How to get points fast in Firebase Z: Black Ops Cold War Zombies

David Purcell
Firebase z

Black Ops Cold War added a brand new Firebase Z map to the game with its February 4 patch, and if you’re wondering how to get more points (or money) while playing it, you’ve come to the right place. 

A plethora of famous Zombies maps have been released by Treyarch in the last decade, and it all started with Nacht Der Untoten back on the original Black Ops game.

You won’t be surprised to know that things have changed since then, and most recently with Firebase Z, the money/points system has been tweaked as well. Now, for this, it has its negatives and its positives.

Let’s take a look through those, shall we…

firebase z
Here’s a satellite image of Firebase Z.

How to get points in Firebase Z

How the points system works

You won’t be building up points in the same way this time, which might be confusing at first glance for players, but if you’re used to Die Maschine by now, then you’ll be right at home.

Unlike previous maps where damage dealt allowed you to rack up points to spend, this time Treyarch have changed things up a bit. You’re going to need to kill the Zombie to be granted a bonus, rather than being rewarded for landing individual strikes or shots that may not lead to a kill.

The negative of this, of course, is that the old fashioned use of melee attacks in the early game will only be effective if you down the enemy. Previously, each attack through windows would grant enough money to go out and buy a wall weapon.

Perk Machines

Firebase Z perk machine
Here’s what the Perk Machines look like in Firebase Z – pretty standard for a regular Zombies player.

If you find a Perk Machine in Firebase Z, there’s something you can do to rack up some bonus points. Simply go prone in front of it and it should spit out some cash for you to pick up.

It’s not an insane strategy, but every little helps. This can be done one time per game, per Perk Machine, so keep that in mind.


It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out in-game, but it’s worth noting that headshots are a great way – once you have a weapon – to rack up some valuable points.

When you’re later in the game and have a nice weapon setup, this won’t be an issue. Early game, however, hitting heads can be a great way to get you started and obviously the Zombies will die quicker too.

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