Hilarious Black Ops Cold War bug literally breaks Fireteam Dirty Bomb
u/knoxxb1/TreyarchA game-breaking Black Ops Cold War bug is suspending players above the map on Fireteam Dirty Bomb, rendering them useless for the entire match.
As with any new release, Black Ops Cold War has had its fair share of bugs and glitches. From players falling through the map to a permanent thermal overlay, its obvious Treyarch overlooked a few elements of the game before releasing the title.
However, if a bug is not game-breaking, players will usually laugh it off and let it go. It’s only when a glitch renders players completely useless that a bug starts to become more frustrating than funny.
Well, that’s exactly the type of bug some players are experiencing on Fireteam Dirty Bomb and it’s fair to say they’re not pleased about it.
Game-breaking bug suspends players above the map
A video posted to the Black Ops Cold War subreddit reveals a game-breaking bug occurring on Fireteam Dirty Bomb. The glitch suspends the players above the map for the entire match with them unable to move or participate.
On top of this, it appears the entire game mode is broken with teams being bigger than they’re are supposed to be and textures not loading in.
As you can see, the players are left floating above the map and are audibly frustrated at the issue. One of them even states: “I’d genuinely be surprised if they even had playtesters for this game.”
It’s worth noting the players can scope down onto the map below but they’re completely locked in place. Attempting to run will trigger the animation but no movement will occur.
Glitches can be entertaining in certain titles, especially when they do not heavily impact the gameplay experience. However, in competitive games like Call of Duty, a game-breaking bug can be extremely frustrating.
Fingers crossed Treyarch get this bug fixed as soon as possible so players don’t have to continue spectating the game from above the map.