Does Instagram notify when you screenshot a story?

Georgina Smith
The Dexerto Trending Instagram account on the screen of a Samsung Galaxy S24 while on a wooden table.

Have you ever taken a screenshot on Instagram Story only to wonder if the other user would find out about it? Here’s everything you need to know about whether or not Instagram sends notifications when someone screenshots a story.

Over the years, Instagram Stories has become one of the most popular ways to post on Instagram. With Instagram Stories, users can share snapshots of their day-to-day lives via videos and images outside their typical Instagram feed.

If you want to immortalize the Instagram story of another user, so it doesn’t disappear within a day, you can always screenshot it. However, it’s likely you won’t want to sound off the alarms that you’ve saved a copy of another user’s post.

Luckily, while Instagram may alert other users of a DM screenshot, it’s not quite the same where Instagram Stories are concerned. With that in mind, we have all you need to know about whether or not Instagram notifies you when you screenshot a story.

Re-share posts to Instagram story

Can you see if someone screenshot your Instagram Story?

Instagram will not notify you if a user has screenshotted your story or post. This means that if you screenshot another user’s post, they won’t be notified.

This rule also applies to any ‘close friends’ on the Instagram app. Anyone part of your cultivated close friends list will also not be notified if you, or another user, screenshot their story post.

However, it is worth noting that certain features on Instagram have different rules. For example, if you try to screenshot something sent over Vanish Mode, the other person will be notified, so it’s best to be careful with what you choose to screenshot on the app.

Although Instagram has previously briefly tested a feature that allowed people to see who screenshotted their story back in 2018, it’s not clear whether they have any plans to add it back in the future.

As it stands, however, Instagram does notify users of screenshots over DMs. If someone sends you a disappearing video or photo in your DMs and you screenshot it, the sender will be notified.

If you want to know more about how to use Instagram, you can check out our other guides here:

How to link your Instagram account to TikTokHow to see your first-liked Instagram postHow to switch Instagram feed to chronological orderHow to re-share a post to your Story on InstagramHow to make money on Instagram