Apex Legends: How to outplay opponents with Wattson trap

The latest character to be added to Apex Legends, Wattson, can allow players to set up some insane traps using her tactical ability.
Popular Legends such as Wraith and Pathfinder can often be difficult to counter in-game as their abilities allow for players to have improved mobility, making them hard to pin down for someone playing as Wattson.
However, one player has found the perfect way to make use of the Static Defender’s tactical ability, Perimeter security, in order to set up an unbeatable trap on unsuspecting opponents.

Wattson’s tactical ability traps are often placed at doorways and narrow locations such as Bunker, although Reddit user, Kossuranta, may have found a better way to set down the Legend’s electrified fences.
In this game, Kossuranta found themselves with a perfect opportunity to lay a trap for their opponents after reaching the safe zone of the Ring and noticing one of Wraith’s Dimensional Rift portals left unattended.
After setting down Wattson’s electric fence next to the Wraith’s portal, which was likely used to help the players into the safe zone quicker, Kossuranta simply sat back and waited for the enemy squad to fall victim to the trap, adding a few extra shots in where necessary and completing the squad wipe.
Wraith is often considered one of the best legends, but this trap counter to the highly-picked Legend’s Ultimate might be just what is needed to even out the playing field.
Wattson was actually hit with a fairly significant nerf in the Voidwalker event, now taking 5% more damage (just like Wraith, Pathfinder, and Lifeline), so becoming a master of her abilities is more important than ever.
More Apex Legends characters are expected to be on their way soon, with leaks of many new Legends abilities such as Rampart and Blisk already coming to light, as well as Crypto who many expected to be released in Season 2.
Although no Legends have been confirmed as of yet, many are expecting the next characters to be released as part of Apex Legends’ Season 3.