Pokemon Unite: How to play Defenders Snorlax, Slowbro & Crustle

Brent Koepp
Pokemon Unite Crustle and Snorlax

In Pokemon Unite on Nintendo Switch, Trainers can choose which team role to take on such as the Defender class. Here is how to play Snorlax, Slowbro and Crustle in the TiMi Studios MOBA. 

Pokemon Unite has 20 playable Pokemon. Each character fills one of five team roles such as Attackers, All-Rounder, Defender, Speedster, and Supporter.

Below we will take a look at how Defenders such as Snorlax, Slowbro, and Crustle play a pivotal part in 5v5 MOBA, and how to best use their unique moves and special abilities.  


How to play Snorlax in Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite Snorlax Map
The beloved giant Pokemon is the perfect Defender in Unite.

Due to Snorlax’s massive size, the ‘mon is perfectly suited for the Defense role. Players will want to use its giant body to block opponents from trying to score goals, as well as crowd control when battles become cluttered.

Because it has slow mobility speeds, we recommend upgrading Tackle to Heavy Slam. While Flail’s buffer can make the Normal-type closer to a Tank, the character already has healing abilities and benefits from having a dash attack.

We would also ditch Rest as soon as you hit level eight since Snorlax gains a similar ability a level later. Instead, upgrade the healing move to Block. It can’t be understated enough how useful its wide shield will be when blocking enemy players from trying to score goals, as well as pushing the opposing team back. 

Finally, Snorlax’s Unite move at level nine puts the ‘mon to sleep, which quickly heals its HP. Unlikes Rest, you can actually still attack by rolling on top of players near your location. Trainers can also use the Defender’s shield to protect teammates who are taking on the Legendary Pokemon or Boss Battles on the map. 

Pokemon Unite Snorlax Special attacks

Special 1

Attack Icon Description Upgrade level 
Basic Attack Basic Attack Snorlax uses its claws to swipe at enemies. Its third strike becomes boosted.   Level 1
Tackle Tackle Snorlax charges opponents and slams into them with its belly. Enemies caught up in its AOE will become slowed down for a limited time. Level 6 (can be upgraded to one of the two following moves below)
Heavy Slam Heavy Slam Using its heavy body, the Normal-type slams itself down on top of enemies. The AOE damage also sends characters flying. Level 11: Increased Damage
Flail Flail Increases Basic Attack damage the lower your HP is.  Level 11: Increased Damage. 

Special 2

Attack Icon Description Upgrade level 
Rest Rest Snorlax falls asleep on the spot, healing the user’s health. Opponents are blocked from moving past where he lays.   Level 8 (can be upgraded to one of the two following moves below)  
Block Block Opening its arms wide, Snorlax creates a shield. The wall prevents enemies from passing through it and bounces them back.  Level 13: Reduces damage taken while using this move. 
Yawn Yawn A spray of mist that puts enemies to sleep.  Level 13: Slow down enemies for a short time as well as put them to sleep.
(UNITE move) Unite Move Snorlax falls asleep, with its snores dealing AOE damage to the opposing team. While being healed, users can roll over and attack enemies.  Can be used starting Level 10

How to play Crustle in Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite Crustle Map
The Kalos ‘mon can defend Goal Zones.

The Kalos crustacean is an interesting Defender as it can be played in two completely different ways: a slow tank or a speedy attacker. Compared to other characters, the Gen V monster has a complicated moveset.

Those wanting to play a fast version of the ‘mon with blistering attacks should upgrade Rock Slide for Shell Smash. The special converts its Defense stats to boost its Special Attack and Speed stats. Pairing this with X-Scissor – which you get from upgrading Fury Cutter to X-Scissor at level six – is a deadly combination. 

If you don’t have enough tank ‘mon on your team (such as Snorlax), then you should go the other route instead. Upgrade Rock Slide at level four for Rock Tomb, which creates a barrier. Trading in Fury Cutter for Stealth Rock gives the Pokemon range as the attack deals damage over time to opponents tagged with it from a distance.

Regardless of which route you decide to choose with Crustle, its Unite move at level nine gives it a tanky shield. So even if you decide to play the Gen V creature with speed, you will at least still be able to launch a shield that also deals damage.

