is as strong as ever. He was last seen using this cyan crosshair with a noticeable center gap, a classic pro player crosshair.

Twistzz crosshair code


twistzz cyan crosshair cs2

Arguably the greatest North American player of all time in CS:GO, Twistzz, Team Liquid’s Canadian rifler, is another headshot machine, and he does it all with this simple cyan crosshair.



malbsmd crosshair cs2

G2’s rising star, Mario ‘malbsMd’ Samayoa, rose up the ranks to tier 1 CS rapidly, and is now cemented as one of CS2’s strongest players. If you want to replicate the Guatemalan’s crosshair, which is a small green one, use the code above.

ropz crosshair code


ropz cs2 crosshair

Robin ‘ropz’ Kool, is often lauded as one of the players with the greatest mechanical skill in CS, even leading to pros accusing him of cheating before he went pro. Of course, it’s actually just his crisp aim, which he achieves with this green crosshair.

sh1ro crosshair code


sh1ro cs2 crosshair

Dmitriy ‘sh1ro’ Sokolov, now with Team Spirit, is a superstar in his own right, even if he doesn’t get the shine of his contemporaries like m0nesy and ZywOo. His crosshair is somewhat unique among pros, with a faded yellow color.

Ax1Le crosshair code


ax1le cs2 crosshair

Cloud9’s star rifler Sergey ‘Ax1Le’ Rykhtorov quickly made a name for himself as a true threat to the crown of NiKo in this role. If his crosshair is more to your style, then give it a shot using the code above.

YEKINDAR crosshair code


yekindar cs2 crosshair

Mareks ‘YEKINDAR’ Gaļinskis was once tipped as the best entry-fragger role player in the world, with his signature aggression on the T side.

He’s more than happy to push any bombsite, confident his expert crosshair placement will help him clear the CT’s power positions. He does so with this neat and tidy green crosshair.

ELiGE crosshair code


elige crosshair cs2 dust

Another of NA’s finest, Jonathan ‘EliGE’ Jablonowski’s standout trait is often his spray control. While you might think your crosshair is not all that important in this regard, the difference between a dynamic and static crosshair will determine whether it expands or not when firing. ELiGE, like most pros, prefers a static one.

stavn crosshair code


stavn cs2 crosshair

The former Heroic star has now joined Astralis for CS2, and although still a young player, stavn has shown moments of pure brilliance on the biggest stage and is a clutch expert, too. He uses a very small, light blue crosshair.

KSCERATO crosshair code


kscerato cs2 crosshair

The best Brazilian player in the world, Kaike ‘KSCERATO’ Cerato, is among the very best riflers globally, and although his FURIA team has struggled to win international events, few would lay much of the blame at his feet. Always a top performer, you can emulate his crosshair with the code above.

More CS2 pro crosshairs

We’ve picked out some of the best crosshairs from the best players above, but there are countless more pro players to choose from. Here’s a selection of more codes for you to try:

Player (Team)CS2 Crosshair code
broky (FaZe)CSGO-WE3LV-VXbrS-B3LYV-t7HKm-ekrqK
b1t (NAVI)CSGO-543v4-5EKXs-s5J2o-W7GNV-6eK5O
karrigan (FaZe)CSGO-TGwuz-U6KXr-ANsc2-mP2yB-oZJaA
Magisk (Falcons)CSGO-roNHs-zXRHO-uJUkC-9DUU8-euzQN
rain (FaZe)CSGO-krABe-SxnJe-mG8VH-Dsupu-5RGOP
XANTARES (Eternal Fire)CSGO-xbpe2-E24RJ-YXNuO-pQvt8-ppNAK
cadiaN (Astralis)CSGO-jaLLt-fVhJi-nd92x-VGVfs-8HSuK
arT (Fluxo)CSGO-u2H9q-R3KDb-ijHuY-Bfizr-J9T8N
electroNic (VP)CSGO-XvQtE-YZF5M-98uXV-7nWbf-ZbJaA
NAF (Liquid)CSGO-J29Jc-WDCwx-VdLUG-szY5O-33LsE
jame (Parivision)CSGO-rLYmC-Gep2i-hh73s-WHidf-OnMHA
k0nfig (NIP)CSGO-VxFE7-k2coD-skW4o-GLhM7-WsdqA
jabbi (Astralis)CSGO-jaLLt-fVhJi-nd92x-VGVfs-8HSuK
Patsi (Aurora)CSGO-y6a6Y-89Jt8-J5WSy-zC5BJ-OjPJM
Spinx (MOUZ)CSGO-7dqxH-3n2pw-4dFz5-uMxfU-hiA6Q
headtr1ck (B8)CSGO-JsSYU-YLUfz-TkVP5-sNCuc-ZbJaA
tabseN (BIG)CSGO-FEJFd-jYrPH-OZkKs-Bqduc-iA9WB
w0nderful (NAVI)CSGO-TpLLK-EJ5vT-aYEpF-VphTW-k8aYO
FalleN (Furia)CSGO-yiXm3-VRYV6-PSGrf-ZEyDc-7JNMB
HObbit (1Win)CSGO-LVhSa-yxXFY-rbOBf-XDJCB-CW9vO
Hunter (G2)CSGO-7p8aC-3tTU4-pb8GQ-OP9Kq-qKwLA
Siuhy (MOUZ)CSGO-FBMfW-qEj5b-bBT2t-H5LbQ-qseKP
FlameZ (Vitality)CSGO-6GTQz-fG2FY-HwPO8-TbT3i-vfrVQ
Aleksib (NAVI)CSGO-SkoGm-N5yir-M8p3V-QyOxC-z2urD
Nertz (Liquid)CSGO-s5Qbj-nvF89-cJjDd-mRdSG-5Yt4N
SunPayus (Heroic)CSGO-qahFh-KZEFk-UxyQH-wViqJ-TpNkO
Hext (NRG)CSGO-Nhd8T-ZN3Nt-JWe47-yLRVG-oZJaA
FL1T (VP)CSGO-NpjdZ-5378L-BMRxJ-Y243S-b9qmJ
chopper (Team Spirit)CSGO-DDMKA-7f8Le-z3na4-y3N5v-BWRZQ
zont1x (Team Spirit)CSGO-YRxPX-pKo3w-qZ2eU-GFa9n-biaAB
Snappi (NIP)CSGO-qJAs8-n3OmQ-CR5Em-6PLPO-xAdRF
deko (Aurora Gaming)CSGO-4hxiH-pXq77-5yzUX-uDEtm-Nij5P
Coldzera (Red Candids)CSGO-OdiJj-piPPv-OSZcH-KVkFV-JK5mA
degster (Falcons)CSGO-mEr3O-qc3qm-Py58r-YjQpR-Ms8rN
ultimate (Liquid)CSGO-JoSAH-kP4EZ-LMTcT-KGE7d-xGCEB
HeavyGod (G2)CSGO-dE62s-bXOib-X28Yu-zJHtx-hif4D
mzinho (The MongolZ)CSGO-CKMeZ-9ufhY-kNsQU-BS9MO-TpNkO
Djoko (3DMAX)CSGO-4utRN-hXeik-nKyMt-r6boU-JK5mA
xertioN (MOUZ)CSGO-usVDK-dBUVN-j4Ffp-POw9z-DLpYF
woxic (Eternal Fire)CSGO-hVyt6-6w7hL-hQyc6-xReeD-3sNkO
yuurih (FURIA)CSGO-Jhfkc-4UpR6-DJftC-VfGek-pL3ED
magixx (Team Spirit)CSGO-9vKLy-OAOok-Yrj2D-6t3oQ-7T8SA
frozen (FaZe Clan)CSGO-hoG76-83ZA3-P3LND-PqB9M-O58WB
FL4MUS (Virtus.Pro)CSGO-2xkTh-UwMhs-Wfw9o-G8jLV-2JH8D
TeSeS (Falcons)CSGO-uLn8i-swG3v-e2ri9-mdzAH-usW5F
Jimpphat (MOUZ)CSGO-t3F8R-3M9vV-qVikH-JF3PV-9mUCP
jks (Liquid)CSGO-yBWcV-ayUo4-2q7UW-WTwVh-xNDND
sjuush (NIP)CSGO-vSPK4-t6wpb-H9B2v-j5EyZ-sntiB

Crosshairs updated as of February 2025

How to import crosshair codes in CS2

You import crosshair codes in CS2 through the ‘game settings’ menu, by simply pasting the code you want to try. This will change your in-game crosshair instantly. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the settings menu in CS2 by clicking the cog symbol
  2. Go to ‘Game’ and then ‘Crosshair’
  3. On the crosshair preview image, click ‘Share and Import’
  4. Paste the code into the pop-up and click ‘Import’
cs2 import crosshair code settingsHere’s where you can import the crosshair code in CS2, and see a preview.

This will then change your crosshair to the exact settings used by the professional player. You may also want to check their res though, as most pros play on a 4:3 stretched res, which will make the crosshair larger than on default, 16:9 res.

If you want to keep a record of your own code, simply click ‘copy my code’ before importing a new one, and then save this somewhere. That way, you can always revert to your previous crosshair easily.

How to copy crosshairs in CS2

If you see a crosshair another player is using when playing in a match, it’s easy to copy their crosshair too. Here’s how to copy another player’s crosshair:

  1. Press tab to open up the match scoreboard
  2. Click on the player’s name that you want to copy from
  3. Select “Copy Crosshair”
  4. Select “Yes” to replace your current crosshair

Remember, it’s a good idea to take note of your preferred crosshair codes before so you can easily revert if you want it back.

If you want the best settings for CS2, including audio settings, check out our guide here.

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