Pokemon Unite Crustle Special attacks

Special 1

Attack Icon Description Upgrade level 
Basic Attack Basic Attack A series of slashes with its claw. The third hit becomes boosted.   Level 1
Rock Slide Rock Slide A flurry of rocks is dropped down from the sky. Opponents hit in the AOE are unable to move.   Level 4 (can be upgraded to one of the two following moves below)
Rock Tomb Rock Tomb Crustle splits the ground down the middle to make a barrier. Opponents hit with the fissure take damage.  Level 11: Enemies movement speed is decreased if hit with the move. 
Shell Smash Shell Smash Crustle smashes its shell and converts its stats to boost its Special Attack and Speed.  Level 11: Increase the stat boosted.  

Special 2

Attack Icon Description Upgrade level 
Fury Cutter Fury Cutter Crustle uses its claw to land a fierce slash. Each succeeding hit increases in damage.  Level 6 (can be upgraded to one of the two following moves below)  
Stealth Rock Stealth Rock Small rocks are thrown out. If hitting an enemy, rocks will appear overhead and deal damage over time to the AOE. Level 13: Increase the length of damage given. Also slows enemies down.
X-Scissor X-Scissor Crustle dashes forward and slashes with claws in the shape of an X. Enemies hit will be shoved back.  Level 13: The cooldown time is reduced. 
(UNITE move) Unite Move A shield is created, damaging opponents within range.   Can be used starting Level 9

How to play Slowbro in Pokemon Unite

Pokemon Unite Slowbro Profile image
The Kanto favorite is a solid Defender in Unite.

Compared to the other Defender Pokemon, Slowbro is a tank with heavy endurance. Interestingly, the Kanto Water-type can be played in two completely different ways depending on the user’s preferred gameplay style.

Those who want more of a melee build should upgrade Water Gun to Scald at level 4. Trading in Slack Off for Telekinesis at level 6 will give you a good combination as you can lift enemies in the air, before pulling them towards you to be sprayed with the hot water.

Users who want a quicker Slowbro, can instead pick Surf at level 6 instead. The attack is a quick dash, that knocks enemies back. It can also be used as an escape. At level 6, Slack Off can be traded in for Amnesia which actually boosts the damage of Surf.

Regardless of which strategy you use, its Unite Move, Slowbeam, offers the character incredible protection. While being used, the Pokemon becomes shielded and invincible. This makes Slowbro an absolute wall in team fights if used in front of other teammates, as well as a perfect Defense in front of Goal areas.

Pokemon Unite Slowbro Special abilities

Special 1

Attack Icon Description Upgrade level 
Basic Attack Basic Attack A series of slashes with its claw. The third hit becomes boosted.   Level 1
Water Gun Water Gun A stream of water hits opponents and decreases their movement speed. Holding down the move increases its AOE and damage. Level 4 (can be upgraded to one of the two following moves below)
Scald Scald Slowbro shoots out boiling hot water on enemies. Players hit have a chance to be burned, which slows down their movement speed.  Level 11: Increases the area of effect. 
Surf Surf Slowbro dashes towards enemies on top of a wave. If hit by the water, players are damaged and knocked backward.  Level 11: The second and third wave becomes much larger, and also knocks enemies back. 

Special 2

Attack Icon Description Upgrade level 
Slack Off Slack Off Using this increases Slowbro’s HP over time. If hit while using the move, the increase is reduced.  Level 6 (can be upgraded to one of the two following moves below)  
Amnesia Amnesia Reduces the damage taken from lower-level attacks. Increases the damage of Scald & Surf after being triggered.  Level 13: Increase Sp. Atk as well.
Telekinesis  Telekinesis Enemies are lifted up into the air and left floating. If the move is used again, opponents are then pulled towards Slowbro. Level 13: Reduces the time it takes for the move to fire off, while also increasing its range. 

(UNITE move)

Slowbeam Slowbro stares at enemies and damages & blinds them with continuous attacks.  The user becomes shielded and invincible while triggering the Unite Move.  Can be used starting Level 9

Pokemon Unite will make its mobile debut on Android and iPhone devices in September, but no release date is set yet.

Tune in to our guides on the 5v5 MOBA as we will be covering the best ways to play each ‘mon as well as the best team strategies for each map, and more.